Archiver's Thoughts

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Shiori pov: What is a friend? I can't compute that it is a paper bag yet it is alive and incomprehensible. It doesn't make much sense at all, but it's fine since I don't know what the hell Yorick is either, and it is also alive.

"We can't let you go further." Rissa stated

"Why can't you let me go further? I have done nothing wrong yet nothing at all!" Friend stated

"You say that, however, the way I see it is the opposite: you are an annoying body snatcher. It's annoying, it isn't deserved, and it isn't cool!" I said

"Shior~rin, that is nice!" Rissa said

A friend got mad. "What the hell do you know?" It asked

I smirked at its statement, "I know a lot. I am overly fatigued as I have been deprived of sleep for the past couple of days. My brain keeps aching from all the knowledge I have absorbed over the years." I stated this as I remembered when I was locked up and before I escaped prison.

"You are tired?" It said

I don't know why my brain aches all the time. I have so many thoughts going on that I can't process words. My brain and body don't work for one another. It hurts, to be honest.

"Kronii!!" Ame-senpai screamed as she ran in with Gura. She tripped and hit me, and all of a sudden it felt as if my body was being torn apart, and time pulled me through with it.

"Where am I?" I asked

This place looked familiar. It is the same hell hole I once lived in. I was chained up again and trapped and imprisoned, but at what point in time did I immediately understand the concept of what was going on since I knew this was my escape day?

I am overly fatigued, as I have been deprived of sleep for the past couple of days. My brain keeps aching from all the knowledge I have absorbed over the years.

"Wait this though. I just had it," I said.

Knowledge just soaks into my head as the world keeps spinning. I know there is no way that keeping me here will do anything, no matter what. I will be all knowing I will have the power of thought.

"This is so infuriating..." I commented I tried to move around in the chair I was latching onto, but I couldn't.


As dictated, I felt Yorick drip and crawl up my arm until it was at my shoulder. I still wish I knew how it became unsealed. It may be simple, but my head doesn't know it's all foggy.

I jostled around and got a bit more comfortable on my prison throne. "Yorick, can you do me a favor and help me get out?" I asked with great affection.

Chnk... I heard the sound of the energy chain dissipating as it snapped, but as soon as I could move my left hand, it was already tied back up by the obnoxious chain.

I sighed with serious dejection at the sight. "This is annoying." I groaned despite knowing I would escape.

"Argn..." I groaned as a throbbing, agonizing pain entered my head. So many new arrivals at once had entered the premises, my senpai for sure.

All of a sudden, Yorick somehow snapped all the chains in two. As soon as I noticed, I lunged out of the chair and looked around. I needed to find Amelia Senpai.

I swiftly gazed around until I found the armory where all the convict gear was kept. Using Yorick, I unlocked the door and found the book and bookmark that I needed.

"Now... where would the most structural damage be located?" I questioned

My eyes locked on like a gun reticle. I smirked and cast a small continuous explosion spell onto the wall, watching as the prison began to crumble before me, only for it to seemingly revert back to normal, and I was in the chair once again.

"Wait, this is time-side affects?" I groaned in agony as the throbbing pain worsened.

A giant piece of rubble fell from the ceiling, and I barely rolled out of the way, avoiding being crushed by the rock. I need to focus, but more thoughts are now overflowing. I wasn't able to archive my thoughts, and all of the non-important ones have been sealed up until now.

I saw a bunch of red sights on me all of a sudden, and looking up, I sighed at the guards.

"Don't move..." The leader of the group growled.

"Please be good boys and move~" I cooed. I could sense those worthless people blushing underneath their armor. They clearly want to destroy me, but in a specific way, not the normal way.

"Ah, no, you need to get back in the damn chair!" One of them yelled:

"Tsk, fine, then I'll have to punish you~." I giggled before licking my lips.

I launched forward, slamming my book into the man closest to me. A snapping sound was heard before he fell to the ground, twitching right there.

"Fire!" The leader demanded

As they opened fire on me, I sprinted out of the room, throwing another explosion spell out. The impact made me fly forward, but I rolled, getting back onto my feet. The destruction quickly caught up to me. I may have gone a bit overboard after all; magic isn't my forte. I don't remember how I learned it since my brain is too full.

I need to get to Amelia-senpai... I plowed through the guards and ran out towards where Amelia-senpai should be.

I ended up skipping Bijou since she wasn't needed for me to get to Amelia-senpai, and she would break out since time dictated it. As soon as I caught up to where Amelia-senpai was, I lunged at her and grabbed onto her.

"Let's go through time!" I yelled

"Wait Shiori!" Amelia yelled

We were both pulled back through time after that happened.

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