Nephlim's Sorrows

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Irys pov: Bae doesn't pay attention to me. She's too busy trying to be with Miori; if she wants that, then I'll just get out of her life.

"I can help with that," a voice said.

A woman came down clutching a blade and pointing it at me. She had a mask different from the Oni mask Ayame-senpai wore when we fought.

"Omegaα deems you a problem, so I need to get rid of you," the woman said.

I summoned my twin blades and said, "Good luck."

The woman ran at me, and I swiped my blades in order to try to cut her, but she vanished as an afterimage.

"Shittake!!" I yelled before being sliced in the back by the woman. I turned around and slashed downward, missing again as I hit another image, this time getting stabbed through the back.

I can't not take this seriously. I instantly activated my halo and exploded with power, not caring if I was attracting others to me.

"Angelic and demonic slashes!!!" I hiss

I sent a bunch of positive and negative slashes their way, but they dodged them as if they were dancing, and the ones they couldn't dodge, they blocked with their sword.

"You can't beat me as you are," they said.

"How!?" I ask.

They launched past me and sliced me open. In front of me, blood sprayed out of me, and I looked back.

"Huh??" I questioned.

"I knew I wouldn't be able to take you at 100%, so I waited until you were exhausted by training and exhausted mentally. I waited until you were alone to strike!"

"Very clever..." I spat

I spun around, making a twister of positive and negative energy and cutting into their bodies with it, but it was another afterimage.

"You are too slow," they claimed.

"Damn it..." I panted

She is right. I am too exhausted to fight at full strength. She knew that I would be easy pickings right now, but who the hell is she?

"Omegaα needs to regain her vessel, and lucky for them, they're inside Mumei right now only as a soul, but still, that is enough. We will put Mumei in a position where she needs to let them take over!" She laughs

"How is that?" I ask.

"Simple... I will capture you and everyone else she holds near and dear to her heart!"

"Like I'd let that happen!" I hiss

Out of nowhere, sharp pains shot through my body as blood poured out of me. I was cut, but when did that happen? I can't keep up with this battle.

"Shit, this isn't good. I can't keep up in my state!" I yelled

"Say your prayers," the woman said.

"Hehe, I'll make sure you learn that I'm still strong enough to beat you even now!"

I ended up slashing them, giving them two slash marks. That one hit, they weren't fast enough to dodge this time. That is good. I'm happy about that right now.

I stood up. "I can fight!"

"You are going to lose!!!" They said

"No way!!!" I yell

I went to slash her, and I did, seeing as she was going to be cut in half, but she stopped doing it and landed on her feet.

"What the hell?" I growled.

What can I do? I can't cut them up, apparently...

I need to win for Bae's sake. If I can't win, this person will come after Bae.

I put my arms up going for the attack I used on Omegaα My opponent was stationary; she couldn't move at

"It's over!!!" I yelled

I slashed down and shot my attack, blasting off the slash that distorted time and space. I hit the attack, and blood sprayed out all over.

"I-I won..." I sighed

The body vanished shockingly, and I tilted my head to the side, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened.

"You thought you won," another woman said. I looked behind myself and saw her.

She got her hand on me, and I glared at her. "No, no, no, no!!!!" I yell

I began to realize I was being sealed away. One touch was all it took.

I sensed both my moms were here in the council hall.

"Mom!!!!!!" I cried out.

I bit my lip as I felt as if my body was being stretched out.

"Baeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I cried out.

I stabbed my twin blades into the ground, trying to stop my absorption and sealing, but the pull was too stringy.

"Irys!?" Bae called out loud. She must have heard my cry out for help, but I stayed silent. I won't worry about her any longer. She likes Miori so much that she can have her instead of me.

"Whatever you do, don't come into this room. Don't come here. Stay with Miori. Don't worry!" I yelled

"Irys, you are being sealed," Mumei said.

"Mumei, you are talking to me telepathically?" I ask

"Yes, I already know the plan. I apologize for this sealing, but you can break out. I trust you," she said.

Trust in me...

She trusts me...

"Mumei, don't tell Bae what happened to me; just focus on yourself, and Fauna and Kronii, don't let them be sealed no matter what!!"

"I know, but Irys, we need you!" Mumei shouted

"You don't need me. I know you don't need me, but please."

"Please, what Irys I won't stand for what you are saying. You are an adorable woman who needs to be here with us. Stand tall!!!"

Stand tall, stand proud. We need to stand tall, but we have to focus on this right now. I need to find a way to escape this seal, but not for Bae, who is in love with Miori. I need to do this for my Promise friends. I need to give the world hope. I have to kill Santa. There is so much shit I need to do. I won't stand for it right now!!!

I will win!!"

I thought that as I was fully sealed

but I will escape.

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