Horror With The Lioness

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Lamy pov: "Now, what should we do?" I asked as Shishiron got done with shopping cart racing.

"Let's watch a horror movie!" She eagerly declared

"H-H-Horror Movie!?" I squealed

"Lamy-chan, I forgot you don't like horror!!" Shishiron commented

"Don't worry about it!" I shouted

"She doesn't like horror movies!" Omarun yelled at me.

Shihsiron went over to Omarun and picked her up, chucking her at a tree.

"Shishirooooon!" She screeched

She stopped herself mid-air, so I ran at her and kicked her, sending her flying into a tree.

"Damn it!" Omarun shouted

"What's wrong, Omarun?" Shishiron asked

"I'm going to kill you!" Omarun yelled

Shishiron pulled out her pistol and aimed it at her. She immediately scurried behind the tree in fear.

"I wasn't going to shoot you, Omarun." Shishiron sighed

"Shishiron, kick her ass!" Nenechi said

"You should be rooting for me!" Omarun shouted

"I'm sorry!" Nenechi said, "Wait, why should I?" She asked

"We should all be nicer to each other," Aloe said.

"Yeah Shishiron!" Omarun scoffed

"I am so nice to you. You just kept trying to tell me things I already know." Shishiron sighed

"You aren't nice," Omarun said.

"Yes, I am." Shishiron scoffed

"She is nice!" I declared

Shishiron looked over to her and noticed something. "S-shishiron," I mumbled

It was too cold for me. It was odd; it usually doesn't get this cold up here, but she was freezing. Since I am not a full-snow elf, I'm not perfectly suited for the cold. Shishiron walked up to me and hugged me, snuggling up against me, trying to warm me up.

"Are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah," I said softly.

"We shouldn't watch the movie; she's scared," Omarun said.

"She's cold," she said, paying no mind to her.

"What is that smell?" I asked suddenly.

"Well, I was dancing while you were racing." Nenechi said

"Nenechi, burn those shoes!" I yelled

"They are my dance shoes, no!" Nenechi yelled

"They reek!" Omarun yelled

"They smell!" I said

"They smell rancid!" Shishiron said

"They aren't that foul," Aloe said, taking a whiff.

"Aloe, I think it's cute that you like her smell, but that's gross!" I said

"I think Nenechi smells good," Aloe said.

"You are a weird one," Omarun said.

"Don't say that about Aloe!" Nenechi said

"When will we watch the movie?" Aloe asked

"Once I get Lamy-chan warmed up," Shishiron said.

"What movie?" I asked.

"Something about a murderer from alternate dimensions?" Shishiron yawned.

I was still shivering, so Shishiron hugged me completely and wrapped a blanket around us both to keep our body heat circulating near us.

"I'm warm, Shishiron." I stated

"Don't lie," she whispered, gently nuzzling her.

I was blushing. I could feel my face begin to heat up, which was good since we wanted myself to get warm and this was helping me become warm.

"Shishiron, I love you," I said softly.

"I love you too," Shishiron said quietly.

"Just kiss!" Nenechi and Aloe said

"We know you want to!" Omarun sighed

"No, we don't!" Shishiron and I said it in unison.

We both knew we actually did want to kiss, but we also didn't want to prove them right by showing our love. Maybe if they weren't here, we'd kiss.

"I just noticed they haven't finished our deal yet," Shi said.

Watame looked at the two of us and motioned for us to kiss, and I did so, kissing her gently, and then roughly, she was thrown off.

"I'm sorry," I said while pulling away.

"Don't worry about it," Shishiron said.

"I love you," I said once again.

"I love you too," she responded.

"We probably should leave," Omarun said.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to leave!" I said

"But you want to make out," Omarun said.

"You can watch!" I said

"We won't actually be making it out, though," Shishiron stated.

"Suuuure!" Nenechi stated

"I want to see you kiss. I want to see your desires!" Aloe said

I couldn't say no to Aloe, but I didn't want to kiss in front of Omarun and Nenechi. Aloe is a succubus, so she will see no matter what, but I still would rather not have that happen.

"Let's stay like this for a while longer," I said, hugging Shishiron tighter.

"I agree," I said softly.

I shut my eyes, drifting to sleep. She seemed to realize that I tricked her a bit. I was laughing internally. I don't have to watch a horror movie anymore; that isn't needed. We can just focus on what is important, and that is our relationship. I love Shishiron, and I don't have to watch a horror movie to show that. However, I do want to show her my love as much as possible. I want to prove to her that I can love her no matter what, and I do love her.

Shishiron is the cutest lioness. I know the only lioness I want to know; she is really adorable and cute and sexy and smart and cute and sweet and cute and sexy and cute.

I keep calling her cute. She is really cute and hot. I keep reiterating this. This is why I love her. She is just adorable. She is really cute and sexy. I did it again and restated that she is cute and sexy. It is amazing how I can say that in this moment right now.

I am thinking about something, and I want to ask her something later. I want to figure something out right now.

Is Shishiron going to marry me? Is she going to run away with me? Is she going to become my wife, my love, the one I love so much?

I want to figure out what is going to happen between the two of us. I don't know if I am going to be able to go on without asking this

I want to know what is going to happen. I love her so much, and I want to marry her soon.

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