Planning For War

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I walk over and sit next to Velon. "What's going on?" I ask as Velon look at me. "This is the war council. We're planning on how to defeat Silvia." Velon says as I look around. There's around 150 people in the room. On the outside ring I see Saber, Rose, Vexx, Raven, Orion, and Aziria. On the next row in I see Zen, Anix, God, and Rukia. On the inside ring there is The Elder Spirits, Velon, Ayden, Saras, a few people I don't recognize, me and 2 empty seats. Suddenly a pillar grows from the floor in the center of all the rings. It goes about 6 feet high and a man appears on it. I can't pick out any features on him. He has blackness wrapped around his body. He looks like an upright shadow. He holds up his hand and everybody stops talking. "We are here to discuss a battle plan for dealing with Silvia. This fight won't be easy, no matter how talented you all are. We will openly hear suggestions on how to take her down. Any ideas?" The man asks as Saras smirks and stands up. "My plan is this. I'll need most of the demon and angels to distract Silvia while 50 high powered demons and angels channel their energy into me. I'll charge up a massive attack then take her head off from far away with my bow." Saras says as the man on the pillar shakes his head. "The success rate on an attack like that for this opponent is only point seven percent. Any other ideas we could use?" The man says as Saras sits down. God stands up next. "Yes Aldo, what is your plan?" The man on the pillar asks. "Well, why can't we her with long range attack while a few talented fighters deal with her up close. She can't deal with both at the same time. We could beat her by sending more toward her than she could block. I know there will be casualties but there will be casualties in this fight no matter what. I'm willing to work with demons to save innocent lives." Aldo says as the man on the pillar starts to speak. Suddenly a man on the 3rd ring with grey hair stands up. "Why can't we just use the humans as bait?! They're pathetic and weak! While she's busy picking them off we could sneak up and kill her!" The man says as a small amount of whispering starts around the large room. The man on the pillar says nothing, but he snaps his fingers. Everyone looks toward him. "Humans are weak you say, Galin?" The man on the pillar says as we hear a gunshot. I quickly look over and the the man with grey hair is dead. We all look back and see Sinclair holding her sniper rifle. "Sinclair Mercer, you may take his spot on this war council for killing that demon that was too arrogant for his own good. He always thought he was over everyone, even though he was relatively weak." The man on the pillar says as Sinclair walks over to the chair. I stare toward Sinclair ad she smiles and takes her seat. She quickly looks over to me and I look away. I shake my head and look up toward the man on the Pillar. "Any other ideas?" He asks as Velon stands up. "I am putting my faith in Kai! Not too long ago, Zero fought Saras- and held his own if I might add. And to settle the fight Kai joined. We gave him our energy and somehow or another he was able to withstand the massive amount of energy we gave him. I believe I we could give him enough energy, while some demons and angels are continuously healing him, he could fight Silvia." Velon says as the man on the pillar shakes his head. "No, that plan only has a 4 percent success rate. You're going off your instincts and nothing more. Kai would most certainly die if he had that much energy." The man says as Velon glares at him. Velon sits down and smiles. "That's the only plan I can think of that'll work." Velon says as Raven speaks up. "I believe I have a solution. What if we all tried to seal her power. The DHC from the human world has tags that seal power. They achieved the ability to seal power after an encounter with a titan of unknown origins. I spoke with the leaders of he DHC and they don't completely know who he was. All they knew was he has silver hair and heavy golden armor." Raven says as I think for a moment. Why does that sound so familiar? Do I know that person? I think as the man on the pillar nods. "That has a fifteen percent chance of success. It seems that's the best we can get. Alright! Who says we should attempt Ravens plan?" He asks as we see all but 20 people stand up. "It is decided, we shall try to seal her energy away then try to kill her while she is majorly weakened. I'll give you all a few hours to supply yourselves. "Also, Sinclair, will the human race be helping us?" He asks as Sinclair stands up. "By what I was told, they're recruiting anyone they can find." Sinclair says as he nods. "Good, humans have unpredictability on their side. My fellow beings, this shall be our last stand. No matter what casualties will most likely be in hundreds of millions or billions. We can win this! We will win this!" He says as everyone stands up. I quickly stand up as he raises his fist. "We will show Silvia that our lives aren't just a toy to play with then throw away!" He yells as he teleports away. I hear lots of people cheering as everyone starts teleporting away. Velon looks to me. "Kai I have to get some things. I already talked to several others about this, we're squad 4 in this out of several thousand squads. Here, this will teleport you to the small dimension were we'll get ready before the fight. Now that we have a plan I can get items accordingly. I'll meet you there soon." Velon says as I take the tag and nod. I channel a slight amount of energy into it and teleport to a room about 50 feet by 50 feet wide and long. Suddenly I feel another energy signature. I turn around and see Sinclair.

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