Double Date Love

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Koyori pov: "I'm so happy Iroha-chan has you, Koyori." Azki-senpai stated as we continued to talk terms about a possible team-up.

"To be honest, loving Iroha is kind of out of character. I'm smart; she's not so smart, but that's dynamic and really works for me." I claimed

"Koyori, you wanted to destroy everything, right? Why did you change your mind so suddenly and decide to go down the path of revolution?" I was asked

"Iroha," I said.

"Really?" Sora-senpai questioned

"I really don't want to sound sappy, but if Iroha-chan wasn't in my life, I would have destroyed everything because my life would have no direction." I claimed

"Wow, you really do love her." Sora-chan giggled

"I told you I wasn't trying to be sappy!" I yelled at them, but they just laughed at me.

"Koyori-chan I think that is cute."Iroha-chan told me

"Th-Thank you!" I shouted

"How about we leave this place for a few minutes? Let's go get some yakiniku or something." Sora-senpai stated

"That sounds fun." Azki-senpai added

Even though Iroha-chan and I went a little while ago, I have no issue with going again. This will be a fun experience, to be honest. Now that our senpai are here with us, we went there and tried to continue the conversation, but Iroha-chan wanted me to do something first.

"Sing that yakiniku song!" She told me

"No!" I said it loudly.

"I want to hear it, though!" Iroha-chan cried

"So do I!" Sora-senpai said

"Me as well," Azki-senpai stated.

"No way!" I yelled

"I'll give you a kiss if you do." Iroha-chan whispers into my ear.

"Meat, meat, grill the meat!" I sang as I slapped the delectable food onto the grill, watching it sizzle. "However, there is something more beautiful than meat next to me!" Iroha was smiling at me and leaning onto her hand. Her eyes were beautiful and shimmered as she looked at me. As she processed my words, her face grew red.

"Chu!" She said as she kissed me like promised, "I could listen to you sing about meat for hours." Iroha cooed softly.

I pressed the meat on the grill and glanced back up. "I can listen to you for hours," I said in general.

"Wow, they're flirting." Sora-senpai whispered

"It's so cute..." Azki-senpai muttered

"Shut up, stop!" I yelled at my senpai.

"Oh, you want to take that tone?" Sora-senpai questioned

"Sorry, she didn't mean it, I hearsay!" Iroha-chan said loudly

"Thank you!" I told her.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Iroha-chan asked

I shook my head. "I just want to talk to you," I said, causing her face to become red.

"I daresay that you really pulled my heart strings!" Iroha said

"Cute ninja," I stated. Iroha glared at me and rolled her eyes at me.

"No mayonnaise for you," Iroha said.

"Can you please say Nin-Nin just this once?" I asked

"Why I'm not a Ninja..." Iroha sighed I pouted, and she began to regain composure.

"It would be so cute if you did it, though!" I whined out to her, and she immediately began to blush.

"Nin-nin!" She blurted out as she even made a ninja sign.

"How cute!" I giggled, hugging her slightly, and she began to flail around in embarrassment.

"That nin-nin was cute." Sora-senpai said

"Sora-chan, say Nun-Nun," Azki-senpai asked.

"Nun-Nun!" Sora-senpai cheered

"Adorable..." Iroha-chan and I said it in unison.

"You are adorable!" They said

"Nope, Iroha-chan is the cutest!" I said

"Don't pay attention to me; the meat will burn!" Iroha cried out.

"You're right, it's burning. I'll eat the burned one," I said.

"Wait, I'll eat the burnt one; I don't want you to have to eat burnt meat!" Iroha said

"Just take it..." Azki-senpai said

The two of us stared at each other as we took the first serving of meat off the grill and placed it on a tray.

"I'll eat the burned one, Iroha. I don't want you to have to eat something that is imperfect," I said.

"But I don't mind imperfection; nothing is perfect, and besides, you cooked it, so I'll eat anything you cook!" Iroha said

Her eagerness was really hitting me deep in my body. She was so adorable, and she really made me wonder what I wanted to do with my life. "Fine, you can have it," I mumbled.

"Thank you; we can move on now." Sora-senpai sighed

The two of us broke out in laughter for some reason. We just talked about who would eat the burnt piece of meat, just like last time. The two of us really are into one another, and we really care about what one another thinks.

Iroha took a bite of the burt meat. "Hot!" She mumbled as she chewed, but she seemed to really enjoy it. "Yummy," she said.

"Is it really good?" I asked, and she nodded in response.

"Because you made it!" She stated

"Come on, I didn't really make it that well; you know it was burnt, so stop acting like it was the best food you've eaten!" I said

"Well, I really like your meat," Iroha said.

"I'll give you a minute to rephrase that." I said

"Sorry, but no!" Iroha giggled; she knew full well what she said.

"Sora-chan, can you cook me some meat?" Azki-senpai asked

"Yeah, I can, Azkichi!" Sora-senpai said Sora-senpai cooked Azki-senpai meat, and it was perfectly cooked. "Here you go," she said.

"Thank you, Sora-chan!" Azki-senpai said

"No problem, Azkichi!" Sora-senpai stated

These two are a real couple. Sincerely, I thought we were a dysfunctional couple, but clearly we are a functional, cute couple. This is really cute, to be completely honest, and I'm happy that I'm loved by her and that I love her.

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