The Day I Fell

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Amelia pov: I didn't get transported, meaning there is something else I have to do, but what is it? I looked around trying to figure that out, but then all of a sudden I was pulled through time, but to where?

"Gura, you and Amelia are on monitoring duty!" Mumei said

"Ughhhh, I hate monitoring duty!" Gura groaned with annoyance.

What is monitoring duty? Wait, is this—Gura and I fell for one another today—isn't it this day?

"We just have to plow through it, Gura." I said I don't remember what went on today, in particular the outcome of today.

"Watson, what the hell is wrong with you? Weren't you the one who told me you didn't want to go on patrol?" Gura asked

"Yes, but I don't know. I settled down. Also, can you call me Amelia?" I asked

"Okay, Amelia," she said.

She seemed flustered right now. I think that is kind of funny. I know what she is like when she is flustered, so I know how to make her tick. Everything can just be so easy.

"Amelia, we need to check to see if everything is in order." Gura said as we continued to walk.

I nodded and smiled at her. "We do," I said.

This is an odd day. I don't know what the scenario that will send me through time is since I don't really remember what went on.

"Can we do something later and have some fun?" Gura asked me

I looked at her and smirked. "Sure," I said.

She didn't really know what I was going to do, nor do I, but I will figure something out when I get back. Not that I think she will remember we had this conversation, but I will whatever.

"Gura, so what do you like about me?" I asked

"What do I like about you, stinky? Are you trying to say that I love you or something stinky, because that isn't the case? I am very repulsed by you; actually, I don't love you. What are you talking about?" She asked

I have no clue what the hell she is talking about. I didn't say anything; she thinks I said something weird, but all I asked was if she loved me. I don't really get if she truly understands that I love her because this is back before we were dating, but I will make her figure this out.

I need to find a way to get back home, so what is the point? What do I need to figure out in order to get back home at this moment? I need to figure this out. I'm having a moment.

"Amelia, are you okay?" Gura asked

I nodded. "I am," I told her.

What is she seeing? What happened? Did I make it obvious that I'm not from this time? What is she staring at me for? Why is she glaring at me at this moment? I need to know right now what will happen if she finds out.

She doesn't need to know that I'm from the future and that I'm dating her in the future if she

"Amelia, you seem a little off, like you have already lived in this place before, but at the same time, I think you need to understand that you couldn't have lived through this already; it isn't possible that you did that at all. You don't get it," she said.

Gura was spot on, and I don't know what that rant is about, but what should I do to get home? I need to get home somehow, so how will I do that?

Wait, if I kiss Gura, then I can be sent back, right? This is when I first kiss Gura, but how will I manage to do it?

"Amelia, are you okay?" She asked again.

"Gura, you are really hot right now," I said.

"What!?" Gura shouted

I smirked when she said that and smiled. It was funny how flustered she gets at my cute Goowa

"Can I kiss you?" I asked

"You could, but why would you ever kiss me?" She asked

I wanted her to kiss me. I have to figure it out so I can get back

"I want to kiss you," I said.

She sighed and glared at me. "We can," she said.

It was so funny that she really is confused by how forward I am, but I need to be forward because she is a really cute woman. I have to figure out a way to get home to my Gura so I can figure this shit out, so how will I do it? I wondered to myself, Maybe if I do it myself and kiss her fast, I can just go back, and that'll be good, right? I don't know

"Gura, just let me kiss you, please!" I told her

"Fine..." She said

I leaned in and captured her lips. All of a sudden, I was sucked through time. "Hell yeah!" I yelled, but then I was sent somewhere.

"Where the hell am I?" I asked

"Amelia?" Kiara said she was perplexed by my sitting in the middle of the hallway. I looked at her, confused.

"Oh no," I said as I realized where I was.

"Amelia, what is wrong?" Kiara asked

I felt blood run down my face from my nose and mouth. "Wha... what?" I said I was not grasping any of this.

"Did you get a concussion?" Kiara asked me

"God, get away from me," I told her. She seemed taken aback by my sudden anger.

"I'll take you to the infirmary; come on." Kiara told me

"Go away!" I hissed

Kiara fell back as the Mumei from this universe appeared again.

"Ugh-Kiara I'll take her to the infirmary; you can go back to your room and relax." Mumei said

As soon as Kiara left, I glared at her. "Mumei, is this the same universe or not?" I asked

"It is, but why are you back?" She asked

"I-huh, I don't know," I told her.

"Well, you actually put this universe on track. This Amelia should be trying to get with Gura, Roboco-senpai, or Kronii. I don't know. This world is fucking weird, honestly." Mumei sighed

"Okay, so I fixed this universe, but this is the universe I fixed, so what the hell?" I asked

"Well, you see, you already fixed this timeline, but you are in the past of it," I said.

"Wait, then why do you remember?" I asked

"I'm Nanashi Mumei..." She stated

"Oh well, what do I have to do to go back to my timeline?" I asked

"I don't know; I mean, my Amelia is really an idiot unless she is a woman, so I think it would be hard for you to do something to go back in time," she said.

"Wait, is this a day where nothing happens? What do I usually do?" I asked

"Besides being a two-faced liar, I guess my Amelia-senpai feeds Bubba and writes in her journal," Mumei said.

"A—so a journal..." I said

"Yeah, but I don't think you will really be able to access it, so... wait, actually, you would be able to do so because you aren't in the body of the Ame that is talking to Gura... whatever," she said.

Mumei seemed to be so uninvested in this that she walked away and came back a minute later. "Is that the journal?" I asked

"Yes, for your own sanity, I hope this works because you need to go to a better time," she said.

I wrote in it, but nothing happened.

"Pfft, you idiot, you fell for it. You just have to go to Gura's room and tell Ame to date Gura again. It's that simple," Mumei said.


Well, I'll just do that. I did it and was pulled through time again.

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