The Documents

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Azki pov: "Where are we going?"

Iroha looked at me for questioning her but we can't necessarily trust them after all they are technically our enemies right now "We need to meet with our leader" She said Laplus probably won't be happy to see us but this meeting has to happen we have an ultimatum to give them it is really important because it may be the difference between them being in and out of power

"Your leader isn't she incompetent?" Sora-chan asked

"Yes..." Iroha answered

"Damn, you are just going to throw her under the bus like that?"

"Yeah, I mean we only came to a compromise she didn't like most of our plans and she was difficult until the end pretty much" Iroha claimed

"I understand people not being agreeable"

Sora-chan laughed "Mikochi?" She asked

"Correct..." I answered

"Oh, speaking of I have to grab documents!" Iroha said

"Speaking of what?" I asked

"I was just thinking about Koyori for a moment she is just really beautiful to be honest and smart and—" Iroha began to drone on so I looked at Sora-chan and sighed

"Can you silence her?" She asked

"Yeah, I'm going to fake kiss her" I whispered I walked up to the samurai and leaned in "Chuuu" I softly said letting my breath hit her face

"Az—Azki!?" She shouted in shock

"Give us the documents" I told her

"Any—Anything for you!" Iroha said

I giggled at how flustered she is she really loves me a lot not more than Koyori but she respects me as her senpai and that makes me happy

"That worked well" Sora-chan said

"Chu" I laughed before kissing her on her lips I have compensated for the fake kiss with a real on on Sora-chan

"Azkichi!" Sora-chan cried out

Both of these woman are a flustered mess it is so cute to be honest I don't really know why they both get like this well I do know but it's different I don't know what really causes this personality trait

"Sui-chan is calling me" I mentioned

I picked the phone up and listen in "Azkichi! Miko is being annoying!" She yelled

"Look... I can't help with that!" I told her

"Can you come back I miss you!" She whined

Sui-chan sounds like a clingy girlfriend yet we've never dated well we could have but that is beside the point.

"I will in a moment." I replied

"Actually, I'm coming to see you," she said.

"Ehh?" Sora-chan and I mumbled

"Suisei-senpai is coming here." Iroha asked

"Yes..." We both replied.

"Then she can join us!" Iroha said

This may not be good. I don't know what is going to happen since Sui-chan is very different; she is very bold and assertive. She really is a strong, powerful girl. I don't know.

"I'll be there in a minute!" She told us

"Okay, show us the documents before she gets here," I said.

Iroha took us to the document room, and I looked around. What do we need? Then I saw the documentation of the boundary, something that hasn't been explored yet. We do need to learn more about the boundary thought because it may break time and space itself. We have to learn how to harness the power and where it comes from.

"Azki-senpai, what are you looking at?" Iroha asked

"Just important stuff," I told her.

"Like what?" She asked

"It doesn't matter; just copy these," I told her.

Iroha took the documents and went to the copier.

"So how do you think the others are doing?" Iroha asked

"Good? Why are you asking, and who are you asking about?" I asked

"Iofi-senpai and the others," Iroha said.

"Oh, yeah, probably she is in the Mystical Forest, so probably," I claimed.

"That's good, you know. I don't know if the Mystical Forest is really protected because who knows what happened with the destruction?"

Sora-chan was thrown off by that, but I don't want her to worry. Iofi would have sent a distress call if she was in danger, so she should be fine and safe.

We just have to assume the best is happening. We shouldn't have negative thoughts or worry about our friends right now. We should focus on the people nearby who are in danger. There are so many people who are floating around and are affected by this.

Besides, Iofi has Risu and Moona, so she will be fine no matter what. We have to assume that would be the case.

"Where did Mito-san go, by the way?" I asked

"What do you mean?" Sora-chan asked

"Well, she stayed back with Nari-chan." Sora-chan claimed

I didn't expect her to stay back, to be honest, but who knows what is really happening with that?

"I'm here!" Sui-chan called out as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, hey," I told her as I was handed the copies of the documentation.

"Do we have to kill?" She asked

I shook my head. No one other than potentially the rebellion outside if they get up and continue to assault the base can let Holox fall, to be honest, because someone needs to be in power right now. If things go south and Holox falls, then nothing will get fixed.

What is going to happen in the future? Who knows?

"Iofi is calling me!" Sora-chan said

"Answer!" I told her

Sora-chan did as told.

"Hello Sora, I just called to ask you if you are alright after that earthquake. The Mystical Forest had an earthquake, and we don't know how the rest of the world is fairing. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is good here! Sora-chan said

"Allright, just checking in, please be safe!"

"Same goes for you," Sora-chan said.

Both of them said goodbye and ended the call. At least one part of the world is fine.

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