True Loyalty

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Zeta pov: Mumei-senpai wanted to talk to me in private for some reason, so she brought me to her room in the council hall, staring me down.

"Zeta, I think you should think about quitting," She told me.

"Wait-how come!?" I asked

"I'm not saying quit forever; I'm just saying you've worked for me for as long as I can remember, but at the same time, things are getting dangerous now."

I glared at Moom, taking a deep breath. "I'm aware of the danger; that is why I serve you!"

Moom-senpai nodded. "But Kaela needs supervision, right?" She asked

Kaela walked into the room. Yes, but if Zeta wants to help you, then I want her to do it so that if anything changes with my situation, she can rush over here."

"Yes, but if she were to get hurt-"

I punched Mumei-senpai across the face as hard as I could to rattle her brain and knock sense into her.

"Listen-there is nothing wrong with me wanting to protect you. Deep down, you are aware that you are important to people, but for some reason or another, you refuse to admit to yourself that you are loved by many!"

Mumei-senpai looked deep into my eyes. "Zeta, it's difficult since I'm a vessel being hunted," She said.

"I understand that, and that is the reason why I want to help you lessen your burden-senpai, I love you!" I shouted

Mumei-senpai was taken aback by my confession. She doesn't have the wrong idea, but she also doesn't want me to feel the way I do.

"Come on, listen to me, Senpai. I was modified in order to fight and protect people, so what is going on? Why the hell won't you let me protect you?!"" I asked

Mumei-senpai balled her hand into a fist. "I'm sorry..." She told me

"And will you let me fight alongside you?" I asked

"Zeta-why are you so determined to be my right hand? I rely on you, but why do you care about me so much?" I asked

"Mumei, does a girl need a reason to love someone? You know how I feel. I want you to listen to me. I want you to love me. Rely on me to do things." I yelled

"But if you get hurt, then it is on me."

I sighed "Mumei-senpai, then why did you tell me to grab onto Nerissa?"

She looked at me in shock. "Because-" before she continued, she paused and looked at the ground.

"There is nothing wrong with telling me to do something dangerous; you relied on me; it made me happy, and the way you talked to Nerissa was badass!" I yelled

"Zeta, you are stuck in between family matters; it isn't fair," She said.

Mumei-senpai, I don't give a damn. Are we not family!?" I asked her

Mumei-senpai seemed shocked, but she thought about it. We are like a family, despite me not being a bird.

"We are a family, but that doesn't mean I want you to get hurt!" Mumei told me

"I promise I won't get hurt; just let me fight with you!" I said

Okay," Mumei-senpai said without an argument.

"What?" I questioned

"Well, I'm not going to battle with you, and besides, I thought you were wavering, not wanting to risk yourself anymore," She said.

She was just looking out for me. I can't believe it; she was testing me, something I hadn't thought about her doing.

Mumei-senpai, did I pass the test?" I asked

"With flying colors, thank you for wanting to fight with me. I appreciate it deeply. I really do." Mumei-senpai said

"No problem, I really don't mind fighting for you, but Mumei-senpai, why did you let Nerissa go other than your plan?" I asked

"She was right; as a sister, I can't just lock her up; she needs freedom, and I can't take it away from her since she is my little sister," Mumei said.

"You feel bad?" I questioned

"Of course I do!" Mumei-senpai told me:

"Well, I'm happy that you have shown your sisterly side; you are a good older sister, you know that?" I asked

"Of course!" Mumei-senpai stated

I laughed at her change of attitude: "Seeing you so happy, honestly, is cursed!" I said

Mumei glared at me and began to pout, "Don't say that." She told me

"Fine, I won't say that," I said.

"But anyway, if anything happens to Nerissa, I won't forgive myself; she is only my second little sister. I'm used to protecting someone, but at the same time, it is difficult." She claimed

"I know; that is why I am going to help you!" I said

Mumei-senpai, you really put on a believable act." Ela pointed out

"Yeah, I know." She laughed.

I smirked at her. She really had to fool me into thinking she actually did want me to quit this late in the game, but I understand why she would do this. The world is a mess right now and seemingly more dangerous than ever before.

"Senpai, what is the plan?" I asked

Well, we need to see what those five end up doing; they could end up destroying more or helping more; either way, as soon as Omegaα appears, we need to act," She said.

I agreed with Mumei-senpai that we do need to act. I'm still a bit worried about the absorbing process because something can go wrong, but again, she is confident, so I should trust her judgment.

"Mumei-senpai, what is going to happen if Omegaα doesn't show up again?" Ela asked

"Then we can go on with our lives," She claimed.

"Are we going to lock the other four up after this is all over?" I asked

Mumei-senpai looked at me and frowned. "If Nerissa creates a bond with them, no," She answered.

The other four's freedom relies on that, so I hope they grow a strong bond.

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