Trust In Place

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Nerissa pov: After eating, I felt quite refreshed. It is nice to sleep in a comfortable bed as well. I'm glad I came here with them.

"I hope you are more relaxed." Kiara-senpai said

"I am thankful to all of you. Actually, this place is nice and really accommodates me well. To be honest, this is the most homey I've ever felt. I have eaten good food. I have water friends to accompany me. It seems like you played your cards right."

Kiara-senpai seemed happy that everything was to my liking, but she doesn't like my suspicions. It's not my fault I don't trust goddesses and gods because they locked me up.

"I'm sorry that I'm so skeptical; I want to trust Mumei-senpai," I said.

"You mean you don't trust your sister?"

Kiara-senpai questioned me. I knew she was upset by my not wanting to trust Mumei-senpai, yet she is my sister, and I should trust my sister, but I don't know what is going to happen.

"You don't trust me; that's fair, Nessie." Mumei-senpai said

I began to blush due to the cute nickname my senpai had given me. I don't know why she calls me Nessie, but I don't hate the nickname; it is quite fun to be honest and adorable.

Mumei-senpai, it's not what it looks like. I mean, I do have some trust, but at the same time, it's just the feeling of worry I have. I'm grateful for everything you have done, but at the same time, I'm worried about the future."

Mumei-senpai nodded. She seemed to understand my worry, but she knew I had to grow out of this since I'm her sister. We have to get along and not have trust issues. I know I need to get to know her better, so this should be better than of how we are right now. We need to be closer.

"Come on, why is it so hard to trust God?" Reine-senpai asked me:

They broke my horn off and locked me up, making me lose parts of my life. I am angry and sad about this. I am vengeful of everything. I need to remember who locked me up, though, and that will be how I can end this revenge. Other than that, I just need to relax and get to know people better.

Our team will be able to defeat all the gods soon. Advent has the pieces, but at the same time, we don't have the strength to do things right now. We lost very easily, but I know where to focus. We have the durability, but not necessarily the strength, to do so.

"Come on, you need to verbally tell them that." Mumei-senpai said

That was something I forgot to do. I haven't told them where we need to put our efforts, but right now I need to get back to full strength so I can fight at 100 percent at full power.

This is going to be an all-out war, a battle against the gods. I know what we are getting into, but at the same time, who knows what we are getting into other than Mumei-senpai?

"I'm actually using you five to lure someone out." Mumei-senpai admitted

"Wait-Who!?" I asked

"The god that I was the vessel for Omegaα..." Mumei-senpai told me

"Omegaα-senpai?" I asked

"Don't call them senpai," Mumei-senpai told me.

"But I remember before the breakout, someone named that was locked up in our prison!" I said

"Yes, we just captured them, but you helped them escape, so we are waiting for them to show up. However, they lost their power, so I think they'll be looking for a temporary body, one that I wouldn't be able to hurt like you because you are my little sister."

Mumei-senpai told me all about her plan, which she didn't have to do. This made me trust her a little bit more since she told me something she didn't have to tell me. I'm happy that she did, to be honest, because that destroys some trust issues we have right now, but it's definitely not the same.

"What do I have to do in order to lure them out? I asked

"Well, what you have to do is fight gods and show yourself a lot, then make sure Omegaα understands you are my little sister, then we will just learn things you know by reading your mind; if you see them, we will know." Mumei-senpai told me

"Really?" I asked

"Yes, I mean, what is really going to happen if you don't tell us immediately? I'll trust you," she said.

Trust... she trusts me-I need to trust her, then I really need to trust her.

"Come on, don't say you trust me because now I'm nervous about this, to be completely honest," I said.

"It's just trust; come on, it's not that complex! Mumei-senpai said

She was being sassy. I'm happy that she isn't making things easy for me, but at the same time, I don't know what is happening with this sh*t because why is she a vessel? I genuinely want to know what the reason is as to why she is a vessel. It will be interesting to find out, to be completely honest.

"I'm a vessel because I was born that way," my sister immediately explained to me.

"Oh... really?" I asked

"Yeah," she responded.

I didn't expect her to be so humble about it, but it's nice that she is telling me a lot about her.

"Nessie, I'm your little sister, and of course I would tell you about everything," I said.

"Thank you," I told her.

Mumei-senpai laughed and smiled at me. "No problem," she responded.

I exhaled at the prospect of a goddess being so humble, but it is my older sister, and not all goddesses are evil.

"Let's do this," I told her.

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