Time Effects Space

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Amelia pov: One moment I was with Gura, and another moment I began glitching out again for some reason, being hurried into time once more.

"Where am I wanting to go?" I asked

"Eh, are you saying we need to go out there and explore space, dummy?" Gura asked

"Wait, what?" I sighed.

"No need; I explored space like five minutes ago. Can I just say her body is fantastic and spacious?" Ina asked, winking a bit.

"I'm going to slap you." Gura said

"That was cute, Ina," Sana said.

"If I'm being honest, she's beautiful." Ina huffed

"We all know Sana is beautiful. You don't have to tell us twice." Gura and I said it together.

"By the way, aren't there other people here, Kronini?" Sana asked

"Oh yeah, Flare, Noel, Marine, and the other one," Kronii said.

"We should get them," Gura said.

"Wait-I remember this..." I said

"Remember this, Amelia? Did you come back in time?" Kronii asked

"Yeah, I'm out!" I yelled before the warden of time could attack me.

"Amelia, you can't breath; I'm in space!" Gura said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

That was true; I can't breathe in space without a space suit; however, now that I have one, I pressed a button on my outfit and a
A yellow spacesuit with a see-through helmet decorated with a black bow on the top and decorated with parallel lines and various patches appeared, as well as black and white gloves and boots.

"Actually, since I'm here with you, we all should be able to breathe in space," Sana said.

"I know," I said.

I want to get out of here as fast as I can before Kronii tries to kill me again. I really am afraid of her. She has me shaking in my boots. She is the warden of time and a goddess obviously stronger than me. I don't get it at all.

"Let's go," I said calmly as Gura went out first, then I did Ina, followed by Sana.

"You coming, Kronini?" Sana asked

"Yeah, give me a second," Kronii said.

Kronii ran at me and tried to slash me with her twin blades. I tried to dodge instantly.

"Gwak!" Kronii hissed as she fell, thinking she was going to fall fast but realizing quickly that she was now being affected by gravity like the rest of us.

"Eww, this feels weird." She commented

"Are you grossed out that you are finally succumbing to my power, Kronini?" Sana asked

"When you put it like that, it pisses me off." Kronii commented

"Sana, can you transport me anywhere else right now?" I asked

"To be honest, Amelia, no..." Sana replied

"Huh?" I was confused by Sana; she shook her head, seemingly coming to a conclusion. They stopped her, though.

"I hope Meimei is alright." Sana said worryingly

"Don't worry, she's resilient," Gura said.

"I know, but I'm still worried since it seems almost the entire council is suffering from this phenomenon," Sana stated.

"So I'm confused. Did all of the council get transported or not?" Kronii asked

"We all had to," Sana said.

"Then why are you and I together?" Kronii asked

"Good question, Kronini; it's because you're a loner and we were so close that we couldn't be in two places at once," Sana said.

"Okay, was the lonely part needed?" Kronii asked

"Yes," Sana said.

"Don't you two start fighting now." Gura sighed

"Sorry, space and time don't get along very well." Kronii said

"Kronii, give my girlfriend some space!" Ina said

"Guys, I've lived through this before. Mumei is fine. We all end up being fine; we just need to stay here and be calm," I said.

"You lived through this?" Sana said

"Yes!" I replied.

"That's why you need to be cut down!" Kronii yelled

"No, I don't take that back." I yelled

"Kronii, why are you so angry?" Gura questioned

"Why am I so angry because this woman keeps breaking the time stream? She also refuses to fix it. The fact that she is here means she took over this Amelia's personality. This isn't the Amelia we know; it is a future one she needs to leave before she tears the time stream."Kronii yelled

"We can see constellations; look, Ina!" Sana said.

"So pretty!" Ina said

"Space is one of the prettiest realms, but I think I'm biased since I'm space," Sana explained.

"You are so humble..." I sarcastically said

"Someone made the council unbalanced. We all have to keep our power levels at a certain scale if it's under or over the seal breaks and the realms are accessible again," Sana explained.

"So who did it?" Ina asked

"That's my question," Sana sighed.

"I think it has to be this woman!" Kronii yelled

"Don't blame Amelia!" Sana yelled

"It is her fault," Kronii said.

I don't know what I'm going to do; they keep arguing. I need to get out of this timeline before something bad happens.

"What is going to happen?" Ina asked me

"No clue..." I sighed

One thing I noticed is that only some of the things said have changed. I can't deter the timeline enough that something bad happens to it, but at the same time I am doing that.

What is happening? Why is time so complicated? No wonder Kronii is always angry. Time is so bullshit. I don't get it.

"Wait, am I going back home?" I yelled

I began to glitch out again and then woke up. "Amelia, are you okay?" Gura asked

"Yeah," I said

I blinked and sighed. "You don't seem okay." She said

Time is way too difficult to comprehend, so I'm not going to try. All I want to know is if I can stop traveling through time like this, no matter where I go. Kronii is there, and she tries to kill me for no reason. I need to stay here, but how will I do that when I have no control over my powers?

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