Satan's Wrath [Chapter 21]

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As I jump toward Satan and swing my sword, he easily knocks me aside with one hand and laughs.

"Is that all you can do? If so, you're just a pathetic child."

He laughs while running up to me and swinging his sword down towards me. I block his swing but the force knocks me back onto my back. I quickly roll to my feet. I get to my feet and see him bringing his sword down right on top of me once more. Vic, Zero, and Aziria block the attack and barely stop Satan's blade from hitting me. I see Jinna jump up to the top of the pole and grab Zen. Aziria, Zero, and Vic push satan back and Zero swings at him and sends a wave of grey energy toward satan. I see a big explosion where the energy meets satan. Smoke floods the area from the attack. From the smoke satan runs toward us and grabs Vic.

Satan puts his palm over Vic's face and lifts her off the ground. I see her struggling to get free as satan slams her down to the ground and cracks the floor. Vic's body goes limp as I watch with wide eyes. Zero grits his teeth and jumps up to satan and starts to swing his blade. Satan tosses Vic aside and grabs Zero by the ankle, slamming him down to the ground. The floor cracks more and Zero is knocked unconcious.

"No more need for fighting."

We hear from behind us. As we turn around we see a girl holding a sword to Vic's throat. I grit my teeth and watch as the girl laughs evily. Satan speaks.

"Good job Yuki, I knew you'd come in handy."

Satan says while he kicks me 20 feet away from him. I slide off the edge of the sky yard and quickly grab the ledge with my free hand, slowly pull myself up. When I get up, I see Jinna holding Zen over her shoulder and Aziria is standing near me. Satan doesn't notice as the girl named Yuki picks up Vic then tosses her back to Satan.

All of a sudden I see Vexx jump from the doorway and bite Yuki on the ankle. She screams and kicks Vexx away. She stares at Vexx for a moment then a look of shock comes across her face.


She mumble. Vexx growls and runs over to me to guard me. I slowly pull myself up and pat Vexx's head. Jinna jumps over and lands next to us, Zen hanging over her shoulder. We look at Zero and Vic laying on the ground unconcious.

"What do we do?"

Jinna whispers to us. Before I can answer a girl walks from the doorway to the tower with Raycar over one shoulder and another girl over her other shoulder. Satan looks at them.

"Saber, why are you here? Who are those people?"

Satan says.

"I found the boy in the prison cells trying to free this girl."

Saber says as the tosses the girl and Raycar down onto the ground.

She, she beat Raycar!?

I think as I stare at Saber. She looks at us then looks back at Satan. Satan reaches for the girl first. He picks her up and stares at her. Saber teleports in between us and Satan. She looks at us and draws a blade that's black as night from its sheath. I stare at her and motice her armor is made of bone with black cloth under it. Satan tosses the girl aside a few feet from me and I stare at her.

Who is she? And why was Raycar trying to save her?

I think as I look back up and see Satan pick up Raycar. Raycar jolts his eyes open.


He yells as his white energy blade forms and goes right through Satan's chest. Satan let's out a yell in pain then throws Raycar to the side. Jinna teleports to Raycar while he's in air and catches him. Saber turns back and looks at Satan.

"Are you ok, lord Satan?"

Saber asks coldly. Satan coughs up a little blood then looks at Raycar and Jinna. He takes a step toward them but Saber cuts through both of his legs. Everyone jumps back in shock as Saber sticks her sword through the back of Satan's head.

"He's not dead, but that should buy us enough time to escape."

Saber says as she picks up Zero and Vic. As we start walking through the door to the tower, we see Yuki sitting next to satan. Raycar picks up the girl he rescued and walks with us. Satan starts reforming and starts laughing.

"Saber! You will pay for your betrayel!!"

Satan yells when we all start running down the stairs to the tower. After several minutes of running we reach the bottom and run through the castle. We soon exit the front door to the castle and see Satan standing 20 feet from the door with 50 guards behind him. Satan is clutching his sword and growls.

"I don't like it when my favorite guard betrays me."

He says, staring daggers at Saber. Saber steps forward and readies her sword.

"You guys get out of here, I've been planning to do this for a while."

Saber says as she teleports to satan sand swings her sword. Satan easily counters and knocks her back then jumps toward her. All of a sudden satan stops moving in mid jump and him and all of his guards look away from the castle. Off in the distance we see someone walking toward us. It's a man with black clothing and a big sword on his back. Satan and all the other demons take a step back. As he gets close to us he stops.

"I'm here for the head of Satan. Since you've been weakened a bit, it should be easier."

The man says. Satan stares at him and I see Saber running toward the portal off in the distance. Satan doesn't take his eyes off of the guy as we all start running toward the portal. As we look back we see Satan start fighting the guy and all the guards are being thrown around like toys. Before we get through the portal I see the guy stomp Satan's head into the ground.

Yep, we're getting the hell out of here.

I think as I jump through the portal. As we arrive back into the normal world I see everyone breathing hard. Zero, Zen, and Vic are laying on the ground and Raycar has the girl that he rescued over his shoulder.

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