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As the hunter walks from the mist he stops and looks around. I notice he has long purple hair, a black jacket that's zipped up, black pants, and black boots. I see him put his right hand on his right hip. "Kai." Zero whispers. "Yea?" I reply in a hushed voice. "That guy has 2 swords." Zero says. As I look closer I see 2 swords on his right hip. Zen quickly springs up from the ground and thrusts his blade at the hunters throat. The hunter stops the tip of Zen's blade with his bare hand. He quickly grabs Zen's throat with his other hand. "I'm not here for you, tell me where Yokun is." The hunter asks. "He ran away, they left me here to fight you." Zen says. The hunter snaps Zen's blade in half while still holding Zen's throat. "What's your name." Zen asks. The hunter sighs. "I'm not here for you, and now that your sword is broken there isn't anyway you can harm me. Fine, you may call me Lance." The hunter says. Lance picks Zen up and smiles. "If I ever have a bounty on you, it'll be easy pay day for me." Lance says as he throws Zen 30 feet into a rock wall. The rock cracks from the impact. "Easy pay day, huh?" Zen says as he slowly stands up. He looks at his sword. He still has half of his sword. Zen laughs and vanishes. He appears behind Lance and thrusts his blade toward Lance's neck. In the blink of an eye Lance pulls out one of his sword and blocks Zen's attack. "Hey, not bad. I don't meet many demons that can teleport. And even less that can survive me throwing them aside." Lance says as he reaches for his other sword. Raven suddenly appears at Lance and grabs his wrist, stopping Lance from grabbing his other sword. Aziria runs toward them and thrusts her blade at Lance. She swings her blade toward Lance's throat but he ducks under her swing. Lance moves his sword that's blocking Zen and quickly repositions it to block Aziria and Zen. Aziria brings her blade down on top of Lance's sword and grits her teeth. Lance sweep kicks Zen and Raven and knocks them both off their feet. Raven let's go of Lance's wrist as he hits the ground. Aziria jumps back as Lance grabs his other sword and pulls it out of the sheath. Lance spins his blades around and smiles. "This is kinda fun, but where are the other 4 people that were with you?" Lance asks. We all jump out from hiding and surround him. Yokun runs past everyone and attacks Lance. Yokun throws a punch and Lance blocks it easily with one sword then cuts Yokun's thigh woth the other blade. Blood stains the snow around Yokun as Zero and I jump in front of Yokun and ready our swords. Zero jump forward around skin swings his blade against the right sword that Lance wields. Lance starts to swing his other sword but I jump forward and block it. Lance jumps back as Raven appears behind him and tries to kick him in the back. Lance pulls his right blade behind him to absorb the impact. Raven's leg gets cut from kicking the blade. A little blood drips onto the snow. Lance does a forward flip in midair and kick Raven in the ribs. The force of the kick knocks Raven back 20 feet. Raven hits the ground and quickly rolls to his feet. Vic jumps up above Lance and summons Evanesa. Vic blasts black fire down onto Lance. Lance swings and cuts the fire. The fire lands all around him but it splits where he cut it. "Come on, I want a hard fight to win." Lance says. Yokun suddenly jumps up high into the air. Lance looks up at him not paying attention to Zen and I running toward him. Zen swing his sword and I swing mine and Lance blocks both without looking. Impossible. I think to myself as Yokun starts falling toward us. I see him bring his fist back. Zen and I jump back as Yokun throws a punch at Lance. Lance blocks with both swords but the ground cracks all underneath us. Zero lunges forward while Lance is blocking Yokun. As Zero swing Lance pushes his swords upwards and launches Yokun into the air. Lance narrowly jumps away from Zero's attack and lands behind us. We all turn around as Yokun lands in the snow. Yokun shakes his head. "Dang it, we can't win like this." Yokun says. Lance smiles. "You all seem to be having trouble fighting me." Lance says while laughing lightly. Zero smiles as his shirt gets ripped off by his wings. "Oh, nice to see someone starting to fight seriously." Lance says. Zero's hair drops down. "Red and grey hair, so that's what he has." I hear Raven say behind me. Zero flies toward Lance and Raven teleports behind Lance. Raven throws a punch as Zero swings his sword. Lance blocks both but has some trouble holding Zero back with one sword. Zero spins around and kicks Lance I'm the ribs. Lance gets pushed back a few feet with Raven still behind him. Lance sweep kicks Raven then spins back around and kicks Raven in the face. Raven gets knocked 40 feet into the rock wall Zen hit earlier. Even more cracks go through the rocks. Zero swings wildly at Lance but Lance easily blocks everything. Lance suddenly cuts off one of Zero's wings and kicks Zero back to us. He lands on his back and his hair turns back white as he reverts to his normal form. Aziria summons energy to her palm and fires a beam of energy to Lance. Lance cuts the energy in half with one sword and her energy beam dissapates. Aziria steps back. "Can we beat him?" Zen asks. Raven suddenly starts laughing. "Ok, now I'm pissed." Raven says as he rips his jacket and shirt off. He has a six pack with scars all over him. Suddenly a mark forms on his right shoulder and turns the right half of his body black as knight. A think streak of the black gets to his face and goes over his right eye. "It's been a while since I had to go into my first release." Raven says as his right eyes starts bleeding. He wipes away the blood and everyone sees his right eye is now orange with black around it. He suddenly appears at Lance and punches toward him. Lance blocks with both of his sword but gets launched off the mountain. The force of his punch knocks everyone off their feet. Lance suddenly appears behind Raven and brings his sword down on Raven's shoulder. The sword doesn't even cut Raven. Raven quickly turns around and grabs Lance by the throat. Raven smiles. "Hey guys, get out of here. I got this guy covered." Raven says as we start running back down the mountain. After several minutes of running we hear an explosion. We turn around and see fire all over the top of the mountain. Yokun grits his teeth. "Everyone, grab onto me!" Yokun says. We all jump on him with out questioning it. We suddenly appear at the beginning of the trail. As we turn around we see more fire going everywhere. All of a sudden we see half of the mountain crumble and the earth shakes from all the rock and snow falling to the ground. "Make sure no rock makes it to town!" Aziria yells as we watch for falling rocks. A few fall toward us but Vic turns them to dust with Evanesa. After a few minutes of no fire or explosions we see Raven appear about 40 feet away from us. His marking that covered half his body is gone. He collapses to the ground as we all run to help him.

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