Doom Upon Us

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As we get to Raven we see that he's beat up badly. Bleeding profusely with multiple broken bones. "Aziria! Get him somewhere safe." Vic says. Aziria nods and picks him up. Zen helps lift him. "I'll help Aziria make sure Raven is ok." Zen says as they run back toward town. As they run away we see dust roll down the hill and completely engulf the area around us. Zero, Vic, Yokun, and I get back to back keeping our guard up. We see a person standing in the dust about 30 feet away and they are slowly walking toward us. Lance, he did this, can we beat him on our own. I think to myself. Lance suddenly appears beside us. He's breathing heavily and he's got cuts all over him and his clothes are mostly ripped. We all look back and forth from him to the person in the dust. "Kids, if I were any of you, I'd run." Lance says as he draws both his swords and grits his teeth. As the person walks from the dust, we all gasp and jump back next to Lance. "R-rukia." Zero says as I freeze. What's she doing here. I think to myself as I notice a huge scythe in her right hand. Lance speaks up. "It was a even fight between me and Raven then she showed up. Raven and I both attacked her but she blocked it with the handle of her scythe the kicked me through the mountain. I came over her cause I felt Ravens energy appear here." Lance says. S-she kicked Lance through the mountain?! What is she?! I think as Rukia sighs. "I'm just here for Raven." Rukia says. She smiles and suddenly teleports to us and stick her scythe in the ground. She puts her hand on my face and smiles. "I really don't want to kill you, but if you get in my way of getting Raven, I won't hesitate, ok?" She says with a smile. She turns around and reaches for her scythe as I look down at the ground. There is no way we could fight her. I think to myself as she picks up her scythe and moves her hair out of her face. As I look closer at her scythe it looks like bones connected together. The blade of the scythe comes out of a skulls mouth and it's eye sockets. Just looking at the scythe makes me freeze with fear. Zen quickly teleports and appears behind Rukia and tries to kick her in the back. She ducks under his kick the does a forward flip and kicks Zen in the crotch mid flip. Zen falls to the ground and rolls around in pain. Rukia holds up her scythe then starts to bring it down on Zen. Zen doesn't move away from the attack. As Rukia starts to hit him Zero jumps forward and pushes her slightly. Her scythe blade lands in the ground a centimeter away from Zen's throat. Rukia sighs and kicks to her side and kicks Zero in the ribs. Her kick knocks him through multiple trees. "I'm holding back as much as I can here." Rukia says with a smirk. She pulls her scythe out of the ground and starts to swing down again. I jump forward and block her attack with my sword. It takes all of my strength with two hands to stop her scythe that she's wielding with one hand. She smiles as she looks at me. "You're adorable when you try to stop me." She says as she lifts her scythe and lays it on her shoulder. "I'll let you and your friends live this time, but next time we fight, I won't hold back. And as for Raven, I'll let him live this time." Rukia says as she smiles and teleports away. I can't belive that she just left. She could've easily killed us but she didn't. She also said she wouldn't hold back next time, does that mean she was holding back this time? I think to myself as I fall back onto the ground and look up at the sky. As I lay on the ground I feel my body getting numb. So tired. I think as I fall asleep. I wake up in my room and look to my window. There's a little light coming through my window from the full moon outside. I sit up and scratch my head. "Sleep well?" I hear a voice say. I quickly jolt up but trip over my covers and fall face first onto the floor. "Ah, damnit." I mumble to myself as I slowly stand up. Suddenly my light gets flicked on and light floods my room. I'm blinded by the sudden light change. After a moment I can see. I see a girl standing next to my bed. She's wearing a Black jacket, black shirt, black pants, and black shoes. She has hair that falls down past her shoulders and is covering one eye. The eye looks normal except for the iris of her eye. The iris of her eye is red. She stares at me for a moment. I quickly reach into my pocket for Nirioki but can't find it. "Are you looking for this?" The woman asks as she holds up Nirioki in its knife form. I grit my teeth and stare at her as a drop of sweat rolls down my cheek. "You look nervous, I'm not here to hurt you, I just knew you'd see me as a threat and reach for your weapon. So I removed it from your pocket while you were asleep." She says as she lays Nirioki on my bed. "Who are you, what are you doing in my room?" I ask. "I was told you were weak, and that you needed power. I can train you." She says. If you want to get stronger, seek me out, I will train you." She says as she pulls a piece of paper out of her pocket and lays it on my bed. "Follow the directions on this paper to find me, I'll be waiting." She says as she vanishes. I quickly jump over my bed and grab Nirioki. Yea right, like I'd follow her. She seems nuts. I think to myself as I pick up the paper and stare at it. "No." I say quietly as I lay the paper on my dresser and lay down. I'm still tired. I think as I start dose off.

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