Being Watched

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Hajime pov:"The council room is huge!" Kanade said it with awe as she stared all around.

"Yeah, I can't believe Mumei-senpai. Let us come here," I said with awe.

"I can't believe Mumei-senpai took away my cigarettes." Raden sulked

"Good, you shouldn't be using them anyway," Ao said.

There was an odd gap of silence. I looked over to the orange-haired girl, expecting input from her.

"Aren't you going to say something, Ririka?" I asked her. She looked and shook her head.

"Nah, I don't really feel like commenting on this right now; I just want to take this in." She said

That was a little odd for Ririka, but as long as she doesn't mind doing it, I guess it is fine. The silence can be normal since she's okay with it.

"Let's explore Hajime!" Kanade offered

"Oh-Okay!" I said

"Have fun, you two," Ao said as she continued to berate and scold Raden for her priorities at this moment.

"Ririka I'm heading out!" I said

"Kay," she responded. She was still taking the environment in, and Kanade and I walked away.

"I thought it'd be harder to get you alone," she said.

"Yeah, I know," I stated.

I'm used to Ririka being a bit of a hardass, so it's difficult to really enjoy myself right now.

"Woah, is that a designer dress?" I asked

I went to inspect it and smirked as I admired the material used for it.

"Maybe you shouldn't touch that," Kanade said.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine," I said.

All of a sudden, it felt like someone's eyes were on me. I felt shivers go down my spine. "The hell..." I mumbled. It feels familiar, like Ririka is staring at me, but that can't be the case, can it?

It totally could be, but she looked busy. I don't trust it at all, but she would probably be watching us.

"Can we go somewhere else?" I asked

"We can," she said.

I don't want Kanade to be watched; she is timid. I need her to have some time to herself, and I think of this as a date. I want to hear her confess to me. I need to hear it; it's important for me. I've heard Raden confess, Ao confess, and Ririka confess, but I've never had Kanade confess to me, and I really want it right now. I have to do so.

"Why are you so jumpy?" Kanade asked me

"Why am I so jumpy?" I asked

The most timid girl asked me why I'm jumpy. It's funny and ironic, but at the same time, it's just cool to hear, I suppose.

"What the hell?" Kanade said as she noticed a knife dart pass me.

It's Ririka She is watching me, isn't she? I think that is what is happening. What the heck, why is she watching me? She didn't understand what was happening when I left, but why is this a thing? I don't get it.

"Ririka is after me, right?" Kanade asked

"It looks like it," I told her.

Kanade ran up to me and connected our lips together quickly. "I love you," she said.

"You-You-You ahhhhhhhhhh!" I cried

"Kanade!!!" Ririka screamed

"That's right I kissed Todoroki Hajime and confessed to her, What are you going to do about it?"She yelled

"I'll kill you!" Ririka screamed

"You didn't even notice it was going anywhere!" I told her

"But that was only for a second. As soon as I saw you were going with Kanade, I knew I had to follow. Kanade isn't going to satisfy you at all; she isn't like me. I know all your ins and outs, Banchou!" Ririka said

"You are crazy!" Kanade said

"You are crazy to think Hajime would like you!" She screamed

"I do," I said to her.

"Hajime, my Hajime, you are no one else's; you don't deserve to be with anyone else but me. I love you the most, you know. I love you the most, you know. I want to see you the most, you know. I want to hug you the most, you know. I want to kiss you the most, you know. I want to fu-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"I'm fine with a harem!" I yelled

"You are fine, but I don't want to share you; after all, you are my Hajime and only my Hajime," she said.

"I'm not only yours," I said.

"Hajime, you are only mine. I own you. I love you. You are my Hajime, only mine. I own you. I love you. You can't escape me. You can't love anyone else but me because I'm the greatest and show you so much love, and I am. just so cute that you adore me, right?" She asked

"Kanade is cute too," I said.

Her eyes filled with bloodlust suddenly.

"She hasn't done anything with you, though I've done everything for you, and yet you dare to say something stiff like this: you love me the most; you have to; if you don't, I don't know what I will do. You are the only person I can think of, the only person I can love. You are mine after all, and I am not the only one who should have the privilege to have you because I'm your lover, Todoroki Hajime, your future wife, so love me!" She said

She is talking crazy. I can't be this extreme with her, but at the same time, if I humor her, then we can at least get out of this situation. But is it really a good idea to give this girl what she wants since she is talking crazy? She is insane, clearly, so should I humor this behavior or should I just run?

"Ririka, I love Hajime, and I'm not budging." Kanade said

Ririka growled "Fine, be defiant!" She yelled

I don't know what that meant, but her anger wasn't good. Maybe the two of us should run and not engage after all.

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