Sudden Meeting

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Irys pov:"What the heck happened?" I asked as I entered the arena and saw Mumei and Selen lying there, blood pouring from them.

"These geniuses were fighting, and they beat each other up pretty well," Kiara said.

"Well, that doesn't matter; we need a meeting," I said.

"Why?" Mumei asked all of a sudden.

"Well, you see, I need to discuss something," Irys said.

"Well, then let's go," Mumei said.

We all sat in the council room as Kronii, Fauna, Sana, and Bae entered.

"You ready?" Mumei asked

"Yup!" I said

"Then speak," Mumei said.

"Alright, so I want to ask about something: can we have a battle royal?" I asked

"A what?" Sana asked.

Mumei smiled. "A big fight!" She laughed

"Why are you so horny for a fight, Mumei-senpai?" Nerissa asked

"Because I just like to knock heads around!" She yelled

"You say a battle royal, but I don't think it will be that because Faufau and Kronini won't attack Meimei," Sana stated.

"That is true. I won't attack my darling!" Fauna said

"Same with me," Kronii said.

Well, that doesn't matter; all I want is to fight them because of everything I learned.

"You see, you aren't fully taking advantage of it; you are using surface-level abilities, but you aren't using the full package of purification and corruption." Anerys claimed

Purification and corruption? How do I use concepts like that? How can I manifest them? I clearly don't know.

"Don't worry about anything; just figure it out while you lie down for a little bit. All that needs to be done is rest your body, but your mind can work all it needs to as long as you come up with the idea in the end."

Anerys had a point; she is really smart. "Purification and corruption..." I commented

I think I figured out what that means, and I want to know what it feels like because I need to see if I can show my power. I need to defeat at least one person in council, and my hope is that Mumei will be easy to defeat with my new purification power.

"I'm tired, but give me a minute, and I'll be at full force," she said.

"Wait, what happened? Why are you so ruffled?" I asked

"Selen fought Mumei-senpai..." Nerissa said

"Nessie, stop talking for me!" Mumei said

I nodded, but at the same time, I don't get why she fought Selen in full force. Couldn't she just not fight her here and wait until a sanctioned event like a tournament on earth or something?

"Irys, we wanted to fight now, but a battle royal is a good idea since I also need to test my demonic powers," she stated.

Even though the council is learning and getting stronger, this is ridiculous. Why are we all so strong, and why can we still grow? Realistically, we should have peaked by now, but at this point, that isn't the case at all.

"I'll humor your battle royal, though; let's end this in a civil manner," Mumei said.

"But end it in a civil manner, so no spilling blood!" Bae said

"Fine..." everyone sighed.

Nerissa looked around. "You're insane..."

Kiara sighed "Yup..." She mumbled

"Also, fun fact: Nerissa technically is the only one in council that isn't related to Kiara and me," Calli said.

"Really Calliope-senpai?" Nerissa asked

"Yeah, it's confusing. You know, Mumei is Kiara's sister, Kronii and Fauna are her wives, and Bae is my little sister, so Irys is also my wife because they are engaged." Calli explained

"Sana-senpai, you somehow have to join the family!" Nerissa said

"It isn't that easy, Nerissa!" Sana replied

"You six really are going to battle; didn't the gods ban you guys from fighting?" Ina asked

"Yes, but only if it is full-power combat," Sana said.

"Be careful, honey," Ina said.

"Got it, Ina!" Sana stated

"Okay, so then let's fight," I said.

Mumei cracked her neck. "Good"

That her saying that wasn't good. She is ready for this. I don't think I can beat her at all. I'm going to lose if we fight.

"Irys, pull your twin blades out!" Mumei said

"What is going on in here?" Shiori asked as she entered the room.

"All our council senpai are going to battle Shior~rin." Nerissa said

"Wait, battle me!" Shiori questioned

"No—they're battling each other, sorry," Nerissa said.

"Bau Bau, we want to watch!" Fuwawa said

"Yeah, we want to see!" Mococo stated

"Well, then you can watch!" Mumei said

"Watch what?" Bijou asked

"We need to fight," Mumei said.

"Wait, me and you, Mumei-senpai!" Bijou asked

"No," Mumei said.

Everyone needs to phrase their sentences better. I don't get it at all. I really need to understand my battle level. I need to know what I am going to do with this.

How can I be stronger? How can I battle powerful opponents? Fuwawa and Mococo beat the crap out of me. This doesn't make me weak, but I'm not strong enough; weaker opponents ran circles around me. It is irritating. I need to win something else.

"Okay, so how is this going to happen?" Sana asked

"Well, we just fight," Mumei said.

I thought about it, but I have no idea what it was about. It isn't really an interesting thought, just how we are going to fight.

Sana, Kronii, Fauna, Mumei, and Bae all should be weaker than me. It doesn't really hurt to see how far away we are from anything.

"I don't want to lose to you." I said

Mumei smirked and laughed at me. "That is what I want to hear. I want you to tell me you don't want to lose. I don't want an easy challenge. I want you to tell me you want to win. Destroy me even!" She laughed

I gulped. She is kind of crazy. What is wrong with her all of a sudden, and why is she like this?

"Let's have a good battle!" I shouted

"Okay I promise we will have a good battle" Mumei said

"Huh promise..." Fauna, Mumei, Kronii, Bae, and I suddenly said

Enough of that we need to have the battle royal now

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