Militarized Zone

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As I open my eyes to the darkness of my roon, I slowly sit up then stand up. I slowly walk to the door and look out into the hallway. "Hm, I wonder what will happen today." I mumble to myself as I quickly put in socks and shoes and run out of my room and through the house. After looking around for several minutes I notice no one's in the house. Where are they? I think as I walk outside and see everyone outside talking. "Kai, so glad you could join us." Kiba says as Saber nods. "Now that everyone's here, we have news to report on the search for military bases. We found one about 4 miles from here. It has an entrance on the ground that goes down underground. It's highly likely that there are fellow demons and angels in the complex." Saber says as Kiba pops his knuckles. "What are we waiting for? Let's kick ass!" Kiba says as Saber nods and starts running away. We all quickly follow her and soon arrive at a small cabin. "Here it is." Saber says as Magnus walks forward and rips the door off of its hinges then tosses it aside. "Let's do this." Magnus says as we all walk into the house. We look around as Saber moves a picture frame and presses a small green button that was behind the photo. The floor slowly opens up and a platform raises up to the floor. "Ok let's go." Saber says as we step on the platform. As we all get on the platform, Saber throws a rock and hits the green button again. We slowly start going down a dark warm shaft. Soon we see light below us. As the platform stops we see 15 men standing in a line pointing guns at us. "I got this." Magnus says as he runs toward the men. They all open fire and we see bullets going through Magnus as he gets to the men and rips them apart. I see Magnus's wounds heal in a matter of seconds. We all run forward past several weapon caches. I stop when I feel a vaguely familiar energy nearby.  As I look around I see a large black box with 2 red swords crossing painted on the side. As I walk to the box and open it, I feel energy rush forward as I see a large red sword. "What is this?" I mumble to myself as I inspect the sword. "That's a demon. They stole all of its energy then force formed a sword." Kiba says as he walks to me and looks at the sword. "The military kills angels and demons just to get better weapons. They use us as lab rats for extreme expirements." Kiba says as he puts the lid back onto the box. "Let's keep moving." Kiba says as he runs after the others. I quickly follow as we hear screaming around the corner. As we go around the corner we see Luna jumping in puddles of human blood. "Yay, new high score." Luna says as she kicks a dead man's body and turns it to ash. "Where's Magnus, Saber, and the others?" Kiba asks as Luna points forward. "I told them to go on without me, I wanted to play. But since I'm done playing I'll go with you." Luna says as we all run forward.  We quickly catch up with the others and see Jase and Harol looking at more demon and angel weapons. "This is sickening." Magnus says as he pulls a large scythe out of a box. "Why would they kill us to make weapons then not use the weapons?" Magnus asks as we hear footsteps behind us. "Because, my dear Magnus, humans can't wield those kinds of weapons. It kills them." The man says as we all turn around and look at him. He's wearing a lab coat and has a katana in his hands. He has short blonde hair and a overall sickly look to him. "But we have now figured out how to wield those weapons. TO KILL OUR ENEMY, WE MUST BECOME LIKE OUR ENEMY!" He shouts as his rips off his lab coat, revealing several demon sword attached to his body. "What are you?" Saber asks as he smiles. "I was human, but I infused myself with a sample of demonic tissue I found in the woods." The man says as he vanishes. He quickly appears behind Magnus and kicks him in the back. Magnus gets launched several feet forward but lands on his feet. The scientist smiles and unsheathes another sword. "I have information on almost all of you. Except the 2 white hair demons there." He says as says he points to me and Kiba. "Like that tissue sample, it belonged to a hunter named Galos." He says as we all stare at him. "You're a monster." Saber growls as the man smiles and laughs crazily. "Soon, I will kill you all, and steal your power to use. You can't beat me!" He yells as I grit my teeth and Kiba teleports behind him. The man quickly kicks Kiba and knocks Kiba back several feet. "Damnit." Kiba says as the man spins his swords around. "I have the abilities of the legendary swordsman, Galos. That includes his extreme reflexes." The man says as he laughs maniacally and spins his swords around. "This power is amazing!" He yells as Harol and Jase run toward his and punch toward him. The man easily dodges both punches and stabs Harol and Jase in their knees. They both scream in pain as they fall to the ground. "Harol! Jase!" I hear Luna scream beside me. Time to hit him with a barrage. Shut him up. I think as I quickly teleport all around him then swing my sword toward his knees. He jumps too late and my sword goes through both of his shins. As he falls to the ground, he drops his sword and laughs. "Damn, still not used to fighting at this level." He says as I slice his head off. "Shut up already." I say as Saber and Magnus quickly run ahead. Luna slowly heals Jase and Harol. After several minutes Saber and Magnus come back. "All the prisoners thay were here are gone." Magnus says as he clinches his fist. I see white energy swirling around his fist as we all back up. "Get out of here, I'm gonna make sure this base can't be used ever again." Magnus says as his energy starts shooting towards walls and pillars. We quickly run back to the lift as Magnus suddenly jumps on with his fist clinched. We slowly raise up the dark tunnel amd arrive at ground level. Luna quickly snaps and we're back at the house. Suddenly Magnus releases his hand and the ground shakes vigorously. "Oh Kai, did I forget to mention my energy is explosive?" Magnus says as I stare at him.

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