Happiness and Love

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Nerissa pov: "If you are actually Namless' little sister, then your body will suffice!" Omegaα hissed

They flew forward and grabbed me. "Gyaa!" I yelled as the fusion process began and their arm vanished into my body.

"Rissa!" Shior~rin called out as she wrapped Yorick around Omegaα and tried to pull them away from me.

"Bau Bau!" Fuwawa and Mococo said as they grabbed Omegaα from behind and began to pull.

"Get away from Nerissa!" Biboo yelled as she helped FuwaMoco pull Omegaα away.

"Insolent maggots!" Omega screamed before blowing them all away.

"Hold on!" Myth and Irys-senpai yelled as they ran in.

"Enough, I'll deal with you later, but for now, be sealed away!" Omegaα snarled the diety shot energy at all of them; they were all hit besides Kiara-senpai.

"Nice try!" Kiara-senpai laughed

"Takahashi Kiara..." Omegaα snarled, "Why do you always have to get in my way?" They yelled

"Because you keep messing with my little sister, you bastard!" Kiara hissed

"Kia-Ara Kiara-senpai, what do I do?" I asked

"Reject Omegaα!" Kiara-senpai told me

"How!" I asked.

"Think back and fight the presence; don't let Omegaα outweigh your memories!" Kiara-senpai yelled

"Wha-what is this feeling!?" Omegaα asked

"Come on, why are you so fixated on me being your sister?" I asked her

"Because we all have something in common, we suffered due to things that happened in our lives, but together we can make things better, and we can be happy. Nerissa I know you care about me; I know you will agree, so please just hear me out and let's leave together."Mumei-senpai yelled

"Nameless, you corrupted nameless, giving her pointless emotions!" Omegaα hissed

"No-Shut it!" I yelled

"Nerrisa, maybe you should go to see your family and then come back," Mumei-senpai said.

"No, you are my family!" I shouted

"I don't feel like Aradia is a priestess of light or whatever, so we are nothing alike. My little brother isn't into what I do much either, and my mom and dad don't know how they feel about me."

"Come on... an owl as your family?" Malph questioned

"You wouldn't understand, I think of you as my family, but now I see Mumei-senpai, Kiara-senpai, Reine-senpai, Subaru-senpai, and Lui-nee as siblings as well!" I yelled

"Arrogance Nameless doesn't see you as family; you don't even believe this!" Omegaα yelled

"Cut it out. I don't want you to pity me," I said.

"I don't know how to pity anyone, but I do know how to love!" Mumei-senpai said

"Well, I won't play sister." I told her

Mumei-senpai bit down on her lip in frustration towards me. I could tell she understood where I came from, but she refused to let this sister thing go.

"Birds need to stick together." She told me

"Stop forcing your ideology onto me; I want space right now!" I yelled at her.

"You don't understand her!" Omegaα yelled

"You're right I didn't!!!" I yelled

"I didn't expect my senpai to show up and welcome me. Do you want to stop me from breaking out?" I asked

Mumei-senpai stared at me and shook her head. "That's not why I'm here!" She said

"Okay, says the vessel of a god..." I scoffed

"I am a vessel of God, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop you!" She yelled

"Just let me pass by, and there won't be any trouble." I told her

"Who is she?" Calliope-senpai asked

"Nerissa Ravencroft is a raven convict; it's a long story she has suffered, so we need to add her to our family." Mumei-senpai stated

"Am I just a raven convict to you, Senpai?" I asked

Mumei-senpai shook her head. "No-I want to be your sister!" She said

"Come on, we both know you are trying to lure me in and trick me," I claimed.

Reine-senpai stepped forward, clearing her throat. "Mumei is genuine!" She yelled at me.

"Reine, the only thing we can do in this scenario is fight her since she refuses to listen to reason," Mumei replied.

"Mumei-senpai, so you're going to resort to violence since I'm not in line with your desires?" I questioned

"Aurgh, there is no talking to you!" Mumei growled

"Senpai, this is my last warning. Get out of my way." I growled

"Sorry, not until you hear me out," Mumei declared.

She is going to make me listen to her lies about wanting to save me and become family. Yeah, right, it was her kind that put me in this prison, so why would I trust a half-assed plea like this? I wasn't born yesterday.

"I will never hear you out, Senpai."

"Then why do you call me Senpai then?" Mumei asked

"Urk, I respect you as a person, and you are my superior; it's just that I'm not going to trust you!" I yelled

"Fine by me..." Mumei-senpai laughed. She had a sadistic grin on her face. This girl was oozing bloodlust. She is going to kill me.

"Hehehe... Senpai, I'm coming," I told her.

Those words threw her off. I flew at her and clashed my staff against her dagger.

"Nice push on that!" My senpai complimented me with a smile. I could tell immediately that she was taking pity on me.

She is being infuriating.

"Don't hold back against me, Senpai." I growled

"Fine, you asked for it!" Mumei-senpai declared

I tried not to fangirl as the two of us stared at each other as the battle began.

What the hell are these memories in my body? I can't handle it. Omegaα is making me remember when I was wrong about Mumei-senpai. I blamed her for something she didn't do. This isn't okay. This won't work out. This has stopped.

What is the game? What can I do to stop the fusion process?

"Nerissa!!!" Mumei-senpai screamed

My eyes widened. Mumei-senpai calling my name is still all I need.

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