Raining Cats And Dogs

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Mio pov: "What are we even doing?" I mumbled to myself as Fubuki and I left the Mystical Forest.

"Well, you see, we are looking for Okayu and Korone," Fubuki said to me.

"Come on, let's move faster then!" I shouted

Fubuki continued to move very slowly. For some reason, she should be moving faster for us to find Okayu and Korone because they could be anywhere right now; they are fast after all.

"Slow down!" Fubuki told me

She was being difficult. I'm so frustrated right now, it's crazy.

Those two left without saying a word, and who knows where they went? To be honest, it's frustrating how much I don't know anymore.

"They're fine, Mio," Fubuki told me.

"You don't know that!" I said to her:

Fubuki seemed sure Okayu and Korone were okay, but I don't know about that because who knows what really goes on with them? They get along like cats and dogs, or should I say the opposite of cats and dogs? They get along too well, so they probably got married and are living a peaceful life, but where?

Where are those two, and why did they leave without a trace? It makes no sense. Korone is very talkative, so what is going on with them doesn't make much sense.

"We should be able to find them pretty easily, but we need some sort of clue, like their general area, so we can hunt them down and find out where they were last, so we can track them with our noses," Fubuki said.

She at least finally said something we could try to do to track them down. Any suggestion is helpful, but to be honest, I don't know what or how we are going to figure that out.

"Where are we going to find clues?"

"You need to figure that out, Mio!" Fubuki responded

I sighed. "Since I don't know where to start, maybe we should turn back and thoroughly search the Mystical Forest just in case they never left."

That would be ridiculous if we went on a long adventure and they just happened to be in the Mystical Forest the whole time, just somewhere secluded, and we never visited them.

That would be so silly and weird. I don't know what we would do if we figured something stupid like that out; actually, I would be angry that it took us so long to figure that out.

"What are we going to check there?" Fubuki asked

"I don't know, but as long as we can find where the hell those two are, then it'll be fine. I don't know what we will do if we can't find them at all. I'm freaking out!"

Fubuki seemed concerned by my wandering mind; she was freaking out as well, but out of worry for me, I don't know what is happening with this at all. I don't understand what is going on anymore. This is just spiraling out of control so much that I don't know what we should do.





"What the hell!?"

Fubuki and I looked up into the sky, and we saw cats and dogs falling from the sky. Fubuki rushed in and caught all the dogs, since we know that cats can land on their feet.

"Damn, what the hell happened!?" I asked

"Do you feel the wind? There is a tornado nearby, so close to the Mystical Forest, and this isn't good if the climate here is affected. What are we going to do if a natural disaster hits here?"

Fubuki has a great point. Never before has a disaster hit this place. This isn't good. First the earthquake, then a nearby tornado-what was going to happen soon? If something happens, then this isn't good.

We have a ton of issues to deal with, and this was not one thing we thought we had to deal with. Seeing cats and dogs in the rain is a problem, which is ironic since we are searching for a dog and a cat right now.

Actually, now that I think about it, why are there cats and dogs flying around in a tornado? What the hell happened? Why did they get swept up?

"Shoot!" Fubuki lunged out of the way of a cat that hurdled towards her and landed on a tree.

"What the heck is going on!?" I yelled

"If I knew, I wouldn't be dodging random cats and dogs! Fubuki pointed it out to me.

That is honestly true, and to be honest, I wouldn't be dodging either.

Actually, everything happening is so redundant. To be completely honest, I don't really know what the hell is going on with things. It seems like this is specifically happening because we are searching for Okayu and Korone because, come on, the world goes to shit and then all of a sudden it rains cats and dogs. There is no way that is normal.

"What are we going to do?" I asked

"Destroy the tornado," Fubuki said.

How are we going to do that? We'll get swept up, and we'll just fly around. It isn't a good thing, and none of us want that, so what will we do since we can't directly deal with this? I don't know what we should do at all.

"We will destroy the tornado!"

Fubuki was adamant, but I still don't know about this at all. Maybe she will be able to do it.

After all, Fubuki is very strong and a good girl, so I can trust that she will be able to figure this out, or maybe not, and then we will be swept up and flung around like crazy.

"Shit..." Fubuki growled.

"What!?" I asked.

"Kuro-Kurokami!" She yelled

"You promised to share this body!" Kurokami snarled

I did, but not right now! Fubuki said

"I will not stand for this; I want to look for the woman I want to look for!" She yelled

She was freaking out. I need to stop this, but how?

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