Loving You

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Mumei pov: "Fauna, Kronii, I'm back!" I called out

"Mumei!" Fauna cried out as she ran up to me and connected our lips. She is extremely bold for doing this randomly.

"You're back!" Kronii happily said as she pushed Fauna out of the way in order to kiss me too.

I pushed her away. "Did you fix the timestream?" I asked her

"Not yet," she replied.

"Well, why not?" I asked

"Well, Amelia got away, darling." Kronii told me I looked at her, confused as to what she meant.

"Oh yeah, she tried to kill her," Fauna stated.

"Why?" I asked

"She angered me, like a lot," Kronii said to me.

"Wait-let me go back to the darling part, and what did she even do?" I asked

"She just didn't show initiative in fixing the timestream," Kronii stated.

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Because of that, I won't reward you." I said to her

Kronii puffed up her cheeks. "But I want it!" She cried out to me.

"How old are you?" I asked her, and I took a deep breath. "Fine, I'll reward you," I said.

"Howso?" She asked

"You, me, and Fauna are going to our bedroom." I hinted

"Oooh," both of them said.

"Mumei-senpai, did you get Hajime?" Zeta asked me

"No," I replied to her as I took both my wives hands. "Zeta, if you want to join us in bed, feel free," I said.

She began to blush. "Wha-what!" She cried out at me.

"I'm just offering because you love me, and I know that, and I care about you a lot," I said.

"Why are you asking my wife to sleep with you, Senpai?" Kaela asked

Her question was fake since she knew I'm cute, and I agree that Zeta is also cute, so that is why we would want to sleep with her.

"Mumei, focus on us!" Fauna said to me

She tugged at my arm, trying to pull me towards her, but then Kronii pulled me towards her. They both kept fighting over me, which makes me really happy right now.

"So did you get Hajime?" Zeta asked me

"No," I told her, but then I began to backtrack. "Not necessarily," I said to her.

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Well, we decided to regroup, to be honest, and then we would go back since Nerissa's family is too tough to fight," I said.

"Oh, well, should I go next time?" Zeta asked

"You can if you want, but shouldn't you be watching Kaela?" I asked.

"Yeah, but at the same time, I don't think it really matters as long as we grab her and come back here," she said.

"Mumei-senpai, next time we should go there and then offer to take all of them and not just Hajime, so we don't have to battle them and possibly run into my family again," Nerissa said.

"We are heading back as soon as I'm done with Fauna and Kronii," I told her.

"After you're done with us?" Fauna cooed

"Come on, make us yours," Kronii said.

"You already are mine. You married me, so you belong to me, right?" Mumei asked

"Senpai, that mentality is kind of messed up," Bijou said.

"She is right!" Fauna and Kronii said

I laughed I don't think I own Fauna and Kronii, but they are my wives, and they are beautiful to boot.

"Mumei-senpai, why are you acting so nice?" Nerissa asked

"I wanted to show you how nice I am, Nerissa; that's why I let you read my thoughts," I said.

"You let me see your true nature. You seem to be very trusting recently. I don't know how I feel about you not being so cold towards me." Nerissa said

"I was never cold to you, jackass!" I yelled

"Well, that was a bit rude, Mumei-senpai," she said.

"Nerissa I don't care. We just need to go have a fun time, and then I'll come back, okay?" I asked

"You just want to sleep with Fauna and Kronii!" She said

"Yeah," I said.

"Well, can you tell me about it later?" Nerissa asked me

I gave her a thumbs up, and Fauna and Kronii tugged at my arms harder, upset that I said that.

"Can I please tell her what we do?" I asked

"Alright," they both agreed.

"I'm joking, I'm not actually going to tell her, and I know she doesn't want to know at all," I said.

"Yeah-of course!" Nerissa said to me

I smiled since she changed her mind on the spot since I forced her to

"Now let's go have fun, you two!" I said

"Yes let's..." Kronii and Fauna calmly said

We all walked to the bedroom and locked the door. "Bae, why are you here?" I asked

"Sorry, I don't want to intrude," she said. As we began to strip

"You and Irys can join," I mentioned.

"Yeah, she's a princess," Fauna said.

"No-I'm good..." Bae mumbled

"That's fine I prefer it to be the three of us anyway, but if anyone were to join, I'd be fine if anyone joined," I said.

"We are okay with it too, although we don't want to share Mumei with anyone." Fauna said

"It is true, we even fought each other for her," Kronii said.

"Yeah, I was there," Bae said to us.

"Now leave us alone so we can play!" I yelled

"Got it!" Bae yelled as she rushed out.

Fauna, Kronii, and I stared at one another. We only have a solid twenty minutes, which is kind of disappointing because we usually can go for seven hours or more, but right now we have stuff to do. We can't waste a day on each other. We will have to make it up to each other after today by indulging ourselves fully.

"Mumei, you love us, right?" Fauna asked me

"More than anything else," I told her before letting myself go.

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