Velon Vs. Chelsea: Finale of Round 2

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As we wait and watch anxiously to see who gets up first Raycar sighs. "I think Zero went overkill. He didn't have to put that much power behind his attack." Raycar says as Chelsea giggles. "You don't know Zero very well, do you?" She asks as we see Ravens hand twitch. "Is Raven gonna win??" Aziria mumbles to herself under her breath. Raven slowly sits up then slowly starts standing up. "It's decided! The winner of this fight is Raven!" Velon yells as Raven picks Zero up and taps his face lightly. Zero slowly wakes up and looks around. "Better luck next time." We hear Raven faintly say to Zero as Zero passes out again. Raven teleports up to us and sets Zero down. "He put up on hell of a fight." Raven says as he rubs the back of his neck. "So, it's Chelsea against Velon now, huh?" Raven asks as Velon and Chelsea nod. "Well, get on with it. I'll referee this fight while Velon is fighting." Raven says as Velon jumps over the barricade. As Velon hits the ground the entire arena starts healing quickly. "Well look at that." Raven says as his and Zero's wounds start healing quickly. "W-what happened?" Zero asks groggily as he looks around. "Sorry, you lost to Raven." Aziria says as Chelsea smiles and hugs him. "You did great though. But now I'm gonna fight Velon." Chelsea says as she jumps over the barricade and lands on the ground next to Velon. "Do you want to rest some more?" Aziria asks as Raven walks over and looks down at Chelsea and Velon. "No, I want to watch this match." Zero says as Raven clears his throat. "This next match will be between Velon and Chelsea. To win, your opponent must admit defeat or be incapacitated." Raven says loudly as Velon and Chelsea nod. "Let this battle begin!" Raven yells as Velon slowly unsheathes his sword. "This won't take long." Velon says with a smile. Chelsea appears behind Velon and kicks him 60 feet away. Velon hits the ground and quickly rolls to his feet with a shocked look on his face. "Damn, she's almost as fast and strong as Raven." Raycar says woth a surprised tone. "That should be expected, she is part of Shadow Core too. Same as Raven." Zero says as Velon runs toward Chelsea and swings his sword at her. She quickly bends backward and ducks under his sword. Chelsea vanishes again and appears behind Velon. She starts to kick the back of his knee but Velon spins around and kicks down on the top of her shin. She grits her teeth as Velon does a back flip and kicks her in the face. She hits the ground but quickly rolls to her feet. She lightly touches her lip as a small streak of blood emerges from her lips. She quickly wipes the blood away and glares at Velon. "Come on, gotta be faster than that to get me." Velon says as he appears at Chelsea and punches her in the face. His punch knocks Chelsea of her feet and pushes her back 10 feet. She hits the ground and slowly starts standing up. "She's fast, but she's not the best at countering. Velon is holding back because he probably realizes that." Raven says as Chelsea stands up. As she look at Velon we see 3 streaks of blood trailing from her bottom lip. A drop of blood drips from her lip and falls onto her chest. She smirks and vanishes. Velon quickly looks around, scanning all over for her. "Where did she go?" Raycar asks as Raven sighs. "She's trying to fool Velon, sadly that doesn't work to well." Raven says as Velon spins around looking for Chelsea. Chelsea suddenly appears above Velon and brings her heel down on top of Velon. He holds up his sword and blocks her leg. She starts bleeding from the back of her calf where her leg touched Velon's sword. Chelsea quickly does a back flip and trips when she lands on her hurt leg. "Now that her leg is hurt, she won't be nearly as fast." Raven says with a sigh. "So this match is pretty much over?" Aziria asks as Raven nods slowly. Chelsea starts limping towards Velon and Velon sighs as he teleports to Chelsea and thumps her forehead, making he fall back. She slowly stands up and readies her fists. "You can't beat me." Velon says under his breath as Chelsea closes her eyes. Suddenly Green energy starts swirling around Chelsea. "Oh, so she has green energy. That rare." Raycar says as Chelsea appears behind Velon and kicks toward his back. Velon easily blocks with his sword and Chelsea vanishes again. She appears beside Velon and as he starts to block her she teleports to the other side and punches him in the face. The punch knocks Velon 40 feet away from her and he drops his sword. Velon quickly gets back up to his feet and glares at Chelsea. "She's got fight in her, I'll give her that." Aziria says as Chelsea and Velon teleport to each other and punch each other in the face. Velon gets knocked back 60 feet to the wall and Chelsea gets knocked back 140 feet to the far wall. As they both hit the wall and fall to the ground Zero has a shocked look on his face. "Normally she isn't reckless." Zero says as we watch for who will get up first. Velon stands up at the same time Chelsea does. Velon teleports to his sword and picks it up. As Chelsea teleports to Velon he grabs her by the throat. Chelsea smiles and Velon stares at her with a confused look on his face. "Why are you smiling?" Velon asks Chelsea. "I knew I wouldn't win, I'm just happy I lasted this long. And I'm happy you help back for me. Thank you." Chelsea says as Velon smiles. "So are you admitting defeat?" Velon asks as Chelsea nods. "Well, that's the most boring match ending so far." Raycar says. "Shut up." Zero says as he kicks Raycar in the face.

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