Image Training

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Calli pov: I do miss blood. The last time I killed was about a few minutes ago when we were in the great beyond, but I feel as if I need to quench my bloodlust.

I began to image train...

Omegaα flew at me, and I dodged doing a cartwheel and spun Ricky around, stabbing into them.

"No, this isn't good enough." I muttered

I began to think of a new scenario.

Mumei rushed at me and clashed her dagger with my scythe. Sparks flew into the air as the weapons hit one another. I was pushed away, and within a millisecond, my arm was chipped off.

"Shit," I muttered

"You lost to me in an image training session?" Mumei laughed

"Yes, but you are really strong!!!" I yelled

"Think of another scenario..." She said

"Got it..."

I had to think of something, and then I remembered Ayame-senpai.
I stood there silently while sizing up Ayame-senpai, the woman who destroyed me.
She ran at me, slashing her blades, but I dodged each slash.

My speed was immaculate, and I'm really

She lunged forward, jabbing her right hand at me, trying to stab me, so I sidestepped to the left and dodged it.

I rushed towards her, spinning around my scythe and swinging it at her. "Blocked." I swung Ricky at her; she barely dove under it.

I lunged at the oni girl and spun Ricky around like a helicopter blade. The oni girl put her twin blades diagonally in response, making an X and completely blocking the attack as sparks flew.

I rebounded and swung Ricky low, barely grazing the oni woman.

"Oh blood?" She said this as she quickly healed.

"Tsk, you are too fast." I commented

"Ah, you noticed well; I did put all my stats into speed," she said.

"Stats show this isn't just a game." I said it in a monotone fashion.

"Is it not?" She asked

"No, why would you think that?" I asked

"Who knows?" she giggled.

I have no idea what the hell this woman is on about, but I have to quickly end this. I clutch Ricky and jump into the air, spinning around and swinging towards her head once again. She ducked, barely dodging it.

I landed on the ground and swung again and again. This time I managed to push her back, much to the woman's shock. She backed into the wall. I slashed at the wall, and she dodged, which is what I wanted as it collapsed onto her, but she jumped out.

"Why are you carrying me?" Bae asked

"Oh yeah, because of this!" I yelled as I grabbed her and threw her at the other girl.

"Eeeeeek!" Bae screeched as she tried to flap her arms and fly for some reason.

The oni woman looked on ahead, confused by this, and didn't move. I smiled in response and ran at her, managing to slash her mask off.

Damn it, not good enough. I need one more scenario...

"We don't have time. No, I don't have time to lose." I scoffed as I ran.

While running to the angels on patrol for hunting, the intruders saw me and prepared to shoot me with an arrow, but I lunged forward and used Ricky, which connected with their necks and cleanly sliced off their heads as it began to rain blood.

They sent a battalion after another, and soon enough, I mowed them all down, leaving so much blood that it created a thick red mist.

The last time I felt this weird sensation I was feeling now was the last time I killed Kiara. It was a strangely pleasing sense of relief. I hadn't killed in days, so I guess this was my pent-up bloodlust taking form.

I tried to shake off this feeling, but I needed more. I ran forward, mowing down everyone in sight. I could care less who or what it was as long as it dropped dead. It was fine for me. I was too bloodthirsty all of a sudden.

"Hahaahhaahhaha!" I laughed as I saw some movement in the distance. I was going to put an end to it.

"Warning, there is a crazed woman running around slaughtering people. I advise everyone to stay indoors and take refuge immediately."A voice yelled over an intercom.

"Pathetic, are you all going to run?" I laughed sadistically.

I felt a pinch on my back, and I looked back and saw an arrow protruding from it.

"Oh?" I said.

"Surrender!" A man screamed

"No...." I said

I put Ricky in my mouth and reached back, grabbing the arrow out of my back and watching my blood drip off of it before quickly swiping my arm and throwing the arrow; it immediately hit his forehead, and he dropped dead on the spot.

"You're under arrest!" Someone screamed in a megaphone as a spotlight hit me and illuminated the area, revealing a whole police force.

"Don't mess with the Grim Reaper." I said calmly.

"The what?" The person yelling into the megaphone asked

I walked towards them all silently. They were all shaken with fear and yanked out crossbows, shooting rapid fire at me. I just let the arrows pierce me since I didn't care about the pain, and after all, I'm stronger than them. I won't let puny, pathetic losers kill me.

With one swipe of Ricky, I sent an air slash at them that sliced all of them in half. After I finally walked out of the blood mist, I put Ricky in my mouth once again and yanked out the arrows from my body, laughing slightly as my wounds instantly healed.

"You seem to be happy," a masked woman said.

I glared in the direction of the woman and noticed the horn. "You're an Oni." I said

"That would be correct!" The woman giggled.

"So why in hell are you here!?" I asked

"Well, I was here for the head of Amane Kanata, but the head of the Grim Reaper would be good for my collection," the girl stated as she summoned dual blades.

"Like I'm going to die for a fucking loser like you!" I screamed

I ran at her, and she immediately blocked my attack with her left blade before swinging her right one and cutting through my right leg with ease. I lost balance and fell to the ground. She grabbed me by the hair and began to drag me.

"That was easy," she giggled.

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed as I pulled away and pushed myself up, steadying myself with my left and only leg.

I lunged forward and attacked with Ricky, but the one ducked under my scythe, so I immediately anchored my foot into the ground and turned my foot so I could face her before lunging again, but I missed yet again.

"Down one arm and one leg, not to mention you're weak and kind of disappointing for the so-called Grim Reaper," the girl laughed.

"I'm going to end you." I growled

"Calli!" Bae screamed I glared back at the girl who had followed me and probably saw all my carnage.

"B-bae, so you did decide to come? I'm sorry." I said

The one second I was distracted for the oni girl to take it, she launched herself at me, and she took her blades, slashing at me four times in total: my right arm, my left leg, my neck, and my toe. I didn't realize it immediately, but soon the world began to tilt as all the sliced areas slid off.

"C-calli," Bae said in horror.

"You're next," the oni woman said menacingly as she glared at Bae.

I could still process things, and my only thought is that I will not let myself lose to this woman, and I won't let Kiara be alone, but I never would know if that was possible as everything turned dark.

This is the scenario I have to beat...

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