Sharing Love

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Koyori pov:I'm exhausted... I'm tired. I'm way too sleepy. I want to sleep right now.

"Sweety!" Iroha called out. I looked up and around, searching for my girlfriend, but I couldn't see her. However, she ended up wrapping her arms around me tightly. "Koyori, are you alright?" She asked

"Ug-yeah," I mumbled.

Iroha wasn't having it. She put her hand on my forehead and frowned. "You're sick," she commented.

"No-My- My brain is just overheating!" I told her frantically as to not to worry her. I have an issue. I don't know what it is, but everything just kind of hurts, but I won't let it deter me. I'm the leader of the world. I can't "gyaaah!" I suddenly threw up on the ground.

"Ehhhh Koyori-chan!?" Iroha said with worry that she was in panic mode, and she began to rub my back, patting me on the back. "Koyori..." She softly said,

"Iroha, I'm blegh!" I vomited again. "Please stop trying to help me; I don't want to puke on you." I groaned

Iroha gently caressed my head and kissed my forehead. "Let's get you to bed," she said.

"Wait-I need to take care of the world. I need to check things out. I have to look at things. I have to fix the world!" I yelled

"Koyori, you have to properly rest. What are you doing to yourself? It isn't right!" Iroha said to me at that moment

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh," I groaned.

"Are you queasy? Did you drink too much mayonnaise?" Koyori asked

"No------- I think so," I replied.

"You sure?" She asked

I nodded. "I want some mayo." I said

She glared at me and sighed, "No." She told me instantly.

I began to think about the past a little bit more when I first met Iroha. I never really thought I would get along with her. She isn't the brain; she is the brawn; she is the muscle. She wasn't my type, but I was so wrong.

I never thought there would be a person that would care for me so much. I am shocked, though I am tough to be around, and it's right to assume that I will betray you, but Iroha, for the first time, I don't want to betray her. I want to be by her side. I want to love her. I want her to be by my side.

"Koyori, go to sleep," Iroha said as she picked me up and led me to our room in the base. "Have sweet dreams for me," she said.

Have sweet dreams... I have gotten everything I wanted; my father is gone; the world is mine; my revolution happened; but what is this empty feeling? Why am I not satisfied yet? How can I feel satisfied?

"Iroha, please lay next to me," I said.

Iroha nodded and got next to me, cuddling me. Her embrace was right and strong; she managed to make it so I couldn't move. "Koyori, am I too rough?" She asked

"No, I feel nice and secure," I told her.

Secure and safe is something I only had the novelty of feeling recently; since my whole life, I haven't managed to feel that at all. I love Iroha; she makes me feel warm and cozy and safe and happy, and she is the cutest.

"Koyori, I want to be someone who can make you feel safe. I don't want you to be angry about things. I want you to be able to vent to me to be able to love me forever and ever."

"What just happened?" I asked as I felt something slide into my ring finger. I looked in the peripheral and saw it was a ring.

"Koyori, I want to be your wife. I would be happy if we could make us official. I know we talked about it being possible in the near future, but we didn't have a ring. But I got a ring in secret. I want to be your bride. I want your hand in marriage!" She said

"Iroha-of course I want to marry you. I want to be by your side forever!" I said

"They will just fall in love with you to betray you, so never fall in love, Koyori. No daughter of mine will be the pawn of anyone."

My father told me something about betrayal, and I expect that to happen to me at some point.

"Koyori, I will never betray you! I am your bodyguard. I'm in love with you. You aren't just a means to an end. You are my beloved Koyori. Please kiss me and tell me you want to be my wife."Iroha said

"Did you read my mind?" I asked

"No, and what did I just say?" She asked

"You told me to kiss you and tell you that I want you to be my wife," I said.

"Then do so!" She said

"Hold on, give me a second. I just threw up. Can I at least brush my teeth and get rid of the awful taste?" I asked

"Oh, sure," she said.

I got up and did that and then walked back to her, locking our lips together. I want to love her. I want her to love me. I want a wife. She wants a wife. This isn't a means to an end. This is pure love. This is love in its purest form. This is our love.

"Iroha, I love you. Please marry me," I said.

"I will please marry me, and please take care of yourself. The world is ours, and I want you to savor your ownership of the world. Everything we have worked towards, I want to explore it together. I care about you dearly after all, and I don't want to see your hard work be in vain. You have to be safe, and you have to be healthy. I don't want to see you be sick or unhealthy in any way." me

I couldn't agree more. I feel the same about her.

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