Zero and Jericho

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"You two are dating!?" Aziria yells as Zero nods and watches us. "She's the enemy! She tortured me! She almost killed me!" Aziria yells as she grabs Zero's collar. "Are you really picking her over your friends?!" Aziria yells as Zero closes his eyes. For a moment, no one says anything. Wind blows through the trees but soon everything becomes eerily quiet. "Yes." Zero replies as he opens his eyes and pushes Aziria away. She looks shocked but quickly shakes her head and draws her sword. "If you're siding with the enemy, then you are the enemy." Aziria says as she readies her sword. Vexx quickly runs away as Snow readies her sword as well. Zero looks over at me. "And you? Whose side are you on?" Zero asks as I stare at him. I sigh and summon Nirioki. "Jericho attacked me. She's my enemy. I don't want to fight you, but I won't hold back if you insist on protecting her." I say as I point my sword toward Zero. Zero nods and closes his eyes. "I see." Zero says quietly as he holds up his hand. "I don't want to fight either." Zero mumbles as a portal opens behind Jericho and him. He quickly grabs Jericho and jumps through the portal. I run towards portal but it closes before it can get to it. "Damnit, they got away." I mumble to myself as Aziria growls. "They didn't get away. They just want a different venue to fight in. They went to a unknown place. We'll need to be cautious." Aziria says as she starts walking back toward the house. "Come on Kai, Snow, we have to get some people to come with us." Aziria says as I return Nirioki to it's knife form and put it in my pocket. Damnit. Why would he choose her over us? I think to myself as we walk home. After several minutes we arrive at the house. Velon and Saber are sitting on the ground talking. "Velon! Zero went rogue. He's helping Jericho." Aziria yells as Velon looks at us. "Where are they?" Velon asks as Aziria shrugs. "We don't know. I was hoping you can track them." Aziria says as Velon sighs. "I'm not good at tracking energy signatures, but she is." Velon says as he points toward Saber. Saber yawns and stands up. "Sure, I'll track the kid." Saber says as Velon stands up. "Do we need anyone else?" Velon asks as Aziria looks at me. "Know anyone we should get?" Aziria asks as I think for a moment. "What about Anix? Or Raven? Or even Marick?" I ask as Velon nods. "I know where they are." Velon says as he stretches and smiles. "Wait here for a moment." Velon says as he vanishes. "So why did Zero go rogue?" Saber asks as I close my eyes. "Jericho is his girlfriend. She tried to kill us but he doesn't care. He cares about her more than he does his friends." I hear Aziria say as I feel anger bubbling up inside of me. Why would he side with Jericho? She's trying to hunt us. I think to myself as Snow speaks up. "He will most likely protect Jericho. Who should we aim for more?" Snow asks as I open my eyes. "Zero is probably stronger than Jericho, but we can't let our guard down around Jericho. She's extremely fast." I say as Aziria rubs the back of her neck. "This definitely won't be easy." Aziria says as she sighs. "What's taking Velon so long? Is he getting people to help us or is he on vacation?" Aziria asks sarcastically as Saber yawns. "I don't know but I'm bored." Saber says as she looks around. "He needs to get back quickly, or we might lose Zero." Aziria says as Saber laughs. "I can track energy better than anyone." Saber says as Velon appears beside Saber. Raven and Anix are with him. "Marick was asleep." Anix says as he pops his knuckles. "So we gonna go find Zero and Jericho now? I'm getting anxious to fight. I haven't been in a good fight in a while." Anix says as I laugh. "I'm guessing Velon filled you in on what happened?" I ask as Anix nods. "Yes he did, and I have been wanting to fight him for a while anyway. This should work out." Anix says as Saber starts running towards the woods. We all follow her and Aziria speaks up. "Where are you going?" Aziria asks as Saber laughs. "I can feel where Zero teleported away. The exact location is this way." Saber says as we follow her. Soon we all get to where Zero teleported away. Saber quickly opens a portal and jumps through it. We all follow and arrive in a large dry space. There are mountains all over the place. "This way." Saber says as she starts running toward a large mountain. "They are on the top of that mountain." Saber says as we look up to the top of the mountain. "It's several miles high, it'll take forever to scale that mountain." Aziria says as Snow looks around. "I don't see any ways to get up there quickly." Snow says as Raven laughs. "Velon, let's show everyone what we can do." Raven says as he puts his hands on Aziria and Snow. "Saber, touch my shoulder." Raven says as Saber lays her hand on his shoulder. Anix and I quickly grab onto Velon. In an instant were at the top of the mountain. I look behind me and down and see we're extremely high up. I look forward and see Zero standing in front of Jericho. "Zero, we're here to get Jericho. Come with us peacefully, this doesn't need to get messy." Velon says as Zero glares at us. "What do you want Jericho for?" Zero asks as Velon takes a step forward. "We won't kill her, but she does need to be punished for helping kidnap Aziria." Velon says as Zero summons his sword. "You won't touch her." Zero growls as we all ready our weapons. "Jericho, get out of here." I hear Zero mumble. Jericho vanishes as Zero smiles. "I'm gonna teach you all a lesson about why you don't try to hurt my girlfriend!" Zero yells as grey energy starts forming all around him. He swings his sword toward his side as energy forms around him. The half of the mountain he swung toward is cut in half, and crumbles. "Watch out! That's Zero's dark side!" Velon yells.

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