Broken Down

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Mococo pov: We all had our eyes on our opponent, but in an instant they were gone. Nerissa and I jerked our heads to the side as suddenly Fuwa-chan launched past us quickly.

Nerissa opened her mouth. "Fu—" She was cut off before she could finish my sister's name. She was backhanded, her head slamming into the ground.

"Ah—Fuwa-chan... Nerissa..."

I jumped back, predicting an attack on me, and I was lucky because I was one inch away from meeting the same fate as the others.

"Mococo Abyssgsrd, will you yield?" I was asked by the reflection of Matsuri-senpai
I grabbed my chest, trying to pace my breathing as the glassy being walked toward me. I shook my head involuntarily, knowing I needed to fight. That is what my sister would do in this scenario.

"You won't touch my sister!" Fuwa-chan screamed. She launched forward, aiming for the being's legs, but she was kicked in the stomach and flew up into the air. She hurdled down, slamming onto the ground. Blood seeped out of her.

"Fuwawa..." I mumbled in disbelief.

"La-a-a" Nerissa tried to sing, but her voice was broken and choppy. She wasn't fighting to use her voice; she couldn't even stand. Blood leaked from her head at an alarming rate as well.

"Rawr!" I yelled, running up to the goddess. I tried to slash her with my claws, but all of my attacks were dodged. I ended up tripping over my sister's body, making it so I was hit by a knee. I rolled into a decent-sized rock, and it collapsed on top of me, but I was in better shape than the other two.

"Moco-chan, stand back."

Fuwa-chan stood up, steadying her breathing quickly. Her glare was feverish and full of anger; she really was focused on protecting me.

"Wait—you'll... blegh..." I coughed up blood; Fuwa-chan noticed and sighed in pure anger.

Fuwawa rushed the reflection, dragging her claw into the ground. She lifted up rocks and pelted the being, making her shatter. Crafty, it responded as the maneuver was pulled off.

"All we have to do is take you out right here and now or make you retreat!" Fuwa-chan screamed

"And how will you do that?" It asked

"Like... like this!" Nerissa whispered as she bashed her staff into the head of the reflection. Using the noise of glass shattering, she multiplied it and rippled it down the body of the goddess, making her shatter, and when the core was exposed, Fuwa-chan stabbed into it.

"We won!" we shouted.

"Nice try..." It immediately said, making our victory short-lived. She reformed behind me and had a blade up to my throat. "Don't move," it told me.

"What do you want?" Fuwa-chan asked

I didn't want her to act like this, but Fuwa-chan wants to protect me no matter what. "You to die," the goddess claimed.

"I... Moco-chan, hold on..." Nerissa wheezed; her voice was horse, and blood poured from her mouth from overexertion.

All of a sudden, the rocks around me moved and smashed the woman to pieces. I got up and jumped back.

"Tsk, we leave you alone for two minutes!" Biboo said

"Yes, we saw your resolve, Nerissa, and we will comply with your wishes." Shiori stated

The reflection Matsuri-senpai looked at the two others and sighed, "Go away." It scoffed.

"Make us!" Biboo yelled

Blood flew into the air as those two instantly dealt with Fuwa-chan and Nerissa, and I looked on in shock as Shiori and Biboo were defeated.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Uh, we lose?" Nerissa whispered

"No, we fight!" Fuwa-chan yelled

"Yeah, we fight!" I repeated

"Okay, we fight!" Nerissa shouted

We were all in agreement again that we would fight until the end. We may not be able to win, but we have to at least try to get through.

"You are so aggravating that you keep losing hope and then regaining it over nothing; just make up your mind!" It shouted

"We have, and we will kick your ass!" Nerissa said

We need to do that, but it's easier said than done. After all, we are nothing in comparison to this thing right now. We are way too weak. We have to get the upper hand somehow. It's all about technique, not power.

It's about time to try to end things; we have to figure out a way to win, but what are the weak points of this creature? It's made out of glass, so it's weak in general, but I don't know if there is a way we can keep it from regenerating.

"Are you sizing me up? Well, you must know at this point you are dead, so you have to yield, and maybe I'll spare you," it said.

What is the point of yielding at this point? We are already too deep; this isn't good at this point; we may all bleed out.

"Nerissa Ravencroft, didn't you say you were the little sister of Nanashi Mumei? Why don't you call her over?" She was asked

"No, I won't," Nerissa mumbled.

"Why not?" She asked

"Because that is stupid, I won't rely on my older sister all the time; she needs to be able to trust me! I shouted

"Well, then perish..." She was told

"Fuwawa, Mococo, get ready! Nerissa screamed

We got on guard, preparing for the upcoming assault. She is clearly more determined now than ever before, but we may need one of our senpai to intervene. I noticed Shiori and Bijou begin to stand back up, but there is no way that they will be able to do anything; they already failed, so they may not be able to fight more.

"Nerissa, we will battle too." Shiori said

"But you can barely stand!?" Nerissa said

They haven't recovered from the last battle or the truck crash either, but she seems confident.

"Fine, let's fight as a team!" Nerissa shouted

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