Sky Kingdom [Chapter 24]

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As I open my eyes I see the moon above me and darkness all around. The only light that's giving me the ability to see is the pale glow of the moon. As I sit up I see everyone around me is asleep. I suddenly hear someone walking behind me. I quickly roll to my feet and see the figure of a man standing in the dark shadow of a tree. He doesn't speak, just stares at me.

All of a sudden I see his eyes. His eyes are white as snow and feel like he's looking through me. A chill goes up my spine as he runs toward me. I jump back as he runs from the shadows. The pale light washes over his body. He has shiny silver and blue armor on, short black hair, and a sword on his hip. He jumps toward me and unsheathes his sword. He swings it at me and I barely dodge it.

As we both land on the ground he vanishes then appears at me. He punches me in the stomach and I bend over in pain. I slowly look up he throws a punch and hits me in the face. Everything goes black and upon opening my eyes again, I see I'm thrown over someone's shoulder and I'm being carried up bright white steps.

I see Raycar, Aziria, Yokun, and Vic in a cage, they're all unconscious. I black out again and instantly wake up again. I'm laying on a shiny tile floor and when I stand up, I see the cage my friends are in placed right by a door. Raycar is the only one awake and he's staring ahead of me. I look in front of me and see a huge throne with a man sitting down. He has short white hair and white robes on. He's staring at me, almost angrily.

"Kai Narukami, you are becoming a nuisance."

The man on the throne says. I stare at him.

"And who are you to talk down on me!"

I ask. He frowns and stands up.

"You dare talk to God in that tone!"

He shouts.

G-god!? Like, THE GOD?!

I think to myself. He walks up to me and grabs me by the collar of my shirt.

"Kid! I could snap you in half with two fingers! But the reason your here, is because you're drawing the attention of alot of beings; both good and bad."

He says letting go of me. He looks toward the cage with my friends in it. As I look over I see Yokun standing up next to Raycar. They both punch the energy beam that's creating a prison bar. They break the bar after several hits and walk out of the cage. The man proclaiming to be God points at Yokun and grits his teeth.

"You ungrateful brat!"

He yells as guards rush in. Yokun suddenly appears at 'God' and punches him in the face. I see a look of shock on gods face. He stumbles back then summons an gold energy blade. He swings it at Yokun, but Raycar blocks it with his energy sword. I quickly summon Nirioki as all the guards flood in from several doors toward us. I see Yokun tighten up his fist and grit his teeth.


Yokun yells as black energy swirls around him.

"I've waited for so long to punish you, you could've helped them! But you just watched them die! Now it's your turn! All your guards will watch you perish."

Yokun yells as bone armor forms over him. 2 large horns sprout from his head. They grow from his forehead outward then arch backward. His finger tips grow sharp nails and his eyes turn completely black. Raycar jumps over to me as guards all rush toward Yokun. As they get close to him they turn to ash. Yokun suddenly holds up his hand and energy gathers in his palm.

The energy is black as night. Raycar suddenly teleports to the cage with Aziria and Vic in it and picks them up. He looks to me.

"We're getting out of here."

He quickly runs through a door. I run behind him.

I hope Yokun will be ok.

I think as Raycar runs outside with me following. As we run down the steps for several minutes we turn around and see a giant castle with 200 floors. Raycar laughs lightly.

"Kai, this is heaven, or I guess it's referred to as The Sky Kingdom."

I look around and see thousands of giant buildings. We suddenly hear a massive explosion. As we turn around we see half of the castle crumble and black energy radiating from the rubble.

"That...Yokun went into his darkside form."

Raycar says as he watches in disbelief. God suddenly appears in front of us. He has cuts all over him and he's breathing heavy. Yokun suddenly appears at him and kicks him in the head. The shockwave from the impact knocks everyone back 100 feet. As we sit up we see a giant crater where Yokun kicked god.

W-what the hell is Yokun!?

I think as I see energy gather all around Yokun's right arm. The white bone becomes soaked in the black energy. God swings his  gold sword and Yokun catches it with his right hand. The shockwave levels nearby buildings and knocks me back again. Yokun breaks gods sword then punches god in the face. A black flash appears before our eyes.

For several moments I can't see. As my eyes slowly gain their sight back we see miles of building have been turned to ash and gods castle in nothing but dust.

"N-no way."

I hear Raycar say. As I look toward him in disbelief I see his face is flushed with fear.

"Yokun...who'd ever think he could use Vinix."

Raycar says.

"What's Vinix!?"

I ask quickly and in a panic. He looks at me.

"It's a energy based attack that is used by God's of Death. This one point...Yokun was a god of death, or attached to one."

Raycar says.

A God of Death!?

"Wait, are you saying there's other gods?"

I ask as Raycar nods.

So he's not The God, just a god.

I turn back toward Yokun and see him staring off into the ashes of what he destroyed. I see god suddenly arise from ashes hundreds of feet away. As he stands up I see he has 4 large golden wings. We all hear god shout to us.

"Got to admit, kid. That attack hurt. But you should learn why no one challenges me!"

We hear as white energy shoots up miles into the sky. The energy is dense and we can feel is from were we are. As the energy dissapates we see God in thick silver armor and 2 very large white swords, one in each hand. He flies up and points one sword at Yokun.

"This is the big leagues, kid."

He says as he flies toward Yokun.

"Kai, brace yourself!"

I hear Raycar yell.


I ask.

"Because this just became a battle we can't hope to survive."

He says as he stands up and starts running with Aziria and Vic on his shoulders. I stand up and run behind him.

We have to get away!

I think as I run as fast as I can, the ground vibrating and ripping apart behind us.

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