A Friend Saved

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Axton stares at us for a minute then he appears in front of me. I can't pull my sword up fast enough and he grabs my throat. "Hm, you're slow. I don't want to play with you." Axton says as he lifts me off the ground then let's me go. As my body is falling to the ground he quickly spins around and kicks me in the stomach. As my body gets forced over he does a back flip and kicks me in my face. Before I can blink, I'm several hundred feet above the ground. As I fall towards the ground I stare towards Axton. I see him attacking Velon and Snow far below me. Suddenly I feel myself starting to fall slower. I look around but nothing seems different. As I land on the ground Zero jumps back to me. "Good thinking." Zero says as I look at him. "What do you mean? What just happened?" I ask as he looks at me from the corner of his eye. "Well, whether you realize it or not, you just made the air under you catch you and slowly set you down. You do control wind and ice after all." Zero says before he runs toward Axton and attacks with a flurry of attacks. Axton easily blocks everything then knocks Zero back to me. "It's no use, he's faster than us." Zero says as Velon appears in front of us. "Zero, Kai. You two go get Aziria. The rest of us will handle things out here." Velon says as Zero looks at me and nods. "Ok Kai, let's do it. But Velon, we need an opening to get to the door." Zero says as Velon laughs. "Got it." Velon mumbles as he vanishes. He reappears behind Axton and sweeps his legs. "Snow!" Velon yells as she quickly appears in front of Axton. In a blur of movements we see Velon and Snow keeping Axton focused on them with lightning fast attacks. Suddenly we see Rose and Kiba keeping Jericho and the rest of the troops occupied. "Let's go!" I yell as Zero and I make a run for the door. A few soldiers step in front of us but Zero and I quickly cut them down and keep running. In a flash, we cut down the front door. A loud, screeching sound is heard as our blades cut through the heavy metal doors. We quickly run inside as several men try to shoot us. Before they can get a second shot off we kill them and keep running. Zero stops and looks around. "Let's search downstairs then make our way up through the complex." Zero says as I nod in agreement. We quickly run down the stairs to the bottom floor, which is 4 levels below the surface of earth. We quickly search the bottom floor but only find guns and weapons normal military personnel would use. We quickly move up to the next floor and see several dead demons and angels on the floor. At the end of the room we see Aziria chained to the wall. We quickly run to her. She has scrapes and scratches all over her body and she's unconcious. Zero quickly cuts the chains and I pick her up. We quickly run upstairs then outside. We run past all the military personnel and keep running. We quickly run through the broken gate. Suddenly Jericho appears in front of us. "You won't get away that easily." Jericho says as Axton appears next to her and yawns. "I'm getting bored." Axton says as he sits on the ground with his legs crossed. In an instant, Velon, Snow, Rose, and Kiba get beside me and Zero. Zero smirks then taps my shoulder. I look over my shoulder as he smiles and holds up his sword. "Let's have some fun." Zero says as he swings his sword toward the military base. A large wave of shredding grey energy comes from his sword, ripping through the air. It slices through the base with ease and the several story base crumbles. Zero takes a deep breath then coughs. "That hurt a bit." He says with a smile. "Ohhhh, that was cool." Axton says as he watches explosions behind us. "Axton! Get your head out of your ass!" Jericho yells as Axton sighs. "Shut up, I out rank you." Axton says as he stands up and puts his scythe on a hook on his back. "You people seem distant. Next time we meet, I want to fight you all." Axton says as he walks past us. Jericho quickly sighs amd sheathes her swords. "You're lucky." Jericho growls as she walks past us. "That Axton guy, he's tough. It's kinda scary that he called us boring." Snow says as Velon sighs. "Well all that matters, is that we got Aziria." Velon says as he stares at the military complex. "That reminds me, Kai, Zero. I need your help with something." Velon says as Zero and I look at each other. I shrug and follow Kiba as he walks away. "We can let Aziria rest at the house." I say as Kiba nods. As I carry Aziria I hear her mumbling. I listen but can't make out what she's saying. "I'm sure she'll be ok." I hear Zero say behind me. "She will, she just needs rest." Velon says as he yawns. After almost 40 minutes of walking we arrive at the house. I slowly carry Aziria into the house and lay her on my bed. I stare at her for a brief moment then walk outside. I quickly walk up to Velon and sigh. "She's probably gonna be out for a while." I say as Velon nods and Zero walks over to us. "So Velon, what did you need me and Kai to help you with?" Zero asks as Velon rubs the back of his neck. "There's a large bounty on someone, but I don't know how to handle this." Velon says as Zero smirks. "What's so different about this? Is there a something special about this person?" Zero asks as Velon nods. "I don't really know what techians are capable of." Velon replies.

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