Evanesa: The Blade Of Black Fire [Chapter 7]

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Zero charges toward Vic, swinging his sword like a madman. Vic jumps to the left of his swing and kicks him upside his head and knocks him off his feet. Aziria mumbles.

"If they fight here they will destroy alot of land."

I look at her.

"So what do we do?"

Aziria grabs me and teleports over to Vic and Zero and discharges a blast of black energy. I blink and I'm back in Asale ti iku. The Desert of death. Zero stands up and readies his blade. Vic laughs and swings her blade at the air. A few moments later a huge blast of fire releases from the hilt of her sword and goes up her arm. She teleports to Zero and swings at him. He brings up his sword but she knocks it out of his hand easily.

The Shockwave from the impact of their blades knocks me off my feet. When I sit up, I see a flaming crater and on one side is Vic and on the other side is Zero. His shirt is beside him, it's on fire and burns up quickly. Vic laughs and points her sword at Zero. She yells.

"Burn away, EVANESA!"

Zero jumps to the left right as a insane blast of black fire shoots from the top of her blade. Turning the sand to glass.

Holy shit!

I think as I jump back.

That fire has to be insanely hot to turn this sand to glass.

I think looking for Zero. I see him laying on the ground gasping for air about 12 feet away from the mile long streak of flaming black glass. Vic walks over to him and laughs.

"That was pitiful. I expected so much more."

She says as her blade dissapates into the air. Zero slowly stands up.

"What was that!?"

He asks. Vic laughs.

"That's my special blade, Evanesa."

That sword is unbelievable. It turned a mile of sand into glass. And some of that glass is melting near the end of the wave of fire.

I look at Vic. She laughs.

"And I didn't even have to open up my first release."

Zero is shocked when she says that. Aziria discharges another blast of energy and transports us back to the real world. I sit on the ground in aw of the power of Evanesa. Zero slowly stands up and walks back to his house. Stumbling as he walks. Vic brushes some sand off of her pants and starts walking back to her house. I start to try to run to catch up to her but Aziria grabs my arm.


She says.


I ask.

"You're not just a demon."

She says with a faint smile.

"What do you mean?"

I ask.

"Yesterday, when we fought, when I put my blade through your back."

She pauses.

"I saw white blood, but also your eyes that predict movements and attacks were demon eyes."

I stare at her and ask.


She smiles more.

"You're half demon, and half angel. Which explains why you evolve so fast in combat."

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