Rocking The Hard Place

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Bijou pov: Shiori... where is Shiori?

"Go find Shior~rin." Nerissa's words echoed in my mind at this moment.

As I rushed out of the council hall, I saw a truck and got the idea that I needed to be quick about it.

It broke in and beat the person inside up before stepping on the gas, making sure to keep my foot off the breaks.

I drove until I saw Amelia-senpai and Shiori, and then I rammed into the person they were fighting; the airbag deployed and slammed into me.

"Owww..." I groaned

"Bijou?" Shiori questioned

"What?" Amelia-senpai questioned

"She is here, why, though?" Shiori asked

I fell out of the truck and levitated away as it suddenly exploded. "Hey Shiori," I said.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" She asked

"Nothing," I said.

"I will end you!" Omega yelled as she walked out of the debris.

"Wait, I have an idea. We will time hop one more time!" Amelia-senpai shouted

She grabbed onto me and Shiori and transported us. I noticed Omega was following us.

"Where are we headed?" I asked

"We will meet in a few seconds, so don't waste time!" Watson-senpai yelled
"Shiori, where are we?" I panted as I ran over to her.

"The prison... My Amelia-senpai has a plan; come one!" She cooed

"Where out of the Hell Spiral?" I asked

Shiori nodded, not leaving much room for argument. What is the point? Of arguing at this point.

"I could fly up, but you'd be too heavy!"

Shiori grabbed onto me anyway and said, "Fly up!" She demanded slapping my thigh during the process; since I'm a mineral, I didn't feel it, but still, why the heck did she do that? "I said fly!" She yelled

"Fine!!!!" I screamed, lifting her off the ground and hauling her heavy body up.

We landed on the next level and looked around. "Yep, the blood pond is still here." I sifhrf.

"This is the past, and we don't have much time before Omega finds us, and we can't beat them alone," Shiroi sang. She walked over and put her finger into the blood, tasting it after a "nice copper taste." She said it with a lust-filled shiver.

"Still gross!" I yelled 

Shiori's eyes began to glow with excitement. "Amelia-senpai!" She shouted

"Hey, welcome back!" Amelia-senpai said she was confused by the looks from Gura-senpai and Ina'nis-senpai.

"What is the plan?" I asked

"To keep Omegaα in prison," Amelia-senpai said quietly.

"Oh, I can't believe I can fight with my Amelia-senpai. She is going to help us fight Omegaα and keep them here for good. Whatever she has planned will be good." Shiori ranted

"Oh brother...." I sighed

"We need your help too," Amelia Senpai said.

"Wait, you're from the present!" Kronii-senpai yelled

"Yes, and I need help. Kronii, no, we need help!" Watson-senpai yelled

"Bijou, get ready. I can feel them coming here." Shiori said

The blue-haired girl launched forward and slashed at Omegaα her blades, getting blocked by a force field.

"Why am I back here?" They yelled

Vines wrapped around them and began to squeeze, seemingly trying to crush their bones, but since they are strong, it didn't do much.

"So, is this the moment where I attack?" I questioned Shiori glared at me since it was obvious that it was a fight.

"Yes!" I yelled only to get hit by Omegaα blood poured from me. "How can I bleed?" I asked

"Ina, you need to help Amelia." Sana-senpai said

"But," Ina said with dismay.

"Don't argue with Sana-senpai, ina'nis-senpai." Shiori growled

Shiori was hit by Omegaα and sent flying the original way she would've if Ina had hit her.

Shiori stumbled out of the rubble, clutching her arm and feeling blood leak down her face rapidly. "We need to stall." She panted

"I know!" I said

"At this point, just run outside!" Watson-senpai shouted

Shiori and I looked at each other, confused by what was just said.

"Let's escape, Biboo~" Shiori said it in a cute manner.

"You are going to enchant me; stop!" I whined

"You will die..." Omegaα yelled

"No, we want out now!" Shiori hissed

"Then we need to fight and buy you time," Ina replied.

"Biboo, let's escape while we can."

I looked over at Shiori like she was crazy. Since we can't leave this time without touching Amelia-senpai, I need to trust my leader.

I levitated towards Shiori, picking her up, and before I could float away with her, Omegaα smashed down from the ceiling and slammed into both of us.

"Gyaaaaa..." We both writhed in unison as we hit the pavement below. I felt my body shatter and crack more and more, and blood oozed out of Shiori.

"How did you get up there?" I asked

"Senpai, you really want me, huh?" Shiori wheezed as she got back to her feet. Her resilience surprised me.

Omegaα lunged forward at Amelia-senpai, only to be paused in midair with the blood.

"You didn't have to do that, Kronii—I had it!" Amelia-senpai pouted

Kronii sighed in anger. "You are just a human that is pretending to be God; you shouldn't have those powers." She grimaced

"I can't move!" Shiori yelled

"Shit, you are being affected like normal!" I yelled

I grinded my teeth together and saw my jaw turn red as my anger grew more and more. I decided to use this and lifted the broken ground up, launching it at them despite being able to block it. The rubble gave me a moment to grab Shiori and use the ground to launch forward.

Only what we didn't know was that Amelia-senpai was already in front of us. She grabbed onto us and smiled.

"Good enough," she said as we went back to the present.

"We need to get the others," she said as she rewound us, and now we can fight again.

Love Returned From The Ashes Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora