Special Affection

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Suisei pov: "I want to be cool!" Mikochi cried

"You'd have to be cool in order to become cooler." I sighed

She looked at me angrily. "I'm cool!" She said

"Okay, whatever you say, miss traitor..." I sighed again.

"You are still my betrayal!?" Mikochi yelled at me.

I nodded

"Toko-chan, we're going to go watch over Robochi." I told her.

"Oddly considerate," she told me.

"Well, it's just that I feel like, as her friends, we should all be there for her." I sighed.

"Sui-chan, you are right; let's go watch her." Azki said

"All six of us need to stick together after all." Sora-chan said

"Roboco, shut down!" I told her.

She sat there for fifteen minutes, and she was still powering off. "Does it take this long?" Sora-chan asked

"No," Roboco said.

"So why is it?" I asked

"Uhhhhhh...who knows?" Roboco said

Roboco finally slumped forward, meaning she powered down and fell asleep. San was flying around listlessly.

"What are you?" Mikochi asked

"Who knows?" San said

"Toko-chan, do you know any strong fighters?" I asked

"Yes, and that is the sole reason why I didn't want to fight here." Toko-chan sighed

"Why?" I asked.

"She's coming..." Toko-chan sighed

"Toko-senpaiiiiiiiiiiii!" A woman yelled

"Oh, she's back..." I mumbled

"For those of you that don't know, one of the people that hunted me back in the day was her furen; she took one look at me and became obsessed." Toko-chan said

"Really?" Mikochi asked.

"See for yourself..." Toko-chan told me

The golden-haired woman laughed out of the forest, tackled Toko-chan, and began to snuggle her.

"F-furen, you are smothering me!" Toko-chan said

Seeing Toko-chan being loved like that makes me jealous.

But also, it makes me remember her.

"Onee-chans, Auntie Azki, and Robo!" Comet-chan said loudly:

"Hello, Comet-chan, how have you been?" Azki asked

"I've been good, thanks for asking!" The brat said it in a cute manner.

"It's so nice to see you." Anemachi sighed

"By the way, who are these peasants?" Comet-chan asked before pointing at Sora-chan, Miko, Aki-senpai, Toko-chan, A-chan, Nodoka, and Furen.

"I'm Tokino Sora. I'm Azki's fiancé." Sora-chan said

"Ohhhhh Auntie!" Comet-chan giggled

"I'm A-chan, and this is my wife Harusaki Nodoka; we're Sora and Azki's managers," A-chan said.

"Hmmmm. You're grannies, but what is your name? It can't be A-chan." Comet-chan stated

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