Finding The Core

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As we all run toward Killine city, we feel the presence of several other people. Did the techians find us again already?! I think as we all run faster trying to lose the new people. We quickly arrive at a gate to get into the city. As we walk to the gate the doors slowly open. We slowly walk into the city and look at the hundreds of sky scrapers. "We don't have time to find the core in this many buildings." Zero says. "We have no quick way to do this, now we must be careful not to be spotted. Humans aren't allowed in the city." Raycar says. Aziria slowly summons her sword. "Well, there's one way to find the core. But we might be discovered." Aziria says as readies it. "What are yo-" Raycar tries to say but gets stopped by Vic. "She's gonna find the core." Vic says with a smile. "SEEK!" Aziria yells as she swings her sword. Hundreds of beams shoot out of her sword and go toward the city. As they get to the buildings they go through the building to the next building but don't destroy anything. After a few minutes all the beams come back and fuse into Aziria's blade. She smiles "found it. It's in the center of the city in the tallest building." Aziria says. Vic's speaks up. "You mean that one right there?" Vic says as she points to a tower that climbs into the clouds. Raycar sighs. "Of course it's in the tower with over 500 floors." Raycar says. Zero laughs and starts running toward the tower. "We can get their easily." He says as we all follow behind him. A techian drops down from one of the towers in front of us and we all stop. It's a girl with blades for feet and scythe for hands. "What the hell is that." Zero says as he summons his sword. The girl lunges toward Zero and in the blink of an eye she kicked her sword right through his chest. Zero coughs up blood and drops his sword. The techian slings her leg around and throws Zero ten feet behind her. She lunges at Raycar and he stabs his energy sword through her head. Her body goes limp as Vic burns the body with her black flames. I run over to Zero as he coughs up blood. He starts laughing as I get to him. His hair turns grey and his skin turns extremely pale. "Kai! Get away, his dark side is out." I hear Raycar say. As I back up Zero vanishes. I see another Techian running toward me 30 feet away. He has 2 large sword and spiked clothing. As I ready my sword Zero appears directly in front of him and punches him. The techian is sent flying through several sky scrapers but the sky scrapers remain standing. Zero vanishes again. We all start running toward the center sky scraper again as another Techian walks out of a sky scrapers. Zero appears at that techian and grabs it by the throat. Zero's wings open up and rip Zero's shirt off and Zero flies straight up at lightning speed. As he reaches the top of the 30 story sky scraper, he throws the techian down on top of the sky scraper. The techian goes all the way from the top of the sky scraper to the bottom. The entire building collapses inward and buries the techian. Dust from the collapsing sky scraper engulfs hundreds of feet around the collapsed sky scraper. "Maybe Zero is trying to help us." Raycar says as we slowly make our way through the thick dust toward the main sky scraper. After a few minutes we arrive at the doors to the main sky scraper. As we walk in we see everything is spotless white. The walls, floor, and ceiling are white as snow. We walk to a elevator and get inside. The elevator is completely glass except for the button panel. We look at the hundreds of buttons and find the top floor, which is floor 522. We press the button to go to the top floor and sit down. "It'll take several minutes to get to the top." Raycar says as he stares out the window. After several minutes of going upward we see we're only on floor 200. Ugh, this is taking forever to get to the top. I think as we feel the tower rocking. "Why is the tower rocking?" Aziria asks. Raycar stands up in the elevator and looks down. "Something has to be pushing on the tower, but this world has no wind. I don't know why the tower is moving." Raycar says as the tower shakes from what feels like and explosion. "Geh, Zero must be fighting a Techian inside the tower or near the tower." Raycar says as Zero flies up beside us and throws a Techian through floor 263. Zero flies through the tower as we rise above him in the elevator. "We need to get their quicker, or else Zero will tear this tower down." Vic says as we feel another explosion in the tower. Soon we reach floor 300. Multiple explosions are felt in the tower and feel the tower bending almost 45 degrees. "Damnit!" Raycar says as he cuts into the wall and stops the elevator. As we exit the elevator we feel the tower getting closer and closer to being sideways. "If the tower reaches a 90 degree bend, it will definitely break." Raycar says. "And what does that mean for us?" Helix asks. "It means we'll be falling, 3,000 feet down to the ground." Raycar says as he runs to the stairs and stumbles through the door. We all follow and see the stairs leading to the top room. "That's a long walk." Aziria says. "We aren't walking that, we wouldn't make it in time." Raycar says as he grows wings from his energy. "Get on me, I can fly us to the top." Raycar says as we all jump on him. Either he's really strong or really stupid. Let's find out which. I think as Raycar flies straight through the opening between railing on the stairs. We fly toward extremely fast. After a few seconds we reach the ceiling. Raycar quickly stops but hits the ceiling and cracks it. We all jump off onto the wall. "What the heck." Aziria says as she looks at what we're standing on. "Quickly! The building is almost 90 degrees." Raycar says as we rush to the door to the top floor. As we open it and climb inside we see the power core in the middle of the room. A small little devise glowing red. Raycar jumps up and sticks his sword in the floor to stay that high. "Quickly, someone jump up and grab my ankle then jump to the power core." Raycar says. I quickly jump up and grab his ankle and grab the handle of his energy sword. I pull myself up and stand on the handle of his sword then I jump to the power core. I grab a tube connected to it and start unplugging tubes from it. "That will disable power to the city, once power is shut off, pull it out." Raycar says as the building starts creaking loudly. I unplug all the power cords and pull the small power core out. As I pull it out I start to fall to the wall again but the building snaps. We again l go forward into the other wall and the wall cracks. "Quick, break the wall." Raycar says as we try to move. Dangit, I can't move. I think as the fall pushes us against the wall with to much force to move. Raycar quickly summons his wings and breaks the wall. We all grab onto Raycar as he flies downward. I hold onto the power core with all my strength as we fly straight toward the ground. I hear Aziria screaming as we fly straight down. Raycar dodges parts of the building that have fallen off and flies back toward the shack we set up camp at. After several minutes we arrive at the camp and fall off of Raycar. Aziria kisses the ground and lays on the ground. Raycar quickly runs inside and grabs the gun to teleport us out. As he puts in the new power core we hear a voice behind us. "Leaving so soon? And without me?" He says. We turn around and see Zero walking toward us. How's he not hurt from his darkside getting out? I think as I hear the gun charging up. We all get together as Raycar pulls the trigger. "Maybe now we can go home." I say.

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