Time To Time

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Amelia pov: we may have to reset the Timeline but what will happen what will we forget??

Are we going to forget everything that has happened to a certain point?

The alternate version of me finally arrived, and her face was literally torn of..

"I'll kill you." She growled

"Damn, what the hell happened to your face!?" I asked

"That dumb fucking guy ratched it off!" The alternate me said:

"And you aren't restored, why?" Gura asked

"..." She didn't give an answer, probably because she can't talk without being in excruciating pain, so she is trying not to talk.

Calli ran forward and the alternate me shot tentacles out. She was practically doing a dance to dodge the tentacles and slashing them as she dodged ever so slightly. As she got closer and closer, one of the tentacles slammed into her, but she dissappeared into a puff of smoke, appearing behind the other me and stabbing into her stomach. We thought it was over, but it wasn't.

Kiara flew forward, incinerating all the tentacles before slicing off her right arm, but she wasn't phased. Kiara stabbed her side and expected her to die, but yet again she didn't.

"Dieeeeee!" She screamed

More tentacles began to grow, but Ina quickly wrapped hers around the other me and smacked the book away before wrapping the tentacles around her neck and squeezing. There was a horrific snapping noise, but she didn't die.

"I'll kill you!" She yelled

We all noticed her jaw began to become dislocated as her flesh tore slowly.

Gura ran forward and stabbed her trident through the same area. Ina was stabbed, and she just got an ominous glare.

"I-Gura-Hate..." was all she said.

Her jaw became dislocated, and suddenly she was hanging off by a threat. This was horrific.

"Die-Burn-Suffer!" She said

I gritted my teeth and grabbed a rock, running over to her and slamming the rock into her eye. She closed it in time, but it immediately became swollen. I continued to push the rock down on her, but when that didn't work, I began to bash her forehead in

"Worms..." She said

"How the fuck can this bitch speak!?" Calli asked

"Can we just kill her already!" Ina asked

"We are trying, damn it!" I yelled

"I will kill you all," she said.

A pocket watch appeared in her hand out of nowhere, and she went to push it down but was stopped by Ina's tentacles. She used them to pry and tear her fingers off.

"Okay, seeing myself get brutalized is kind of fucked!" I said

"Well, you wouldn't have to see it if she would just die!" Kiara yelled

"Is she immortal?" Sana brought up

Ina glared at her angrily for being here right now, but she did bring a good point up: she may be immortal, so this is why we can't kill her, but now that we're stuck, what can we do?

"I have a plan, but it'll depend on if Ina can grab all four of us in a second," I said.

"I'll do it!" Ina yelled

"Alright, I'm doing it now!" I yelled

I yanked my pocket watch out, opening a portal and letting it pull us all in. Ina immediately wrapped four tentacles around us and let go of the other me.

We all stared on as the other me was literally torn apart in the time stream. Ina's tentacles began to break apart as well.

"Shit!" Kiara yelled

She grew fire wings and grabbed onto the four of us. Ina tried to pull us back as Kiara pushed forward. We got close enough for Kiara to reach her hand out, and Reine grabbed her hand.

"I'm not losing you!" Reine yelled

"Pull me back in!" Kiara yelled

Kiara's body began to get torn apart, but it regenerated quickly. She managed to get pulled out, so she began to pull Calli forward and tried to yank her out.

"Get out, you bastard!" Kiara yelled

"I'm trying!" Calli cried out.

Gura and I clung onto dear life, trying not to get pulled all the way in by the portal. Kiara got Calli out, and she began to pull Gura out.

"Come on, why are you so fucking heavy!?" Calli asked

"It's not my fault Watson is fat!" Gura said

"Gura, now's not the time for jokes like that!" I yelled

"No shit Sherlock, but I'm trying to lighten the mood!" Gura said

"I'm not Sherlock Holmes." I'm Amelia Watson!" I yelled

"Why did you take so much offense to that?" Gura asked

"I'm not a fucking decrepit old man!" I yelled

"Look, shut up! We don't care who is dragging you down; just help us get you out!" Kiara yelled

Gura managed to pull me closer to her and told me to cling onto her. I did so, not that I really had much of a choice.

"Alright, the three of us are going to get you ready." Calli asked

"Yes!" Gura said

The three girls yanked at us and pulled us out of the portal. As soon as we left, it immediately exploded and shut.

"Oh, we just barely made it," Gura said.

"The timestream rejected everyone for some reason, not just her; maybe it thought we all didn't belong there or we just got caught up in the breakdown process," I said.

"So is she gone?" Zeta asked

"Yes, probably; however, I'm concerned this can't be it." I said

"I agree she didn't seem to fight near the end, and I can't trust the timestream tearing her apart," Gura said.

"Well, we'll be ready," Ina said.

I don't think that'll be true, to be honest. I think if she does return, it'll be completely different. She will be bound to this time; she wouldn't come here randomly without notice. She will have a plan.

What are we really going to do if an immortal version of me does return?

"Look, let's just go and relax a bit now that this is finished," Calli said.

"We'll call you if something comes up," Zeta said.

"Got it, and Reine, go back to Ollie, please," Kiara said.

"Got it," Reine said.

She seemed confused about something, but she didn't say anything; she just turned around and left.

I should have seen the signposts I should have been warned...

Messing with time isn't good and due to this everything may be rewritten...

If we can't fix this soon them we will be reset...

Someone came up behind me and attacked me this won't be easy.

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