No Problem

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Vanya lunges toward Harve. Harve easily blocks both wrist blades and kicks him in the face several miles upward. Harve jumps up to him and starts fighting him several miles off the ground. I can barely see as Zero wraps his arms around me from behind me. "Wait, what are you doi-" I start to say but Zero quickly grows his wings that rips his shirt off and then he flies upward to Harve and Vanya. Zero keeps a 40 foot distance from Harve and Vanya and circles them. We see them attacking each other at speeds our eyes can't follow. After a few moments of them fighting Harve suddenly does a forward flip and brings his foot down on the top of Vanya's head. Vanya gets launched downward. Vanya hits the ground in under a second from several miles high. The impact of Vanya's body hitting the ground sends cracks through sveral hundred feet of the ground around him. As Zero flies downward we see Harve land next to Vanya and lay his sword on Vanya's throat. Vanya's hair turns from red to blonde. "Hm, guess he finally snapped out of it." Harve says as he sheathes both his swords again. Harve beat Vanya easily. It didn't even seem like a fight. I think as Harve smiles and waves his hand. All of Anix's injuries heal quickly and Harve sighs. "I haven't had a fight like that in some time, but I still wouldn't call that a fight." Harve says. I quickly run over to Anix. "Bro, you ok?" I ask. "He's out cold, kid." Harve says. "Now, I gotta clean up this mess, bye kids." Harve says as he snaps and we wake up in the woods where we teleported to hell. It's still daytime. I think to myself as I look around I see Zero with Anix over his shoulder. "We need to get Anix back to my house, he'll be safe there. If he gets hit in his sleep, there's a good chance he'll let Vanya out again." Zero says as he starts walking back home. I follow behind him. After several minutes of walking we get back to Zero's house. Zero lays him down on his couch and sighs. "I wonder got his darkside stirred up." Zero says. Suddenly the wall opens up and Aziria walks out. "Nice to see your back, so what happened to Anix?" Aziria asks. "He let Vanya out." Zero says. Aziria sighs. "In that case Vanya will be out for a while, by the way, who stopped Vanya?" Aziria asks. I quickly speak up. "Some reaper guy named Harve." I say Vic suddenly runs into the room. "You said Harve!? The reaper!?" Vic asks. "Uh, yea, why? You know him?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "No, I don't know him personally, but according to demon kills, he's number 5 on the charts. He's really strong." Vic says. "What? Charts? What do you mean?" I ask. Aziria steps in front of Vic. "Well, whenever you kill a demon, you absorb some of its power. The more power you have the higher on the chart you are." Aziria says. "But why is there a chart? And how do people keep up with how many they kill? Demons I mean?" I ask. "Well, elder spirits keep tabs on the rankings of the beings in the universe by rating their power from how many demons they kill." Zero says from behind me. "So the elder spirits pretty much made a competition to kill demons?" I ask as I turn around to face Zero. He smiles lightly and rubs the back of his neck. "Yea, that is about right." Zero says while laughing lightly. "Well what standing are we on the chart?" I ask. Vic laughs. "I looked earlier today and the highest rank out of us was Zero. And he was rank 18,952." Vic says. 18,952! Damn we're all low on the ratings then. And Harve, he was #5!? I think to myself as Aziria's phone starts ringing in her pocket. She walks outside and answers it. "I wonder who's calling." I say. "I wonder when she got a phone." Vic says. Zero laughs lightly. "You guys try to listen to her, I'm gonna make a sandwich in my kitchen." Zero says as he walks into his kitchen. Aziria suddenly throws the front door open and runs past us to the wall that opens up. We see her push the wall open then run through it and run back out with her sword. "Woah, what's goin on?" I ask. "A demon is attacking Jinna and Raycar! And it's a King class demon!" Aziria says. She quickly bolts out the front door. "King class? What's that" I ask. Zero walks back in with a serious look on his face. "A King class demon, it's a little stronger than what satan would be." Zero says. Zero quickly grabs his sword and runs out the door following Aziria. I look at Vic and see her quickly follow Zero. Well this sounds like it'll be bad, but oh well. This won't be the first thing that's been stronger than us. I think as I follow Vic. After several minutes of running we run up beside Raycar and Jinna. "I'm sorry,Jinna, who are you again?" I ask Jinna. "Are you really stupid? You literally just said my name." Jinna says. "Well I know your stupid name, I'm just wondering who are you? Like have we met or something." I ask. "Yea, we've met before. But please, let's talk after we get done with this fight." She says "Ok." I reply. As I look forward I see a creature with 4 arms and 2 tails. It's body is black as night and it's eyes are white. I quickly summon Nirioki and hold it in a defensive stance. I see Raycar laying on the ground face down next to the demon. "Raycar!" I yell as I see him. The demons looks at Raycar then to me. The demons lift one arm then punches Raycar in the back. As the demon punches Raycar we all see Raycar cough up blood and cracks go through the ground around Raycar. I grit my teeth and stare at the demon. The demons picks up Raycar by the back of his shirt and tosses Raycar to us. Raycar lands about 10 feet In front of us. No one moves for several moments. Suddenly Jinna runs forward toward Raycar. As Jinna gets close to Raycar the demon vanishes. When she gets right at Raycar the demon appears in front of her and throws a punch. Jinna barely gets her sword up to take the punch instead of her. The demon punches right through her sword and knocks Jinna back next to me. She quickly stands up and looks at her broken sword. "D-damn you!" She yells at the demon. She quickly charges toward the demon and readies her fists. As she gets near the demon a man appears next to her and throws her over his shoulder. The man then quickly jumps back to us. The man is wearing a black cloak with a black hood with a piece of cloth covering the bottom half of his face. The man speaks up. "I just got back from Heaven, and this is what is goin on?" He says. "Who are you?" I ask. He takes off his hood and cloth mask. He has medium length dark blue hair. The eyes that's visible is pale blue. He smiles and removes his cloak. As his cloak get thrown into the air we all see he's wearing a black long sleeve shirt, black pants, and silver shoes. He smiles and look at me, Vic, and Aziria. "Someone cover me." He says as he looks at the demon. Aziria, Vic, and I ready our swords. "Let's go!" He yells.

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