Heavy Don Don

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Mumei pov: "You are fun," I panted.

Selen wiped blood off her face and smiled. "So are you?" she laughed.

"Are you two done?" Nerissa asked

"No," both of us declared.

"Oh-Mumei-senpai, but you clobbered each other!" She said

"Nerrisa, we go until we win or lose," I said.

"Yeah, this is how Mumei and Selen go at it. They fight until they can't anymore. It is frustrating sometimes, but that doesn't matter." Kiara laughed

"Yeah, they really like to fight," Pomu laughed.

"You two are too strong..." Ririka mumbled

"Yeah, we could have destroyed you if we tried," I said to her.

"Why didn't you then?" Ririka asked

"Because Nessie was in trouble, and my sister is more important to me," I said.

I summoned my giant gavel and lifted it up. "You are going to bludgeon her!" Nerissa said

"No, but that is a good idea!" I said

I launched at Selen and went to bash her head in with the gavel. She dodged it, however.

"Nice try, Mumei!" She yelled

I smirked at how happy she was at the thought of me bashing her head in. She ran at me and punched me, and I brought my gavel down, pummeling her into the ground.

She was in pain, but she powered through and punched me in the face and pushed me away.

"Shit!" I yelled

This wasn't good. Selen was overpowering me all of a sudden, and I don't like being overpowered by anyone, not at all.

"Damn Mumei, you tanked my attack," she said.

I'm stronger than her; she is only a dragon, but as an owl, I can surpass her. It may not make sense, but I'm just stronger than her.

"Can you two stop battling?" Kiara asked

I nodded. We may as well stop fighting since we need to go home anyway. What is the point of doing anything at this point?

"What the heck?" Selen sighed as she saw her tail was cut a bit.

"Sorry," I said.

"Well, now we have to fight more!" Selen said

I smirked and flew forward, punching her in the face. She flew back and slammed into a bunch of trees. I smirked and laughed as she stood up and walked out of the rubble.

"You are awful..." She said

"Awful at losing," I said to her.

Selen snarled and cracked her neck.

"Let's get serious..." She told me

I smiled. She really wants me to take everything seriously. I don't know what is going to happen if we both go all out and give it our all, but I don't know what to really do with the others being around.

"Let's fly into the sky and continue," I said.

She nodded, and we flew up into the sky, much to the dismay of the others. They didn't want us to continue to fight, but we needed to do this. I didn't bring my gavel, so I wasn't going to be slower.

She sent a gust of wind my way, but I powered through, head-butting her stomach. It was dark, but I could see her clearly. I wasn't going to let her beat me I want to win again and again.

I yanked out my dagger and slashed at her, but she easily blocked it with her dragon arm.

"Nice try..." She said As she tried to punch me, I dove under her hand and grabbed it, throwing her to the ground before flying down at her and kicking her.

"Bleck!" She coughed, but she didn't flinch and grabbed my leg, throwing me back into the air.

This is ridiculous. She is way too good all of a sudden. Maybe I am not trying hard enough to fight her. I don't get it at all.

"Come on, Mumei, let's go!" Selen yelled

I spat and kicked her in the face, knocking her back.

She flew forward and began to punch me really fast, but I punched back. The two of us punched one another quickly and so fast that flames began to erupt from our fists. Each hit hurt badly, hitting like trucks. It is crazy how powerful we are.

"You are holding back," Mumei said.

"What?" I questioned

"Stop holding back, Mumei..." She said to me

"No..." I said

Selen flew at me as fast as she could, and she grabbed me and hit me with a piledriver before flying back up, and then she sprayed fire down on me.

"Mumei-senpai!" Nerissa yelled

I burst out of the flames and kneed her in the face, then dropped and kicked her. "Selen, you can't beat me," I said.

"You are too powerful." Selen coughed

I smirked. "admitting it," I said.

She shook her head angrily, but she didn't want anything to do with it at all. But who knows why she doesn't just throw in the towel? After all, I'm beating her with ease.

"I'm going half my full power," she said.

"Fine, I'll reciprocate," I told her.

We said we would use half, but then we both only began to use 20% since we wanted to embarrass the other, but we were holding back on purpose.

"Let's continue..." I said

We both exchanged punches and continued to beat each other.

"This is so senseless," Kiara said.

"Yeah, and barbaric..." Pomu sighed

That was true; we were just punching and not thinking, but that isn't a problem when you get really strong; it is a problem when you just have to keep fighting a monotonous battle or something.

"Hurry up!" Kiara yelled

"Sure!" I said.

I landed and sighed. "What is happening?" Selen asked.

"Sorry, we have to cut this battle short," I said. Selen landed in disappointment. "Sorry," I said again.

"It's fine, let's continue in the council room," Selen said.

"Yeah, let's do it a perfect one-on-one!" I said

"Now powers and just our bodies!" She said

And now that was enough motivation for me to continue our battle, and its completion is soon.

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