The Rat's Rest

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Bae pov: Now that Irys is resting, I can relax more and more, but there is something bothering me... Irys rested for about a minute and then resumed her training.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked her

"Getting stronger, what do you think?" She asked

I was angry. She knew she wasn't supposed to be training, yet here she is moving around doing things she's not supposed to be doing. Why is she so difficult? This is annoying.

"You need rest!" I claimed

"She did." Anerys sighed.

"For two seconds, that doesn't count!" I hissed

Well, it was still a rest rat." She replied

I'm beginning to think Anerys doesn't like me very much. "Do you like me?" I suddenly asked

"Yeah..." My sister-in-law replied

It didn't seem like she actually cared about me. There is no way she is telling the truth; her voice is filled with contempt even now.

"Are you sure you like me?" I asked

"Rat-I love you, okay? Please shut up!" Anerys yelled

"Rat? You claim you love me, but you've never said my name, not once!" I hissed

"Bae, your name is Hakos Baelz, so leave me alone and stop talking to me during my relaxation time." She said

"Wai-so you do know me?" I asked

"Yes, please leave me alone," she sighed.

I smirked, happy that she knew my name, but I still feel like she is angry at me, and I couldn't hazard a guess as to why I have done nothing that would irritate her; all I am doing is talking to her while she is trying to rest.

"I have a fucking headache." Anerys mumbled

"Sis, don't say the F-word." Irys scolded

"Got it..." She sighed

I noticed instantly how she was so sweet towards her sister yet mean to me; it makes zero sense. I'm her sister too, so she should be nice to me. Why can't she see that I've done everything for Irys? She wouldn't be much without me. I'm the reason why Irys is the way she is today. I'm so sweet to her.

"Bae, can you get me a cold washcloth?" I was asked by Irys

"No," I instantly replied.

"Okay-what the fuck is wrong with you?" She asked

"Eh, didn't you tell me not to swear yet? You are here cussing like a sailor," Anerys said.

"Can you please get me a cold washcloth, sis?" Irys asked

"Yeah, I can give you a minute," she said.

She stood up and disappeared for a moment before coming back and holding the washcloth. Irys used it to wipe her body down, "refreshing." She sighed

"You need to lie down..." I told her

"You want me to listen to you?" She sighed

I don't know where Irys' hostility came from; it was weird. She was acting like I didn't do something for her and forced her sister to do it for me, but I couldn't have done something like that. It makes no sense.

I need to figure out why everyone is so mad at me. I don't get it. What did I do wrong at all?

This is irritating because this just doesn't work. I don't understand why Irys has to train and train and train and train and train and train. I know I keep saying that, but this is just obnoxious about how much this keeps happening. She is obsessed with training right now. This really doesn't work at all. Come on, why can't she just relax and have more-play more monopoly with me?

Anerys overlooked Irys and smiled.

"You seem to have figured out the positive and negative energy thing," she said.

"I kind of have, but it isn't really easy to do because my powers are going crazy. I'm trying not to lose myself when I go fully negative," she said.

Anerys nodded. "It's all about ratios," Anerys said.

"I need the golden ratio, right?" She asked

Yes," Anerys replied.

I smirked since Irys seemed to figure out something else, but I don't like that she is still training. This isn't good at all, and it is really annoying right now since she needs rest.

"So the negative energy should be stronger than the positive energy, but you need to know how to make the positive energy powerful right now, so please hurry up and give it power," Anerys said.

"How though?" Irys asked

"I don't know at all," Anerys replied.

Irys tilted her head to the side and rolled her eyes. She was clearly annoyed by this; she really didn't like it.

"I need to figure this out, so why is this so difficult? I don't get it at all. Everything I do seems to fail. I've been trying this for hours and hours, but nothing I am doing will make the positive energy grow!" Irys yelled

"You are being negative right now," I mentioned.

"Wait-you have a point," Irys claimed.

"I do?" She asked

"Yes, all we need to do or all I need to do is give myself positive energy, and then everything will be okay. The more positive energy I feel, the stronger my attacks will be. It's genius, to be honest. How didn't I think of it before?" Irys asked

I smiled, glad that I gave her a good idea. Clearly, I am just super smart. After all, she is really happy that I helped her figure this out. Actually, maybe I should help her train. After all, if I do, she may finally quit training for good. So then we can relax and then help the others in council with the five escapees.

"I'll help you train, babe!" I said it with gusto.

"Really!?" Irys replied cheerfully.

"Correct!" I laughed

Irys looked at me with a side glance, and she sighed. "Thank you," she said.

"No problem," I replied.

She was into me, knowing why I was so excited, but at the same time, she couldn't say no to help.

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