Time Mutation

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Amelia pov: I was sitting in the clock circle that Kronii made for me to sit in and tried to tap into time but couldn't at all.

"Amelia!!!" Gura yelled

"Gura, don't go near the circle!!!" Kronii yelled at her, but it was too late. She lunged at me and touched me, and as she did that, I felt lightheaded as time began to shatter around us.

"Huh?" Gura questioned, "Gryyyyyahhh!" She screamed in agony.

I noticed her right arm became more shark-like, and Gura was yanked away by Kronii, "Graaaaaaaaaaayaah!!!" I hissed, my eyes began to bleed, and my skin began to peel. I got up and lunged out of the circle.

"Damn it. We'll try again later," Kronii said.

Gura wiped the blood off my eyes, nose, and mouth, and she just sighed lowly at my stupidity. "No time powers for a bit," she declared.

"Fine." I sighed slightly. "Gura, do you wonder about other universes and timelines?" I asked

"Yeah, that one universe where you and Kiara were together and Calli and I were together was weird," Gura stated.

"What is your point?" Ina asked.

"Well, the issue is that the world's now diverging; everything is going to break and stuff," I claimed.

Gura seemed to have an odd thought about something: "Is there a universe where Kiara and Reine are together?" She asked

"Maybe, I mean, in this universe, they have a sisterly bond, so that could be the next step," I said.

"Alternative universes are an enigma because you never know if there could be a timeline where I'm with Gura or something," Sana said.

"That sounds horrible!" Ina yelled

"I know it does!" Sana replied

"Well, my worst-case scenario isn't really about the possible odd relationships I could be in, but the problem is the timeline crashing," I said.

"Or being with Kronii!!!" Ina said

"Well, I wouldn't mind that." I said

"Woah, you'd get with that dumpster fire?" Gura question

"I'm already with you..." I said

"Hey, don't compare me to the oversized clock with legs!" Gura hissed

"I like that insult; can I use it later?" Sana asked

"You can," I replied, making Sana happy.

"The fuck do you want to die!?" Kronii yelled

I grabbed my pocket watch, only for it to be snatched by Gura. "No time powers!" She scolded

"Come on, Gura!" I cried out in desperation. She glared at me and showed me her handkerchief, which was dyed red with my blood.

I stayed quiet, not wanting to be on her bad side; after all, I don't want to sleep on the couch ever.

"You told us before that in other universes you have to get with Gura, right?" Ina asked

"Yup!" I said.

"So you got with Gura, and that proves your intelligence, how?" Ina asked

"Gura is just special to me; there is nothing wrong with me wanting to be with her, and it was smart of me to do so!" I said

"How!?" Ina asked.

"Because she taught me about the sea," I mentioned.

"That is honestly fair," Ina replied.

"You know, I think Sana is right; the less we know, the better because we only got attacked by that other Ame because we were opening portals. The more we know about other timelines and dimensions, the more danger we are in, and we shouldn't just look at every timeline because it will make us all paranoid," Gura said.

That was a fair point, but what are the chances something will happen again? Another Zeta and Kaela passed over, as did two versions of me, but we dealt with all of them, so it should be fine.

"Gura, "aren't you curious to see if there is a dimension where you are human or not?" Ina asked

"No, I'm not, because then I will see that in that universe I may not be dating Ame but someone else that I'm friends with, and it's just stressful!" Gura yelled Ina fell silent and nodded. She decided to stop teasing Gura so she wouldn't lash out again.

Maybe we should just throw in the towel and stop messing with time after this because we caused a problem that we barely solved, but I wonder how all the universes I've seen so far have had us together.

This makes me wonder: since the universe is ever-growing, are there people we haven't met yet or new friends that haven't been shown to us yet? Possible new enemies or new friends could be on the horizon, and we'd never know.

Is there power even above the council? I wish I could peer into alternate timelines to see since all worlds seem to have some constants, but it doesn't make any sense to me at all. Why haven't the new potential threats from allies shown themselves yet?

Maybe they need time.

Honestly, Mumei has to be hiding something. As the guardian of civilization, she should know the threats to the world, yet we don't know what's coming, and never once has she told us what to expect.

Then again, maybe she doesn't even know since she is just a vessel for Omegaa anyway, and she doesn't really seem to do guardian things anymore.

I don't know what to really think right now. I definitely need to stop overthinking things. There is no way a new threat is coming, and besides, we fought off a goddess, so there is no way we could lose.

I'm overthinking everything, and it's not as if I have destroyed time by continuing to open up portals; this won't come back to bite me ever.

I have to think about something. I just need to realize that I have to fix time. I have to be the one to fix it; if I don't, Kronii will hate me forever.

"I have to do this," I said as I took back my pocket watch.

"You realize you don't need that, right?" Kronii asked

I know, but I have to do this, and I need extra power.

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