Interesting Archives

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Shiori pov: "Where am I?" I mumbled

I stood up and looked around, trying to find out where I was. It looked like some form of archive.

"This is odd; why would Mumei-senpai send me here?" I asked

I placed my hand on some of the binders, swiped the dust off of them, and read them. "Universe, multiverse theory, paradoxes" were all listed as her world-ending threats and the meaning of power as well.

"What is this?" I asked

I pulled out a document of things about the boundary, and as I touched it, Yorick seemed to freak out as if it wanted me to read that one in particular. I opened the documents and stared at them, but they were in an unreadable language.

"What the hell?" I wondered

I ran my finger against the characters, trying to read them and see if I could decipher them at all.

"Huh?" I mumbled as I realized something. "These characters are similar to English," I said.

My eyes adjusted to the characters. "Shiori Novella: If you are reading this, then you need to look for specific archives. The serial number is in this room, signed Nanashi Mumei."

Mumei-senpai purposely sent me into this room; she has a plan that I didn't know about; she wants me to see these archives; otherwise, why would she leave this note in a language only I could decipher?

I began to search around the archives, trying to find the files that shared that serial number. Yorick was also searching for it.

"There is no sign of anything."

Has Mumei-senpai taken the files out? I wondered Yorick wrapped around my neck and began to choke me, but stopped as soon as my attention was gained.

"What did you find?" I asked

"Gmnr," it went as it lifted a file and put it in front of me. is the one I'm looking for. I opened the file up, and then I stared at it. "The fuck?" I questioned

It read, "The world's true knowledge is false; the boundary is the center of the gods." I don't know what that means at all, but the center of the gods...

What is the center of the gods? Where is it? I don't know. What is the center of the gods? Is it like a core that I have to destroy? Or is it just something that you have to absorb?

The center is usually the beginning; that is what the things are, and that is what happens when things are made. There is a center.

"Yorick, are you from the boundary?" I asked as I suddenly saw an image of a creature similar to him.

"Grmlrn!" It went

"Is that a yes?" I asked

It wrapped around my neck and squeezed. That is a yes. "Alright, then let's continue," I said.

I need to find out more about the boundary. Is she going to outsource me somewhere else? I wondered. I looked and noticed that I have to go to

Where the hell is it, though? These numbers are close by, but it's hard to find them. Maybe this one is redacted, but then why link them?

Yorick found it, and I opened the binder: "The god's domain isn't the center per se; one must know the truth of nothing and everything and the difference between zero and one."

The difference between zero and one—aren't they just numbers? What is the difference between nothingness and everything?

"What is the difference between nothing and everything, fact and fiction? That is important to know for the world I have stepped into."

Yorick already set the next file for me to read. I looked at it, but it was partially worn out.

"Heavan and Hell are the domain of the gods, yet not the center; however, the boundary is still them," they read.

This is confusing me even though I have been enlightened. What is the purpose of all of this? There has to be something I am missing.

The difference between all of these things and nothing, I don't know what the difference can be at all, but all I know is that they are all similar in terms that they are all different. That doesn't make much sense, but at the same time, it does make perfect sense.

"Wait—void—a void can be empty and full at the same time, thinking like colors—the darker the color, the more that goes into it, but the lighter the color, the less that goes into it."

That makes sense. I know what this means a little bit, but I don't know if that really means much.

"Come on, Yorick, let's finish up!" I said

My book suddenly opened up, and the data inscribed itself into my book. "Wait..." I said.

My head was suddenly filled with knowledge of the boundary, and I realized that Mumei-senpai wanted this for some reason.

I'm the perfect woman to be able to even teach her about the boundary because I learn everything when the information gets soaked into my book.

"What the hell..." I mumbled

I know where I have to take Nerissa to kill the gods; none of our senapi will be affected by this if we do this. That is what Mumei-senpai said, at least, although do I trust that at all?

What is the purpose of learning this information at the end? I feel like it is still too easy; we need to get stronger in order to even be able to fight one god, so going to the core of all gods may not be a good idea at all.

"What is the point?" I asked

Yorick poked me, and I shook my head.

"I know what I need to do."

I have to find Nerissa, Fuwamoco, and Bijou and tell them this data; they need to know what we have to do so our Advent can finally begin here and now.

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