Snakes of Time

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Kronii pov: "Sana, I will beat you!" I said

"Incorrect," Sana sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You are weaker for me." Sana said

That isn't true; she can't prove that I am stronger. It doesn't make sense. Time isn't weaker than space at all.

"Kronini I want to fight Meimei."Sana said

"Nope, fight me!" I said

Sana blitzed me and kicked me in the face, sending me flying.

"You lose," she said.

"Ouch, her feet hurt," I groaned.

"Yeah, getting kicked hurts," she said.

I'm well aware of that, but I need to figure out how to defeat her. She is fast and strong, and I don't know how to break her defense. It isn't something that will be easy for someone like me to do, and I have to get close to slashing, and this is a friendly fight, so I can't slash her at all in the way I want.

"You have to hit me bluntly, right?" She asked

I growled and stared at the ground. I can't think about what the hell I couldn't do with these things.

"Shit..." I growled

"What are you thinking?" Sana asked

I gulped and stared at Mumei fighting Irys and Fauna fighting Bae, but they were busy.

"What can we do?" I asked

"Fight," Sana said.

"I know..." I sighed

I rushed at her and slashed at her. She jumped over me and said, "No." She said

Her gravity powers sucked me in, and she kicked me away. "Shit!" I yelled"Shit-shit-shit!" I yelled

Sana stared at me and sighed as she looked at me. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing...." I skidded on the ground, catching myself.

"Nothing, you just hit me away," I said.

"Nope," she said.

I don't know why she denied that. I don't get it; it makes zero sense at all. I need to know what the hell is going on, how her powers work, and what is going to happen with the attacks.

"You can't touch me; you can't catch me; it's not possible at all," she said.

Sana was right. She is faster than me and stronger than me, but she can't count me out. I'm time, and time should be better than space. It makes no sense other than that. I need to hurry up and find a way to defeat her. It won't be easy. I'm weaker; I have to win by some other tactic.

My weakness My power, my nothingness I don't know what is going to happen if this continues. I can't just go at this like a brain-dead idiot. I need to go on. I have to continue and go on to fight.

"Kronini, what is the problem?" Sana asked

"Nothing, Sana, let's just fight and continue this. We need to do so. I need to defeat you so Mumei won't have to deal with space. I can't let space have her to herself!" I yelled

"Uhuh..." Sana sighed

I sighed and bit my lip. This will be hard.

Sana dragged me towards her and kicked me as hard as I could in the stomach. "Blegh," I coughed.

I hurdled towards the wall and smashed into it. She was too fast for me. I can't believe it. She is so quick and powerful right now.

"You need to stop losing Kronini," Sana said.

I need to stop losing that, right?

No, it isn't easy...

I can't keep losing...

But how do you stop losing?

What is the difference between Zero and One? What is the purpose of everything? Maybe if I stopped clogging up my head, then it would be easier to fight her.

I need to quickly find a way to hit her right now.

"Stop, don't waste my time, Kronini," Sana said.

Don't waste my time. What is she on about? She is on my time right now. She is on my time. I need her to understand. She is on my time right now. She can't understand what is going on when she is on my time. This isn't going to be her wasting time. She can't waste time because I'm the warden of time. Time is me, and I am time.

"How confusing," she said.

"Wha-" I said.

Sana kicked me and sent me flying. "How did you know what I was going to say?" I asked

"I didn't know; I just guessed Kronini," Sana said.

I laughed; she didn't know about that. She was trying to lie, so I would be thrown off. This is obnoxious.

"Oh, hi Sanana!" Mumei said as she flew past Sana.

"Come back!" Irys yelled

This actually made me smile. Mumei messing with someone who is really cute, to be completely honest, is really funny to me. I really like it, to be honest.

We need to continue something. When Irys returns, I want to defeat her. I don't know why, but for some reason, Irys rubs me off the wrong way right now.

"Ahhhhh!" Bae yelled as she was put up in a tree.

"Bye Bae!" Fauna said

She ran after Mumei and Irys right after beating Bae, but the rat got up and ran after Fauna.

"They seem to be having fun right now, thats crazy," Sana said.

I bit my lip and wondered if I could help Mumei too. I don't want Mumei to be saved by Fauna since she is also mine.

"Kronii focus I feel like you are all over the place. You need to stop and focus on me. Fight me. I want a good fight. I don't want to win without you hitting me. If you do, I will be sad.

Sana is mocking me right now. I don't understand why she is doing this right now. Why mock perfection at this moment?

I'm perfection. I'm great. I'm perfect I'm awake, I'm really cool, and I'm just the greatest person ever. I am the strongest one ever.

Am I perfection or am I not? I have no idea to be honest.

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