Aziria Vs. Inyo

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Aziria takes a deep breath then steadies her sword. Inyo blankly stares at her then yawns. "I don't feel like attacking yet." Inyo says as Aziria grits her teeth. After several minutes, neither one moves. "Why aren't they moving?" I ask as I look toward Velon. "Hm, I think they're trying to figure each other out. Sadly Inyo has a large advantage. He's fought all sorts of battles in all sorts of dimensions. If I had to say it, he's probably had more combat experience than me. But I know I'm still stronger." Velon says as Inyo yawns again. "I'm starting to get bored." Inyo mumbles as he appears behind Aziria. He's holding 2 small knives and still has no expression on his face. As he starts to attack Aziria I see her smirk and spin around. She quickly blocks his 2 knives then sweeps his legs. As he's falling she pushes evanesa through his chest. "Gotcha! I knew if I waited, you would give me a good opening!" Aziria yells as he yawns and stands up, the black flames phasing through him. "W-what!?" Aziria yells as Inyo blankly looks up at the planets above us. "I wonder how they're still there." Inyo says as he looks back to Aziria. "Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you that I can become intangible." Inyo says as he yawns again. "I'm really bored." Inyo says as I grit my teeth. Damnit, how can Aziria hit him if he can become intangible?! I think as he walks toward Aziria. She swings toward his neck but her sword phases through his neck. As it exits his neck he grabs Aziria by the throat. I see her eyes widen as he lifts he off the ground. She swings toward his neck and chest repeatedly but her sword phases through him every time. "Just stop trying, you can't touch me." Inyo says as he does a back flip and kicks Aziria in the stomach in mid flip. She gets knocked back 20 feet but manages to keep her balance. "Giving up really isn't in my vocabulary." Aziria says as she summons her original jagged edged sword. I see her hair grow out as she dashes toward Inyo in a flurry of attacks he stands still for most but after several seconds he dodges a few then jumps back. Wait, did his intangibility wear off? Why did he suddenly start dodging? I think as Aziria keeps attacking with everything she's got. After several minutes Aziria jumps back breathing heavily. "Ok, I think I got it." Aziria mumbles as she dashes toward Inyo. She attacks with a wild flurry of attacks and after awhile he starts to dodge. As soon as he dodged her first attack she blasts several hundred feet forward with black flames. As the flames disappear, I see Inyo standing in front of Aziria. His left arm is burnt badly and slowly falls into ashes. "Hm, you actually hit me." Inyo says as he sighs. "Well looks like I have to go on the offensive." He mumbles as he appears behind Aziria. His right arm becomes see through and he pushes his hand into Aziria back. After a second Aziria screams out in pain the collapses to the ground. I teleport to her as Inyo jumps back. "I just grabbed her spine in a spot that would knock her out." Inyo says as Anix appears next to me and picks up Aziria. "Inyo, be glad you don't get to fight me." Anix says as he lowers his head and looks at Aziria. "Because I might not hold back and accidentally kill you." Anix says as he turns around and walks away. Zero quickly runs up to me and summons a black sword. "Is it my turn?" Zero asks as Sazuki walks toward him. "Good work Inyo, and I'm glad I was standing were I was. I get to play with this cutie." Sazuki says as she smiles and blushes while staring at Zero. Zero shakes his head and smiles. "Yea, this'll be fun." Zero mumbles as Velon teleport beside Zero. "Be careful, she's wearing the Armor of Dacona. It has survived impacts of the demon king, god, and even me. Be careful, she's more dangerous than anyone else knows. Only I've fought her without her holding back. I won, but it was close." Velon says as Zero nods. "Got it, in that case, I should not use my regular sword. I might use my ace." Zero says as he smirks. Sazuki smiles and summons a large black and red sword. "You look strong, don't disappoint me, or I'll kill you." Sazuki says as she flashes a peace sign and holds the giant 10 foot blade with one hand. "Zero, be careful. I can tell she's tough. Whatever you do, don't get too aggressive, I can tell that she can overpower you. I definitely don't recommend it but I think only your dark side could out match her on strength. You need to out smart her." I say as Zero looks at me and smiles. "Don't worry, bro. I already have a strategy. And if it comes to it, I always have my backup plan." Zero says as I smile. I believe in you. This will be a tough fight though. I think as Zero smiles. "Sazuki, sorry to keep you waiting-" Zero is cut off in the middle of talking. "Oh its no problem, I get to look at your cute face longer like this." Sazuki says smiling. I see Zero smile a bit and nod. "Alright." Zero says as Sazuki grins. "Please take all the time you need." Sazuki says as Zero looks at me. "One last thing,Kai, if what I've heard about that armor is true, I might lose this fight. I promise I will give it my all and not hold back much, and my strongest might not be enough to beat that armor. But god damnit, I'm gonna push that armor to its limit!"

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