At Their Mercy

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Shiori pov: "Amelia-senpai, help me do something," I said.

The blonde detective stopped. "Yeah," she said.

"I need you to bring us to where Omegaα is right now." I said

Ame-senpai stared at me. Her jaw dropped. "Why?" She asked

"In order to fight them, to stop them," I said.

"That is stupid, although you do seem to have a plan." Amelia-senpai said

"Then will you bring me there?" I asked

"Not like I have a choice..." She said. We then used the archives to transport Omegaα to where he should be "almost in the council hall."

"I know this is going to be a trap." I said

"I don't know how much of a help I'll be since time keeps pulling me through it," Amelia Senpai said.

"Hey Omegaα!" I yelled, getting the attention of God or whatever it is.

"Shiori Novella... is that your name?" Omegaα asked

"Yes, you know me?" I questioned

"Of course you are one of the freaks that were locked in my prison," they said.

"Oh, so it's your prison? Then why were you locked up by Mumei-senpai?" I asked

"You knew about that?" They asked

"Of course I do," I replied.

"Hold on, Shiori, do you have a plan!?" Amelia-senpai asked as she walked out.

"No," I told her.

"Oh, Amelia Watson, you are one of the ones I want to kill," Omegaα said.

"Yeah, no," she said.

All of a sudden, her eye looked like it had become a clock. Omega flew at her, but she easily dodged the attack.

"Myth is a million times stronger than before." She stated

"You couldn't have reached my level; there is no way a mortal is as strong as a council member or a god!" Omegaα yelled

Omegaα tried to hit Amelia-senpai, but she kept dodging. "You move in slow motion," she said.

Omegaα scoffed, "You can dodge, but that doesn't mean you can do damage!" They said

Amelia-senpai pulled her time dagger out and swung upward. All of a sudden, blood sprayed out of Omegaα.

"Remember, you are essentially a mere mortal. Mumei has most, if not all, of your power." Amelia-senpai said

"Shut up..." Omegaα scowled

"Uhh, I have no idea what you are talking about, Amelia-senpai, but I'm going to help you take them out," I said.

I ran at Omegaα as fast as I could, jumped up, and went for a kick, but they raised their arm and blocked it.

"Tsk, even this attack kind of hurt," they said with anger and annoyance.

"Heh, you made me look," I laughed

"Wha-" they said.

Amelia Senpai slashed a bunch with her time dagger, causing Omegaα's body to erupt more.

"You bitch..." they yelled.

"Sorry, I don't know what that is," I said.
As I landed on the ground, they went to punch me, but Yorick got in the way, shielding me.

"What is that thing!" Omegaα yelled

"No clue..." is all I said before kicking them.

Omegaα was sent flying back "need power," they claimed, only to land into someone, a man...

"Oh shit, Zeta left Axel outside." Amelia-senpai said

"Power... need... you... will... do..." they said.

They grabbed Axel and drained him of power. I know he'll get it back, but the fact that he is a husk now may not be good for the future.

"Ahh, now I'm back to at least sixty percent," they laughed.

"Sixty percent, you feel weak still..." Amelia-senpai laughed

This isn't true. Omegaα has pretty much surpassed everything I can handle; this isn't good.

"Shiori, don't lose it!" Amelia-senpai yelled

"I'm not going to lose it, okay!" I said

"Don't lose it; I know you will." Amelia-senpai said

She was calling me out, but I can't handle this. I can't stand this.

"We need to protect Nerissa, right?" Amelia-senpai asked

"Yes, I want to protect my Rissa." I said

"Then fight; don't give up; we have to beat this thing, and then we can end this all!" Amelia-senpai said

"I just need my vessel back. Nameless is mine!" Omegaα yelled

"You need Mumei; that is her name. Get it right." Amelia-senpai scoffed

"Yes, nameless..." Omegaα said.

I don't know what is going on right now; she is clearly saying Mumei-senpai is her vessel. I don't know much about it, but I don't want Mumei-senpai to be taken by anyone.

"I will stop you!" I yelled

I made Yorick wrap around my arm and become a straight blade-type weapon, and I ran at Omegaα, slashing at them.

"What the hell!" They said as she tried to dodge, but Yorick made the blade follow them.

"Chase them!!!" I yelled

Omega tried to run away, but it followed them, and it will even go to the depths of hell. "Get them!" Amelia Senpai screamed loudly.

We have to make sure they can't attack. I know that, for sure, I'm not an idiot at all. "Shit, this is difficult!" Omegaα shouted

I know they can't escape me; it is impossible for them to do so, so this isn't going to be a loss for us.

"Get it in place. I'll end this with one slash!" Amelia-senpai shouted

"Understand my Amelia!" I shouted

"Don't call me yours!" Amelia-senpai yelled

"No promises!" I said

"You are annoying; I'll end you now!" They yelled and flew over to hit me.

"Shit!" I yelled

"No shot..." Gura-senpai growled as she punched Omegaα away. She was all red, though.

"Gura, don't overdo it!" Amelia-senpai shouted

"Wait, how did you know we were here?" I asked

"I just sensed what fight Ina is on her way." Gura-senpai said

"Ina'nis-senpai as well; this is nice; we can handle more things with Ame-senpai, and Ina'nis-senpai with you here too!" I said

"You also are a help; after all, you are facing this thing for the first time right now," Gura-senpai said.

That is right... I can help them and will

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