Recruiting Death Core

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I walk back to Velon, Zero, Rose, Zen and Aziria as they stare at me. Zero speaks up. "So wait, we're actually gonna work with the DHC?!" He yells as I hear people walking toward us from behind me. I nod then turn around. I see Axton with 2 other soldiers walking toward me. "I guess we're on the same team for now. Sinclair told me to keep an eye on you, so don't try anything funny." Axton says with a smirk as I stare at him. I nod as I look to Velon. "We need Death Core and the Hunters. We'll talk to Anix first and get death core to help us." I say as Velon opens up a portal. "Well no time to waste then." Velon says as everyone walks in front of me through the portal. I look over my shoulder and see Sinclair looking back at me. She'll probably try to kill me while we're fighting Silvia, I'll have to be careful. I think as I walk through the portal. At I emerge I see everyone standing in front of a old mansion. "They had moved their base so I just tracked a majority of their energy signatures." Velon says as we walk up to the front door. I knock and after a few moments a man with pink hair opens the door. He has a soda in his had and looks like he just woke up. "Huh? Who are you and what do you want?" He asks as he drinks some of the soda. "I'm here to speak with Anix." I say as he smirks. "Anix huh? I bet you're here to challenge him for his title!" He yells as he sets down his soda and pushes me back. I sigh and grab him by the throat and lift him off the ground. "Let me rephrase that, I'm here to talk to my brother." I mumble as I toss the guy a few feet to my left. I walk into the house and see Anix laying on a couch asleep. I walk up to him and punch him in the gut. He coughs and shakes his head. "What the hell is wrong with you!? You could've just-" I cut him off and say. "The scarlet angel just declared war on everyone." The words settle into a silence for several seconds before Anix stands up and pops his neck. "So you need Death Cores help I'm assuming?" He asks as I nod. "Well then, you got us." He says as he opens a portal. I see a mansion several hundred stories tall on the other side of the portal. "We have our own pocket dimension that we keep our true headquarters in. I'll go organize our best fighters." He says as Velon and Zero step forward. Zero pops his knuckles and smiles. "Good, we're gonna need the best fighters from several factions." Zero says as Velon nods. "I'm planning on summoning everyone in 2 or 3 hours for a planning session. Here, take these tags. They'll allow you to be teleported to the meeting." Velon says as he hands Anix 2 tags. "Alright, I'll give one to my best fighter. What other groups are you going to get involved?" Anix asks as Velon thinks for a moment. "Probably hunters, all of hell, all of heaven, all gods, all reapers, and maybe a few small factions like the Dusk Raiders." Velon says as I look to him. "Dusk Raiders?" I ask as he nods. "A small demon faction that has special powers over darkness and stuff like that. They aren't extremely powerful but we will need all the help we can get." Velon says as I nod. "So Anix, we have Death Core backing us up?" I ask as he nods. "Of course little bro, couldn't let you just go fight the queen of reality on your own." He says with a smile. Suddenly a large energy presence appears behind us. We all turn around and see someone with short blue hair in the doorway. "Ooh, so this is who's going to fight Silvia." He says as he walks in. "My name is Saras Marcon. I just want to test you real quick." Saras says as Anix taps my shoulder. "I'm gonna go get Death Core, you have fun." Anix says with a smile as he walks through the portal. Suddenly a portal forms under us and we appear in the desert of death. He falls through and lands next to us. He smiles and summons a bow. "This I'm a slight demonstration of my power." He says as a black arrow of pure energy forms on the string of the bow. Black and blue energy swirls around his feet and up onto his bow as he pulls back the string and aims upward. He releases the string and the ground underneath him explodes. The shockwave knocks all of us back several feet. We all hear a loud explosion and look up. We see several planets crumbling. What the hell just happened?! I think as Saras laughs. "That was my weakest attack." Saras says as the dust around him settles. We see him standing on air with a 40 foot crater around him. We all ready our weapons as Saras laughs. Velon taps my shoulder. "Saras is the best bowman in reality. He is the second strongest being in reality. We can't beat him." Velon says as Saras laughs. "Don't worry, I'll hold back. I won't even go into my first release." Saras says as I hear someone walking behind me. I quickly look behind me and see Rukia. She teleports beside me and smiles. "I'll help, this looks amusing." Rukia says as she summons a large scythe. "Alright guys, don't hold back. He's gonna hold back so we can defeat him." Zero says as he takes a deep breath. " I CALL UPON THE POWER OF NEMIX. DEMON GOD MANIFESTATION!" Zero yells as black bone armor forms over his skin again. 2 large black horns grow from his forehead with read halos at the tips of the horns. His left arm and right hand are completely turned into energy as the energy whips around and sticks to his skin. "The second release of Nemix." Velon mumbles as Zero let's out a sigh and grey energy blows out of his mouth.

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