Dark Skies And Hateful Eyes

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As Mary, Raven, Zero, and I ready ourselves Rukia laughs Can we beat her? I think to myself as she comes running toward us. "She doesn't have a weapon." Zero mumbles under his breath as she jumps toward us. We quickly jump back as she gets close to us. As we all watch her she smiles wickedly. "Are you just gonna run like scared little roaches?" Rukia asks as she vanishes. We all quickly start looking around, trying to find Rukia. Suddenly I hear a loud ripping sound. As I turn around I see Rukia is holding her scythe to the ground and Mary has been cut in half. The sight of her body cut evenly in half, blood sputtering, makes me feel sick. Rukia suddenly laughs and runs toward us. "I can teleport, but not very much." Rukia says as she swings toward me with her scythe. I easily block her attack but it pushes me aside several feet and she runs past me. She quickly does a forward flip and swings her scythe toward Zero. Zero smiles and blocks her scythe with his sword. He gets pushed about a foot deep into the sand beneath us. Rukia flips over Zero then swings toward the back of his neck. Zero smiles as Rukia gets kicked back several feet. Anix and Aziria are standing beside Zero. "Anix! Aziria! How did you get here!?" Zero yells as I smile and Anix points to our left. As we look to our left we see a large portal with several hundred people standing in the portals doorway. Rukia laughs and swings her scythe around. "The more fun I get to have." Rukia says as she runs toward Anix and Aziria. Aziria and Anix quickly block Rukia's attacks. I run around behind Rukia and jump toward her back. Almost out of instinct, Rukia turns around and kicks me in the gut. The force of her kick knocks me back 40 feet. I jam my sword into the sand to stop from going any farther. As I look up I see Rukia holding Anix by the throat. Suddenly Avil, Marick, and Vic surround Rukia. She looks around at everyone them drops Anix. "This is getting interesting." Rukia says as Marick runs toward her. I quickly run behind Rukia again and swing my sword toward the back of her neck. She kicks Marick in the face and does a back flip over me. As she lands behind me she swings her scythe toward my ribs. I drop to the ground and narrowly avoid getting hit. Aziria and Vic suddenly jump over my and swing their swords toward Rukia. She blocks both but Vic's black flames burn Rukia's arms. Rukia jumps back and pushes her arm into the sand to put out the fire. "You're annoying flames stung a bit, Vic." Rukia says as she vanishes. She reappears behind Vic and jams the blade of her scythe through Vic's spinal column. She then slams Vic's body down headfirst to the ground. A loud sharp cracking sound is heard as Vic's head hits the sand. I look closer and notice the sand in now rock. What's happening here?! I think to myself as Rukia smiles. "Don't forget, I control this dimension. I can turn sand into rock with no effort at all." Rukia growls as Aziria swings towards Rukia's back. Rukia easily ducks then kicks Aziria in the ribs. Aziria gets knocked back 30 feet from Rukia's kick. Marick and Raven quickly run forward and attack Rukia. "I don't wanna fight you two just yet, I want to take out the spectators." Rukia says as she teleports past Avil and cuts his head off with the arch in her scythe's blade. Avil's head lands a few feet away from his body as Rukia quickly turns around and smiles. "Come on, this is too easy." Rukia says as Marick and Raven run toward her. Once more I run behind her and attack from behind. Rukia jumps up and kicks Marick and Raven in their faces the quickly does a midair back flip and kicks me in the face with both of her feet. We all get knocked back 60 feet from the kicks. As we all stand up we see Rukia looking at us, almost deciding who to attack. Suddenly Zero appears above her and thrusts his sword toward her shoulder. Rukia sidesteps him then kicks him in the ribs. Zero gets knocked 80 feet into the air and lands next to Raven. Zero slowly stands up as I run toward Rukia and swing toward her. She easily blocks my sword with the handle of her scythe then pushes me back as she blocks Aziria, who came running up behind her. "You're all slow." Rukia says as I smile nervously. I would teleport but I don't think it would make much difference. Rukia is really strong, how do I hit her? I think to myself as I laugh. I guess teleporting is the best idea right now. I think as I teleport behind Rukia and swing toward her neck. She starts to block but I teleport to her opposite side. She quickly spins to block me their but I teleport above her and swing toward her head. She holds up her scythe to block my attack but I teleport behind her once more. Got her! I think as I thrust my sword toward her back. In the blink of an eye I get knocked back several feet. "What, what just happened?" I mumble as I slowly get up. "I just exerted enough energy to push you back. You got a little too close for comfort." Rukia says as she tilts her head and smiles. "Sadly, now you die." Rukia says as she slams her scythe down toward me. I start to pull my sword up but can't. Damnit, too slow! I think as I close my eyes. Suddenly I hear a loud high pitched sound from metal on metal. As I open my eyes I see 2 swords blocking Rukia's scythe. The blades are against the staff part of the scythe and the blade of her scythe in no more than an inch away from my face. I quickly roll backwards to my feet and look at who saved me. "Velon. Zen." I mumble quietly as I feel my hair blowing in the slight breeze. "I had some motivation, like a sword to my throat." Zen says with a smile. Velon smiles and vanishes. "Rose!" I hear Velon's voice call out as Rose and Velon both appear in front of Rukia and punch her in the face. The force of their punches launches Rukia back half a mile. Sand is whipping and blowing away from the force of their punch. Rose puts her hands on her hips and smiles. "Gotta be faster than that." Rose says as Velon laughs. "Sorry we're late, I had some people to talk to." Velon says as I look back and see Aziria sitting next to Vic's dead body. As Rukia stands up I feel hatred and anger flowing through me. Memories flash of Raycar and Vic as I tightly grip my sword. "I will never forgive you!" I yell as I summon all my energy into my 3rd release. "I'M DONE PLAYING GAMES!" I shout as sand around me starts whipping around like a tornado. Even if it costs me my body, I will win. I think as Rukia laughs in the distance.

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