Nameless In Blood

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Mumei pov: "Nerissa, you have to try harder than that!" I shouted

Nerissa got up from the rubble and patted the dust off. She glared at me and smirked. "Mumei, I'm happy that you are doing this." She told me

"Oh, you're happy to get your ass beaten?" I questioned

Nerissa glared at me. "Don't put it like that!" She growled at me.

"Did I hit a nerve?" I asked

"Yeah, you did!" Nerissa yelled

"Well, don't falter after all my sister-in-laws are watching," I claimed, as I pointed out.
Aradia and Malpha

"Ugh-of course you know they're watching me."

"My sensory abilities are above grade one, and besides, they're always watching you," I stated.

Nerissa nodded, and then she ran at me, going in for the attack. She thought she could sneak me in, but as long as she doesn't block me out of her thoughts, she can't win here.

"Nerissa, stop thinking about every move. I will be twelve steps ahead because your brain keeps giving me a set list!" I yelled

"How can I not think!" She yelled

"Figure it out! Fauna has figured it out, and both your sisters have found it out!" I yelled

Nerissa paused and glared at me with frustration. "They what?" She growled

I knew she would get riled up if I said that to her. She can't accept being weaker than her sisters.

I flew at her once again, swinging my dagger. She flew up, and she dodged my attack. She is really fast, but she only has speed on me. Even then, I'm holding back on her. She tried to get the drop on me, but I figured her out.

"Stop thinking!" I yelled

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Nerissa yelled

"I can hear your thoughts; you need to either block me out or you need to stop thinking!" I said

"Damn it!!!!!!" She yelled

I laughed at her rage. She is upset, and it's cute, to be completely honest. I really love it. "Mumei-senpai, you let me read that!" Nerissa yelled

"Hehe," I giggled.

She was even angrier at this point. This is great. I'm inside her head. No matter what happens, she can't win this exchange. She can't beat me. I'm stronger than her, and that is fine. She asked for me to train her.

"How can I hit you?" She asked

She began to rapidly try to stab me with her tuning fork, but I dodged each stab. "Nerissa, way too slow!" I yelled

She seemed to rage more and more as this continued, and even worse, I began to sense Shiori and the others coming over here.

"Nerissa, you are way too angry as well!" I called out; she gritted her teeth and tried to slam into me, but I jumped out of the way. "Fuck no," I said.

She looked back at me and angrily exhaled. She couldn't hit me, and I was getting in her right now. It's messed up.

"How am I supposed to calm down when you are clearly toying with me?" She asked

"Hey Nerissa!" I made a fake Shiori say

"Huh-Shior~rin!?" She questioned

I scoffed as she was distracted. I got behind her and grabbed her, flying downward for a piledriver. She disappeared into the ground before flying upward out of the rubble.

"Nerissa... she calls you Rissa; don't fall for obvious tricks!" I told her.

"Sorry..." She mumbled

"Actually, let's simulate the battle from before," I said.

I went and snapped my fingers, plunging her into a simulation. I watched the oncoming battle.

"What the heck!" Nerissa questioned her as she saw a simulation of Reine and Zeta. They attacked her, and she began to dodge them.

I flew up beside her and said, "I'm sorry this is going to hurt Nerissa." I apologized and began to hit her with a barrage of punches, each of them assisted by air pressure. I was rattling her brain as much as I possibly could.

I hit her into the simulation of Reine, who hit her with a non-lethal blunt attack, and she hit her into Zeta, who hit her back up towards me. I shot past her and slashed her with my shallow slash.

"Nerissa, you need to attack the simulations," I told her.

She seemed to not attack them, even knowing that they weren't real.

"What is the goal?" Nerissa asked

"You get stronger; isn't that what you want, Nerissa?" I asked

"It is what I want, but that is besides the point!" She said

"Look, if Omegaα was to return again, you need to be able to step up. You are Nerissa Ravencroft, and my sister Kiara always saves me when I am in danger or possessed. You need to be able to step up, and I won't let you be a falling point!" I yelled

"I understand!" She shouted

"I'm going to come at you as if you were Selen!" I told her.

"Understood!" She said

I tornado-kick her. I then jumped at her, then launched past her, slicing her arm with a shallow cut. I then threw my knife behind her; she didn't know what was going on with that.

I smirked and teleported in place of my knife, using similar powers as Sana, and I palmed her in the face, launching her back with air pressure.

I launched forward and hit her with an upper cut, then a nasty overhand, then with a back hand, and then an axe kick. "Don Don!" I yelled as I slammed my foot down on the back of her head.

She smashed into the ground, rolling over. She was knocked out, at least dizzy from the attack. I went too powerful, and then again, with training, that is easy for me and it should be easy for her. She needs to get stronger, and she knows that, but as she is now, she can't beat me, but will she be able to figure out how to win?

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