Shatter Like Glass

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Fuwawa pov: "Bau, Bau, Bau!"

Moco-chan and I ran circles around the reflection of Matsuri-senpai; it seemed to not be able to keep up with us at all. I launched past her and sliced the body up a little bit. The blood glistened like glass.

"Oww..." the mirrored woman groaned.

It sounded so fake, like there was no way that it was going to get hurt if it wasn't real "Moco-chan attack!" I called out to her.

The head of the mirror girl flew off all of a sudden before hitting the ground and shattering into a million pieces, but it just rearranged itself back to normal and glared at us. "Nice try," it claimed.

It lunged at Moco-chan, grabbing a hold of her before she began to crystallize my sister's "Fuwa-chan!"She yelled. I ran at her and sliced her arm off, forcing her to drop my sister, but she grabbed me, and I began to crystallize.

"Dieeeeeeeeeeeee!" Nerissa sang. She shot a soundwave at the glass woman, cracking her again, but she got cold feet as she saw the pain her singing was causing me. "Don't... Please keep attacking." I begged

She bit her tongue immediately so she wouldn't make a sound and hurt me by mistake. As I looked at Nerissa, who had a look of guilt on her face, my body began to crystallize more and more. It felt as if someone peeled my skin upwards and replaced it with a sharp stabbing substance.

I know that in order to stop the process, I have to stop contact and get away before I fully turn. I lifted my arm and jerked it downward, trying to cut my own arm off, but it failed. "What-why?" I asked.

"Your body is compromised; you can't move as a glass substance," it explained.

I gulped since I couldn't escape the crystallization, which went up to my neck at this point.

"Fuwa-chan!" Moco-chan yelled She lunged forward and destroyed the contact point. My body slowly began to decrystallize, but I still couldn't move. She had to grab me and jump backwards to safety.

"Thank-Thank you..." I panted

"No problem," Moco-chan replied.

This genuinely isn't good. Nerissa has lost the will to fight for some reason...

"Nerissa, you want to kill the gods, right?" I screamed

"Yes, but this is a pseudo-God." She mumbled

"And your point is!?" I said

"We don't stand a chance!" She yelled at us.

"You haven't tried yet!" Moco-chan screamed

"What?" Nerissa questioned

"You want this fight; you told us to go all out, but as soon as I'm in the way, you won't go all out. We are a team, but you can't worry about us all the time. I would have found a way to resist your high-pitched song; my ears would have tuned it out because a team can work with each other. I would adapt to your style, so stop acting like you have to hold back!" I yelled

"You're right, this all began with me... Shiorin helped us escape, but we came together because of me. This is my dream. One of the gods is in front of me, and even if it's a pseudo-god, I'm not going to let it go. I'm better than that. I'm Nerissa Ravencroft. Damn it, I am the demon of sound. So hear my song!" She shouted

A sound wave shot out and hit the being, causing it to shatter instantly. Better, it commented as it repaired. I saw a glowing orb as it rebuilt and lunged at it, but it dodged. "Nope," it condescendingly said.

"Moco-chan above!" I yelled, my sister nodded, and leaping into the air, she landed on the being, bringing it down enough that I could reach up and pull the orb out. "Gotcha!" I laughed, only for it to rebuild me.

"That is my core; you can't just grab it," she claimed.

"Gyaaaa!" I cried out in agony as my body began to crystallize faster than ever. Moco-chan was tired of helping me, but I formed an extra hand and grabbed her.

"Let go of the core, and I'll spare Pinky."

I began to loosen my grip. "No-Stop." Moco-chan wheezed; she doesn't want me to trade the core for her.

"Laaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Nerissa screamed all of a sudden. Her sound was loud and agonizing, berating both our eardrums, but we did as we said and blocked the noise out. The glass figure shattered.

"Wait-luckily we were only glass-like!" Moco-chan sighed

"Yeah, if we were just glass, we would have shattered!" I replied

Nerissa shook her head. "Actually, I directed the frequency to only destroy a certain type of glass, so you'd be fine if your density wasn't the same." She claimed

As it began to reform, I squeezed the core and shattered it, scattering the broken pieces into the wind.

"You think you won?" The woman said, We all looked around and saw another one form "Hello again," she giggled.

This is insane. She can reform from nothing; this is the same one as before, just mirrored.

" keep on coming back."

"Nerissa Ravencroft I will keep coming back after all you challenged the gods, so you must be able to win to beat me," it said.

"We will just wait. I'll surprise you and show you how strong a bird can be! She said

"Ooh, confidence, but I need to remind you that you are a mortal and you can become tired," it said.

"Gods can get tired too... Mumei, my older sister can get tired, so I know I can stop this!" She shouted

"I'd like to meet her..." The fake Matsuri-senpai said

Nerissa began to laugh. "I will never let you see my sister. I know you want to harm her." She scoffed

It seemed like Nerissa suddenly got stronger. Family really matters to her. This is insane.

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