A New Level Of Training

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Rukia smiles softly and waves to me. "Come on, don't keep a girl waiting." Rukia says jokingly as she summons a scythe to her hands. "How are you alive?! We killed you!" I shout as she laughs. "I'm death, as long as I stay here I can't die. You killed my physical form so I can no longer leave this place. I'm stuck here." Rukia says as she sighs as spins her scythe around. "It's alright Kai, I asked her to help us train. She understands the threat level of Silvia." Ayden says as he walks next to me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Yea, chill down. We need to help you get stronger so you can kick Silvia's ass." Rukia says as she smiles. "Rukia, why are you acting so nice now? Last time we met, you were evil." I say as Rukia laughs. "Yes, I was. But as I was killed I had a long time to reflect on my actions. I came to realize I had made a huge mistake. I'm sorry for everything that happened between us." Rukia says as she bows to me slightly. "I see." I mumble to myself as Ayden walks over to Rukia. "Ok, as we discussed, he'll fight you first." Ayden says as he vanishes. "You heard the man, Kai. We agreed that whenever you cut me you'll be able to fight him." Rukia says as I pop my neck. "Sounds fine by me." I growl. Suddenly Rukia appears in front of me. She quickly swings her scythe toward me. I slightly move my sword and block her scythe. I teleport behind her and swing toward her neck. She quickly ducks and sweeps my feet. I roll over in mid fall and land on my hands and knees. As I look over my shoulder I see Rukia bringing her scythe down toward me. I quickly roll forward and just slightly get out of range of her scythes blade. "You're alot better than the last time we fought." Rukia mumbles as she swings toward my side. I quickly turn and block her scythe with my sword then kick upward toward her stomach. She steps to the side and takes one hand off of her scythe then grabs my ankle. I smirk and spin around and kick her in the face with my other foot. As she stumbles back I roll to my feet and lunge toward her. I swing toward her neck but she leans back and evades my attack. She quickly does a back flip and lands on her feet. For a moment we stare at each other. I quickly teleport to her and attack in a wild flurry of attacks. She blocks every attack but suddenly I hear a loud snap. Rukia jumps back and looks at her scythe. I notice attack chunk is missing from the handle and there's several cracks in the scythe. I teleport to her and attack once more. She starts to block but my sword cuts right through her scythe's handle. As my sword gets close to her face she jumps back. "Well, looks like we're done playing." Rukia says as she smiles and holds up her right hand. Suddenly I hear several loud explosions. I look up and see planets forming above us. "Let's get serious." Rukia says as she summons another scythe to her hand. She quickly lunges toward me and swings. I block her scythe but she knocks me upward. In the blink of an eye I hit the ground. Chunks of rock pop out of the ground from the force of me hitting the ground. As I look ahead of me I see Rukia on the desert hundreds of miles away from me. She looks like a speck from so far away but quickly appears at me and kicks me in the stomach. I cough up blood and close my eyes tightly. As I open the I see 2 planets in a straight row crumbling with a giant hole in both. As I look around I see I'm in the middle of a crater. "Shit, how am I not dead?" I ask myself as I hear Ayden speak from out of my field of vision. "Rukia decides when you die, she just keeps you from dying." Ayden says as he laughs a little. As I start to stand up Rukia appears in front of me and brings her scythe down toward me. I quickly jump to the side as the planet is cut in half. I quickly jump back as Rukia appears in front of me again. She swings her scythe toward me but I block it. Once again I get launched back several hundred miles in the blink of an eye and crack the surface of another planet. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Ok, I'm calling on the power of both the angel and demon living within me. Give me some strength or I'm going to get my ass kicked forever. I think as I hear two sighs. A girls voice speaks up. "Fine, take my power." She says as I hear a man laugh. "Same here, take my power. You seem to use alot of it." I hear him say. As I open my eyes I see Rukia staring at me wide eyed. She quickly shakes her head and teleports to me and starts to swing toward me. I teleport behind her and cut across her back. As I finish the movement of the cut the ground shakes extremely bad underneath me, I hear an extremely loud explosion, and a large wall of dust is kicked up. As my hair falls down in front of my face I notice half my hair is black and the other half is white. "So is this the power of my angel and demon power working together? It feels odd, almost as though it's more than just angelic and demonic. It feels greater than the presence of God and Satan." I mumble to myself as the dust blows away, revealing several crumbling planets in front of me.

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