Marick: Newly Discovered Life

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Velon quickly picks up Marick over his shoulder and stares at me. "So, where are we taking him?" Velon asks as Zero speaks up. "He fought Raven once, why not take him to Ravens house." Zero says as Raven laughs nervously. "My house isn't in this world." Raven says as everyone looks at him confusingly. "Yea, my house is in Haven." Raven says. "Haven? What's that?" I ask as Raven rubs the back of his neck. "It's a realm between this realm and Heaven. It's a safe place." Raven says as he summons a white sword to his hand. He quickly cuts the air and a door forms in the air. "This door leads to Haven, we can take Marick to my house if you want." Raven says as we all nod. Raven opens the door and white light floods the area. We all walk through as our eyes adjust. As we look around we see thousands of homes. "Woah, what is this place." Raycar says as Raven laughs. "I already told you, it's Haven. This is where the souls of the dead come to spend eternity if they were good in their life. If they were bad they are sent to hell and punished." Raven says as I look at the ground. I wonder if Zen is punishing anyone. I wonder if deep down he's still the same person. I think to myself as Raven waves us to follow him. As we walk behind Raven, we see spirits looking at us through their windows. "Don't mind them, they don't like demons, but they won't attack us." Raven says as we keep walking. After severs minutes we arrive at a large 3 story mansion. "Well, we're here." Raven says as he opens the front door. "Wait! You live here!?" Zero yells as Raven nods and walks inside his house. "Zero, keep your voice down. This place is to peaceful to be getting loud." I hear Chelsea say faintly behind me. "This place is impressive." Aziria says as we all walk into Ravens house. "Time here is, um, distorted. Years in this realm are minutes on earth." Raven says as he points to a couch. As Velon lays Marick on the couch we notice he's mostly healed. I quickly look around and see sword all over Ravens walls. "I used to collect swords from the enemies I beat." Raven says, noticing my curiosity. "You beat alot of enemies." Raycar says as he looks at a large scythe on the wall. "That scythe is from my fight with Hanimaru. The 5th god of death. I killed death." Raven says, boasting his achievement. "There have been 5 deaths?" Zero asks as Velon laughs. "No, there have been 8." Velon says as Raven nods. "In order from first god of death to current god of death. Karen Nashiki, Carver Haz, Moro Kesin, Reto Hestoli, Hanimaru Veril, Heser Marlo, Yokun Zevena, and the current god of death, Rukia Cross." Raven says as a look of shock washes over everyone's face. "R-rukia is the god of death!?" I yell as Velon nods. "No wonder she could kick Lance through a mountain, she's extremely powerful." Zero says as he looks at the ground and clinches his fist. "Are you ok?" Aziria asks, noticing Zero's apparent dislike for Rukia. "I don't like being weaker than someone else." Zero says as he looks at Velon. "We could beat Rukia! Ravens beaten death before! Why can't we?!" Zero yells as grab the collar of his shirt. "You might wanna fight her but she's still my girlfriend!" I yells as Zero grabs my shirt. "Yea she obviously loves you by threatening to kill you!" He yells as Raven and Velon pull us apart. "Hey! No fighting." Raven says as Velon and him hold me and Zero apart. "No fighting in Haven. On watch you can fight, but not here." Ravens says. "So, you're dating death, some of my friends are friends with death, and I'm not even in my world?" We hear behind us. We quickly turn around and see Marick sitting on the couch. "How long have you been awake?" Aziria asks. "Oh, a few minutes." Marick says as he stands up. "So, you heard everything. You don't seem shocked." Velon says as Marick pops his neck. "Eh, not really. I've heard more unbelievable news." Marick says as he looks at all the swords on the wall. "It's a nice collection, but anyway, how did I get knocked out?" Marick asks as Velon smiles. "You were attacked by a str-, medium strength dem-, ok it was weak to me." Velon says as Raven sighs. "What my friend is trying to say is, you were attacked and we saved you." Raven says as Aziria and Raycar walk up to Marick and pat him on the back. "You're one of us now." Aziria says as Marick looks at his fist. "I feel so much stronger." Marick says as we smile. "You're alot stronger now." Velon says as Zero and I walk up to Marick. Marick looks at us and smiles. "Well, I wanna help fight death." Marick says as I grab his collar. "You're not fighting my girlfriend." I say as Marick smiles. "By what I heard, she's not a very good girlfriend." Marick says as I growl and grip his shirt more. "Come on Kai, back off." Zero says as I slowly let go of Marick's shirt. How can my girlfriend be the god of death!? It's crazy! And now everyone wants to fight her. What should I do? I think to myself as Velon laughs. "Well, the only reason we came here was for Marick to heal, and now he's healed. So let's go home." Velon says as Raven nods. I blink and we are all standing at the spot where we fought the demon. "How did we get back here?" Marick asks as Raven laughs. "You have a lot to learn. I can teleport between realms." Raven says as Marick nods. "Sounds plausible." Marick says as Velon unsheathes his sword. "Kai, looks like you might wanna get out of here." Velon says as we see someone walking toward us from where Velon killed the demon. "Why?" I ask. "You don't want to fight you girlfriend, leave." Velon says as I look closer at the person walking toward us. I see it's Rukia and j take a step back. Everyone gets in front of me as I back up. "I can't fight my girlfriend." I say as Velon looks at me. "Get out of here, she's probably just mad that I made a human into a demon." Velon says as he smiles. I quickly turn away and start running. Am I a coward?! No, I'm not. Or I don't think j am. But, I can't fight my girlfriend. I just can't. What was I supposed to do!? I think as I run away. After several seconds of running full speed I hear explosions all behind me. I turn around as huge gusts of wind blow past me. The trees around me are snapping and popping as I get launched back aginst a tree. As I hit the tree everything goes black.

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