Deep Into The Boundary

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Shiori pov: Haachama-senpai was talked into helping us by Mumei-senpai. I wonder what they discussed.

"You five need to go to the boundary with Haachama-senpai, and I guess since I'm here now, I'll back you up." Mumei-senpai claimed

"What do you mean?" Rissa asks

"This..." Mumei-senpai snapped her fingers, and we began free falling in the dark abyss of the boundary. Both Mumei and Rissa began to fly, and I grabbed onto Biboo, forcing her to fly. Fuwawa and Mococo grabbed onto Rissa and Mumei-senpai, while Haachama-senpai let herself slam onto the ground willingly.

"What the hell are we going to do?" I ask

"Well, you know what you saw," Mumei-senpai said to me.

I nodded and gave it some more thought, but I don't know what the heck we are going to do right here. But I remembered what I saw back in that room.

What is the difference between zero and one?

"Mumei-senpai, what is the plan?" I ask

"We need to go there," she said.

She pointed to the side, but I couldn't see the difference.

"How do you know what to look for?" Rissa asked Mumei-senpai

"Here..." Mumei-senpai tapped all our foreheads, implanting memories inside them.

"Don't think negatively," Mumei stated.

"Aren't you the queen of negativity?" Kiara asked

"Shut up." Mumei giggled.

"Senpai, we could, in theory, exit the way we fell!" Zeta said

"That could work in theory." Mumei groaned

Zeta walked under the hole and held her arms out. Mumei ran at her and jumped on her arms before Zeta flicked them upward, launching Mumei into the air. She disappeared for a few seconds, only to plummet down soon after.

"It's no good; it's too dark, and for some reason I can't access my powers, so no flying." Mumei said

"If flying isn't going to be possible, then there is no way that we can get out of there." Mumei looked at Kiara and shook her head.

"That's not 100% true." "We technically may be able to get one of us out, but we'd all need to work together," she said.

"Zeta woke the boy up." Mumei said

"Do I have to wake the dumb mutt up, though?" Zeta asked, getting a slight giggle from her other self.

"Yes," Mumei said sternly.

"Alright Senpai....." Zeta sighed

"What can I do, Mumei!?" Fauna asked eagerly.

"Keep being cute," Mumei said.

"Can do!" Fauna replied

"He's up, Mumei-senpai!" Zeta stated

"Alright, now have Kaela tie him up," Mumei said.

"W-why?" Zeta asked

"Just do so." Mumei sighed.

"Okay, I'll trust you, Mumei-senpai!" Zeta said

She was about to ask Kaela, but she was listening the whole time.

"There we go; he's tied up," Kaela said.

"What the fuck!?" Axel yelled

"Thank you, Ela," Zeta said softly.

"Okay, now that he's tied up, we can get to work," Mumei said.

"What are we doing, Mumei-senpai?" Zeta asked

"Nothing yet," Mumei stated.

"Nothing yet. What do you mean?" I asked

"We can't act yet; we need to do something first." Mumei sighed

"What?" I asked.

"We need to find Omegaα, if they are here." Mumei groaned

"Why do you want to do that!?" I asked

"I need to absorb some power from her, and hopefully I can break out of here," Mumei said.

How much power could Mumei get from Omegaα? And why does she suddenly want to do this? Wouldn't she want to stay as far away from them as possible?

Mumei looked at Kiara and nodded, so I tilted my head to the side. Now that I think about it, she does seem to want to learn more about herself since she doesn't know about herself as a vessel.

"We probably should head out and look," Kiara said.

"I didn't realize it yet, but the power inside me flowed and told me something: deep in the abyss, where one can't normally look, there may be something hidden, and we must be able to look past that. In order to figure stuff out, we have to look deep into the depths of hell." She said

"Wait, how do we get in there?" Biboo asks

"We need extra help." Mumei-senpai said

She snapped her fingers again, and Aradia and Malpha fell out from nowhere.

"Nerissa's sisters!? Bau Bau!!" Fuwawa and Mococo shout

"Yes, Malpha will be helpful." Mumei-senpai said

"Wait, Mumei, are you going to leave once we are able to get us in here?" Rissa asks

"I may need to listen to me. I can't focus on this right now, as I said, time is messed  up. She claimed

"Hold it, you have some other goal, right?" Nerissa asks

"Yes, the boundary is outside of time, so if something happens and we have to reset time, you won't be reset back to jail; everything will be fine.

"Hold it, rewrite the timeline?" She questioned

"Yup," she said.

She isn't telling us everything, but all we need to know from the looks of it is that we won't be affected as long as we are here.

"Wait, if you aren't here, what happens?" Rissa asked

"If we do reset the timeline, I don't know. Maybe it will go back to before I reset this universe, maybe  not."Mumei-senpai claimed

"Hold it, you reset the universe!?" She yells

"Correct, but it doesn't really matter right now. Just think about it and just focus on it. I don't know about other things. We have to do one last thing before we can call it quits and have to reset!" She said

"What is that?" Rissa asked

"Kill the piece of Omegaα I left here." She said

"Eh!?" We all yell.

She left a piece of it down here. Why would she do something like that? She has to have a plan, but what could it be? Why would she risk putting us in danger like this?

"Irsy has a piece as well." She sighs

I don't know what she's saying, but it can't be good.

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