Broken Time

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Amelia pov: "Kronii stop!" I yelled

The Warren of Time was running at me, swinging her duo blades, saying, "This is your fault!" She yelled

It is true that this is my fault, but killing me doesn't fix things; it just makes everything worse since I'm the only one who can fix things.

"Stop it!" I cried out.

Kronii launched past me and sliced open my chest. "Shut up..." She snarled She launched at me again, and I gripped the time dagger and pocket watch before she could stab me. I activated the watch, sending us into time.

As we fell through the time stream, Kronii grabbed my head and smashed it into the walls of it, skidding my face across time.

"You're going to hurt me!" I yelled

"That was the plan," Kronii told me.

"You'll break the time stream if you do anything to me! I yelled

"Really? You think that because you are my protege, I wouldn't harm you. Look, I'm not close to you like Ina is with Sana, Gura is with Mumei, or Calli is with Bae. You are expendable," Kronii said.


The warden of time pointed her weapons at me in a menacing fashion, saying, "Shut up." She told me

Look, I'm sorry for messing with time, but are you going to risk everything now because you are mad at me? Didn't you say we would fix this together? I asked

"Yeah, we fix it together by finishing you."

"Uhhh, pass," I said.

She rushed me and went to cut my arm off, but she missed

"Come on!" She yelled at me.

She really wanted me to get sliced up, but I don't want to be sliced up, so this needs to stop.

"Come on, hurry up, and get lost!" Kronii yelled again.

I tried to dodge all her attacks, but I was getting hit by everything. I had to rewind myself in order to not bleed out.

Kronii was getting madder and madder for some reason. "Can you just get out of here?" She yelled

She rushed me and began to slash at me frantically. I tried not to be cut up by her, but I can't block everything since she is really, really fast.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Kronii?!" I asked

"I don't know Amelia Watson." She said

"Wow, you seem to be in trouble," someone said.


Kronii and I stared at Shiori, who was standing there menacingly.

"Get out!" Kronii hissed as she rushed Shiori, slicing her up.

"Gah-shit," Shiori groaned.

"Kronii, what the hell!?"

"Amelia Shut up. You aren't in the position to protect the time stream."

"Wait-Mumei said to spare those five; isn't this girl one of the five she told us to spare?" I asked

She glared at me and gritted her teeth. She was angry. "Yes, but she is an intruder!" She yelled

"Come on, you need to spare people; not everyone is guilty, Mumei. Come on, don't hurt her anymore. "Let me rewind her," I said.

I don't know what's going to happen if we keep this up. We may actually hurt the timestream more and more if this continues.

I can't let this continue. Kronii is out of control right now, and I can't let the time stream be damaged more.

"Come here, Shiori!" I said

"Watson-senpai..." She mumbled

She stood up and lunged at me to hug me, but I jumped out of the way, watching her fall out of the time stream.

"What the hell did you do!?" Kronii asked

"This is my exit..." I told her

I was about to jump after her, but Kronii tackled me into the time stream, and we kept plummeting until we were somehow back home.

"What-what is going on!? I asked

"You broke the time stream. No matter what, we will end up at home. That is why we need to fix it. No, I need to fix it."

Kronii's words were dark and sinister. "Amelia-senpai, come on, please don't be weak. Of course, I'll be mad if you lose. You are the love of my life-no, you are mine!" She said

"You are both nut cases!" I yelled

"You are dead," Kronii said to me.

"Not yet," I said.

Kronii cracked her neck and smirked. "Soon you will be." She said

Shiori pulled out a pair of scissors and went to stab me. "Damn, what the hell!?" I yelled

Now I have two girls actively trying to hurt me. I rewound Shiori too, but not fully, so she is still injured.

This is not good. I'm just a normal human. I can't hold out for long, and she will be able to harm me more and more.

"Come on, I can't fight!" I yelled.

"I know that," Kronii said.

"You know what I meant! I yelled.

I ran away and lunged back into the time stream. I have to get away somehow, but where in time is it really safe? What is a place I can go to?

What is going to happen? Where should I go? Maybe I should go to a battle where we almost lost. Actually, I know where to go: the sea of Amelia. I should go there; she wouldn't be able to differentiate it from things other than me. I don't know what is going to happen if she does find me. I'll be injured.

"This is going to be bad." I mumbled

I transported to the designated time and hid in the sea of Ame, but I bailed out as soon as I remembered what happened here.

I can't keep this up. I can't be seen by Kronii; if she finds me, it's over. She is legitimately trying to hurt me and make me suffer. She is taking her job too seriously. I can't stand it at all. I really can't stand it. Why is she such a hardass? Why is she so mad? Does she actually hate her job? I don't get it at all.

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