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Shiori pov: "Shiori what happened?" Ame-senpai asked

I looked around "my archives?" I questioned

"Wait but how did I time hop somewhere where I've never been?" She asked

"I don't know it isn't my time powers i don't know how it works although Amelia-senpai if you wanted to teach me I'd add it to my archives" I said

Amelia-senpai rolled her eyes and stepped forward trying to ignore me at the moment "Wait maybe if we can go to a time we both coexist in we can get back for good!" Amelia-senpai said

"That idea will work!" I said

"Let's go to this memory!" She said

I watched as we were transported into the timestream

"Kronii help me get back home!" Amelia-senpai yelled

The Warren of Time was running at her swinging her duo blades, saying, "This is your fault!" She yelled

"You always say that" Amelia-senpai cried out.

Kronii launched past her and sliced open her chest. "Shut up..." She snarled She launched at her agaim

"You're going to hurt me again!" Amelia-senpai yelled

"That was the plan," Kronii-senpai told her

"You'll break the time stream if you do anything to me! You know we can't fix it otherwise!" Watson yelled

"Really? You think that the Warden of time can't fix time?" Kronii-senpai asked


The warden of time pointed her weapons at her in a menacing fashion, saying, "Shut up." She told her

"Look, I'm sorry for messing with time, but are you going to risk everything now because you are mad at me? Didn't you say we would fix this together?" Amelia-sempai asked

"Yeah, we fix it together by finishing you."

"Uhhh, pass," I said.

She rushed me and went to cut her arm off, but she missed

"Come on!" She yelled at her. "Come on, hurry up, and get lost!" Kronii yelled again.
Kronii-senpai was getting madder and madder for some reason. "Can you just get out of here?" She yelled

"Why are you making more trouble!?" She asked

"I don't know Amelia Watson." She said

"Wow, you seem to be in trouble," I said.

"Wha- you could have just made a normal entrance!" Amelia-senpai yelled

Kronii stared at me and gave me a menacing glance

"Get out!" Kronii hissed as she rushed me, slicing me up.

"Gah-shit," I groaned.

"Kronii, what the hell!?"

"Amelia Shut up. You aren't in the position to protect the time stream."

"Wait-Mumei said to spare those five; isn't this girl one of the five she told us to spare?" Ame-senpai asked

She glared at me and gritted her teeth. She was angry. "Yes, but she is an intruder!" She yelled

"Come on, you need to spare people; not everyone is guilty!" Ame-senpai said

"She hijacked time with you..." Kronii-senpai scowled

"Come here, Shiori!" Ame-senpai said

"Watson-senpai..." I mumbled

I ran over and let her throw me into the time stream using yorick I hung on for a little while longer

"What the hell did you do!?" Kronii asked

"This is my exit..." Ame-senpai toldher

Kronii-senpai kicked Amelia-senpai and she skidded across the time stream using Yorick I caught her as well

"What-what is going on!? I asked

"You broke the time stream. No matter what, we will end up at home. That is why we need to fix it. No, I need to fix it."

Kronii's words were dark and sinister. "Amelia-senpai, come on, please don't be weak. We can't afford to be trapped here in any capacity!" I said

"You are dead," Kronii said to us

"Not yet," I said.

Kronii cracked her neck and smirked. "Soon you will be." She said

I pulled out a pair of scissors and threw them at Kronii. "Shit!?" Kronii yelled

Using that moment of distraction i fell down and flew down with Amelia-senpai we need to go sowhere I'm time apparently at this point no matter what happens we are going to end up home anyway so we need to figure this out

"We can't take much more damage I mean we are being healed by the time stream but whatever!" Amelia-senpai said

We wound up at the archives again I looked around trying to figure out why the hell this was the new singularity point what is the point?

Where are going to go in time that isn't home time hopping is confusing especially since Amelia-senpai doesn't seem to understand what it is either so it really doesn't work at all its just annoying

"Time sucks..." I said

"Yeah but we have to deal with it unless we can have Kronii actually fix it but she isn't going to the right way" Amelia-senpai said

We can't help with that it isn't my fault Kronii-senpai is mad at Amelia-senpai for the time issue it isn't my fault it is her fault in the end I didn't mess with time then again now I have...

We both are just as guilty but I should get some slack since I'm also bait for Omegaα although I don't think they are going to show up because if they were they already would have it isn't like they are going to show up soon and try to take Nerissa's body... wait I predict things...

This isn't good Friend is working with them to lure Nerissa out that is why it wanted her body I need to get back before her body is taken if Friend gets Zeta them Nerissa's body will be taken and we will lose Mumei-senpai won't be able to defeat Nerissa because she won't want to have to kill her...

"What are you worried about?" Amelia-senpai asked

I told her What I am thinking and she nodded "its fine" she sias

She knows Mumei-senpai will be fine I guess in the end I will have to trust her judgment for the near future

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