Sisterly Thoughts

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Nerissa pov: Mumei and Kiara... those two are really cute. Those words I heard when I read her mind

"Kiara, shut up; a mortal like you wouldn't understand!" Mumei-senpai yelled. I stared at her, making sure she could feel my resolve.

"You're right. I don't understand the workings of the gods, but I understand my sister! Kiara-senpai shouted

"Your sister?" Mumei-senpai said, confused by this, "You don't understand; you don't love me!" She said after that:

"Mumei, I love you more than Calli. You are my sister. Wake up!" Kiara-senpai screamed at her.

Those words were similar to what Mumei-senpai said to me.

"Birds need to stick together." She told me

"Stop forcing your ideology onto me; I want space right now!" I yelled at her.

I spaced out, and Mococo tapped me on the shoulder. "Nerissa?" She questioned

"Sorry, what were we doing?" I asked

"Nothing yet," Fuwawa said.

"Oh..." I muttered to them.

"Come on, why are you so fixated on me being your sister?" I asked her

"Because we all have something in common, we suffered due to things that happened in our lives, but together we can make things better, and we can be happy. Nerissa I know you care about me; I know you will agree, so please just hear me out and let's leave together." Mumei-senpai yelled

"Nerissa!" Biboo screamed

I looked up and saw Fuwawa, Mococo, Biboo, and Shior~rin staring at me, and they looked extremely worried about what was going on.

"Their memories really hurt." I mumbled

"Huh?" Shior~rin questioned

"Their memories really hurt my head. So many thoughts filled my head, good and bad. I felt Their emotions saw how much Kiara-senpai loved Mumei-senpai, and now I feel awful."I said

"Don't feel awful!" Fuwawa said to me

"It's rough, you know!" I said to them

"Everyone has some tough times in their life; you know it isn't always a perfect streak of things. You have to learn that." Shior~rin said to me

"I guess..." I mumbled

"Sorry, not until you hear me out," Mumei declared.

She is going to make me listen to her lies about wanting to save me and become family. Yeah, right, it was her kind that put me in this prison, so why would I trust a half-assed plea like this? I wasn't born yesterday.

"I will never hear you out, Senpai."

"Then why do you call me Senpai then?" Mumei asked

"Urk, I respect you as a person, and you are my superior; it's just that I'm not going to trust you!" I yelled

"Fine by me," Mumei-senpai laughed.

"I feel sorry for myself for the way I told Mumei-senpai off, like I knew any better. I didn't know how much she suffered before she met me. I don't get it at all. Why do I think about myself first before I do things? I don't understand it at all. What is up with me?" I asked

"You think you are selfish?" Shior~rin questioned

"Yes I do..." I calmly spoke

Aradia walked up to me and placed her hand on my shoulder

"You're still here?" I questioned

"Yeah, you okay?" Malpha said as she came in and squated in front of me


My first older sister and also the middle child Aradia, she is the only other sibling of mine who is also demon of sound. She and I aren't similar at all; she is shorter than me, but she is well endowed. I don't want to see her

"Why do I insult my family and friends!?" I asked

Aradia and Malpha looked at me and furrowed their brows

"Huh?" Aradia questioned

"Aradia... I made myself think I didn't like you" I said

Only her? Echoed in my head

I don't feel like it. Malpha is a priestess of light or whatever, so we are nothing alike. My little brother isn't into what I do much either, and my mom and dad don't know how they feel about me.

"Malpha I also thought we weren't alike at all..." i said

"Nerissa... we aren't very similar but we are sisters we have some personality traits to share but we are unique people" She said to me

"Yeah, but still I feel like I've been a fucking asshole!" I yelled

"Yes you are because you are lying to yourself you keep telling yourself that you don't want to feel a particular way when you should be thinking about things however you want to do so!" Aradia yelled

Aradia had a point feel how I want to feel don't let others tell me how to feel love who I want to love never feel how someone else wants me to feel

"Wait- I have to do something is Mumei-senpai here still!?" I asked

"Yeah she's talking to her sisters" Shior~rin said to me

"I'll be right back!" I said

Aradia and Malpha followed me but that is fine they get to see me grow they get to see me admit something I have been struggling with my whole life to say

"Mumei!!!" I yelled out

"Huh?" The owl said

"Kiara!" I screamed

The phenoix girl looked at me "yeah?" She questioned

"Reine!" I called out

"What?" The peafowl wondered

"Lui!" I loudly said

"Present?" The hawk said confused by me

"Subaru!" I shouted

"Yes?" The duck asked

I took a bow and bit my lip before taking a really deep breath "Thank you!" I yelled

"For what?" Mumei-senpai asked

"Thank you for also being my sisters I appreciate you for everything you have done for all your pain you have done through for me I am thankful for you!" I cried

"Nerissa... you really are something else" Kiara laughed

"I'm not going to invalidate anyones feelings nor am I going to run away from my real family I want you you know that I want to be your sister and my actual families sister!" I yelled

"Nerissa that's what it's about" Mumei said

I smirked knowing my family will keep getting bigger

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