Eternal Love

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Calli pov: "Kiara... can you promise me something?" I ask

"What?" Kiara asked

"Please find me when we reset..." I said

"Of course no matter what I will love you" she said

"I feel the same way..." I said

I love Kiara no matter what and she understands that. I proved my devotion to her.

I had gotten Kiara's attention, but I was too nervous to say anything to make things worse. Reine glanced at me, motioning for me to continue. I couldn't confess why I loved her, at least not yet.

"Kiara" I just wanted to ask you, what's your opinion on the underworld? " I asked. Kiara looked as if she knew that's not why I got her attention.

"It's alright, Calli, because that's where you live." Kiara said, turning her back to me.
My eyes went down to her thighs. I didn't know why I wanted to look down there. Kiara really disoriented my senses.

"What's up, Calli?" Sana asked, noticing where my eyes were looking.

"Do you want to eat Kiara up or-" I covered her mouth to stop her from talking.

"Sana, I don't want to do yabe things to her..." I said, not even believing myself.

"Kiara is a really pretty girl, isn't she?" Sana said, her accent soothing my ears.

I nodded, captivated by the pheonix in front of me, her beautiful orange hair flowing in the breeze, revealing her soft lucious skin, and she walked with elegance and grace, and I still wanted to look at her and define every reason she is beautiful.

"Uhm, Calli. You have been staring at Kiara's butt for a while," Sana said, snapping me out of my trance.

I started to panic looking around all over. I didn't want them all to think I was a pervert. However, I think they already did see me as a pervert and a desperate romantic.

"God, how could I kill someone as beautiful as her? What the hell was I thinking?" I asked Sana. She shrugged. She didn't know.
"I was such a fucking idiot! I should have given her love from the start!" I said
Sana gazed at me and began to speak, "Well, she is here right now, so go give her love." She said I really liked that idea. Sana made me feel more content with telling Kiara why I love her.

"Calli, as your mother, I will support you and if you want to stare at Kiara, be my guest." Ollie said.

"You aren't my fucking mother!" I shouted. Then again, this was a golden opportunity to ask her why she adopted Bae.

"Why did you adopt Bae?" I asked. Ollie smirked at me.

"It's because I-" Ollie stopped in midsentence, her face becoming blank. "I forgot..." She said I almost fell to the ground in shock.

"How the fuck do you forget something like that?" I yelled

"Calli, watch your mouth." You've already said "fuck three times." Ollie scolded

I'm an adult, I can say fuck whenever the fuck I want, damn it! I argued back.
Okay, you children need to knock it off. Reine sighed.

"Calli, if you are going to swear, do it quietly. There are children around." Anya said that was a fair point.

"Okay, Ollie, spill the beans. Why did you adopt Bae?" I asked again, this time more violently. She told me again that she didn't remember.

"Usless..." I grumbled, waking forward. Ame asked me why I was in a bad mood.

I sighed. "I'm not in a bad mood, it's just that Ollie is being irritating right now."

"I understand how you feel when that one person won't leave you alone." Ame said I felt like that was directed at Gura more than anyone, as her eyes shot daggers into her.

"You two seem like you really like each other." I said Ame nodded

"Yeah, Gura and I are besties!" Ame said her mood immediately changed.

Ame was an enigma. I couldn't tell if she got along with Gura or if they despised one another, so I decided to ask

"Do you two hate each other?" I asked Ame to look at me astonished.

"No, we are in love, we just mess with each other," Ame said.

I started to think about how this applied to Kiara and I back in the day. I used to call her Kusotori because I thought it was funny. It was always for fun. I never called her that because I hated her. It was because I loved her so much.

"Gura, if you had to compliment Ame, what would you say?"

"I love how hardworking Watson is. She is the person I can turn to when I need help with something."

"Usually for a simple math problem," Ame added, causing Gura to whack her as hard as she could.

Those two definitely showed me how simple it was to say what you like about someone. Gura instantly said what was on her mind and didn't care about anything else.

I walked up to Ina and asked her what she liked about Sana.

"I like her gentle and warm demeanor and her easy-going attitude. She is easy to approach and her accent is soothing to the ears. Did I mention she is beautiful?" I shook my head and she started to ramble on.

I figured it was now or never. I ran as fast as I could towards Kiara, getting stopped by Reine, who was trying to block my passage for some reason.

Another test, huh? I asked, ducking under her arm so I could run towards Kiara. I hugged her from behind like she had earlier.

"I have something to say," I said into her ear, and she turned around to hear what I had to say.

"I love your thighs, Kiara!" I yelled. Everyone glared at me except Reine, who burst out laughing.

"Calli, you're funny. I wasn't expecting that!" Reine said as tears of joy streamed down her face.

"I will accept that you are dating my sister now," she said, still cracking up at what I had said.

"Is that all, Calli?" Kiara asked.

"No, that's not all. I love everything about you. You drive me insane with your beauty, Kiara!" I shouted

Kiara placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I love everything about you, darling," she whispered, holding onto my hand. We continued walking. I felt happier now.

Kiara wasn't okay with us forgetting but I will make sure we reunite I love her after all.

She makes me happy...

I wonder how things will play out after this happens and if we will be able to live peacefully.

If not I don't know what is happening from here on but I will fight.

I have to fight we need to fight this is the final battle right here and now this is the fight we have to end.

I could feel multiple woman watching us fight Omegaα supporters of them but they won't step in I don't know why.

Love Returned From The Ashes Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ